


Russia: 1917 October Revolution






some of
also has people from Kronstadt - have largest
warships of hme - Sailed one news
Petrograd in
case they were needed
4 in estery
The m


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some of
also has people from Kronstadt - have largest
warships of hme - Sailed one news
Petrograd in
case they were needed
4 in estery
The m


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some of
also has people from Kronstadt - have largest
warships of hme - Sailed one news
Petrograd in
case they were needed
4 in estery
The m


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some of also has people from Kronstadt - have largest warships of hme - Sailed one news Petrograd in case they were needed 4 in estery The military Revolutionary Committee: The Military Revolutionary Committee were powerful bodies that installed Soviet power. Organise defense possible German attack or assault. Bolshevics could so they would be able The Souter decision to create the MRC had sounded the deathknell of ro Connol Demograd. the Provisional Grovernment, Militia. MRC later becomes Red any that stops move through Staningrad. and secured of Petrograd against another Komilout type ne MRC control ·allows him to be Crock-line figure - the military figure The role of Trotsky: while Lenin was undoubtedly great influence behind the October rising, it was Trotsky who organised it. His success came from Chairmanship OP Petrograd soviet, was elected. October 9, soviet ser up Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC). Bolsheviks could control MRC, mey would control Petrograd. He was one of three-man inner team. it acted on the authority of the soviet. When Lenin Igave orders to uprise, Trotsky directed the Red Guards in their seizure, of bridges + telegraph officers. The events of the Revolution: September 25: Bolsheviks gained a in Petrograd Soviet. October 9: Perrograd soviet set up Military Revolutionary Committee. majority October 11. Kamenev and Zinoviev publicly opposed idea of retuition. July Days- you shouldn't at it, so do it | વસ્તુ It is an Kanner + prope Jo Save ins branded on gradt nan German spy due to coming through organised event. If PG dealt with propiems of they would've aller mem the war, had Lenin boarden needed to stop war. So asum No one really gets killed only monon in prison soldiers to ose...

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Alternative transcript:

so nirmed it into and. munny 25 Feb-lots were shot + kuined by Kosano. Feb revolution - 100, 000 as part of Kornulev affair help defeat shut office Grave the Bolsheviks weapons- Political tensions in Russia: opinion in meir miadle By the of September Boisnevik's gained a majority in boon Petrograd and Moscow This was not a swing of reflection rather a of changing characte of A few months after February Revolution, meetings were fully attended. Over Soviets favor but soviet. but by attended proportion moved Lenin midale 1917 attendance was force, which in to its numbers to the left, while said, Either a cause able Kerensky sided with Bolshevi'ns and were seen as to protect Petrograd. Moscow. of being Vored, 1/3 of SR have chance vote so pusn them to don't want vote. workers on strike THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION Kan stradt manifesto-first Place in Europe w to have communism state that actually woked vers April thesis- 10 like Commo re in the Bolsheviks How did Kerensky and the PG Bolsheviks an opportunity give the Kerensky was seen to give me Bolsheviks an ne fled from opportunity through me way Perrograd after failing to raise troops, resulting seizing the Winto Palace. kerensky med to make his government less exposed by October 24: First Session of ongress of Soviers announcing plans for the creation of a pre-paniament'. October 24-25: Bolsheviks took control of Petrograd Pace. Kerensky body with the authority to advise paniament. was intended to fill the interim before the Constituent Assembly. Lenin immediately condemned the pre-parliament to leause as a not to broaden the base ann-climes to smrengthen its grip on power. Bolsheviks mocked its loudly and walked out. were successful in undermining men auside Pre-parliament. Kerensky thought date was already set, ny October 23: Kerensky moved to close down Pravda and 12 veshiya Lenin instructed Bolsheviks to begin uprising. Cror nopropaganda So tell workers go to from Petrograd after failing to or Palace.) ny Hoops. Bolsheviks seized person. Winter Palace.) forced October 25-26: Kerensky Hea October 26: Bolsheviks established Sommarkom October 21: Lenin claimed power in the name of the tem all Soviers. Congress of + have ordered 23 in I thim oanders of 3000 deputies packed into Tauride Palace, few hundred. Bolsheviks always au of exerted an influence To right. meant they After the Kornilov Affair, the Petrograd Soviet Provisional Government went soviet government or Kornilovism. There is as they were Boisheviks Constituent voles, so Forvara greint revolution to avoid From & panty to prepare for the Provisional Government government. war and land, leaving that became In a centence dealing with revolutionaries. heroes be socialist War, peace bread land, all do. calls it a soviet government to make it feel inclusive. Could Lenin's ideas: either do ne greate good of support borgonie. his exile in Finland, Lenin constantly appealed to his immediate overthrow of Kerensky's were in capable of Sovier only hope for part of Bolshevik wrote on 12 September: History will not forgive Lenin action legend us if we do not assume power. Lenin convinced that before meeting of All-Russian Congress of Soviets happen the Constituent Assembly election of and appeal to the Prime SRS Lenin was workers. He stole one of the land policies from me him gain more October th needed to in late in November. Iwell as me seen to Made which said to give 'land to the peasenes'. supporters. Promised they would push for JOVICI 1930s things mat • they could starve those out who disagreed. for 82%. Focused on workers before then also accounted for the peasants + agricultral, womers. The leading Bolsheviks and their opinions on no second revolution, would Kerensky + PG failed to revolution be a in current mistake of The Bolshevik Central An article written by two members Committee, Grigor Zinoview and Lev Kamenev, in would it which they argued that overthrow the PG to attempt To went back 40 at a series waverers. On to an armed date. circumstances. Two weeks convince October 7 to Petrograd and spent Comittee meetings to of Central October 10 Central bur failed to insurrection Committee pledged itself agree on specific Kamenev - stayed until Stalin - frue Communists, read Marx Lo not right time for revolution, Got to have had no tsar for decades 10 order to have socialist reform 4 like idea bur can't happen so fast / Lenin wants power quickly so there is no vote or Constiniant Assembly. Contrusts idea of to include yone and give using "Soviet everyone. everyone a say. Scanned with CamScanner some of of also has people from Kronstadt - have, largest warships hme Sailed one neau Petrograd in case they were needed 4 in estery The military Revolutionary Committee: The Military Revolutionary Committee were powerful bodies that installed and secured Soviet power. Organise defense of Petrograd possible German attack or Bolsheviks could assault. against another Komilout type control MRC So they would be able to connol Perrograd. The Souter decision to create the MRC had sounded the deathknell of the Provisional Crovernment. Militia. MRC later becomes Red any that stops move through Staningrad. allows him to be Crod-like figure - true military figure The role of Trotsky : While Lenin was undoubtedly great influence behind the October rising, it was Trotsky who organised it. His success came from chairmanship of Petrograd soviet, was elected. October 9, soviet ser up Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC). control MRC, mey would control of three-man inner team. Bolshe niks could Petrograd. He was one it acted on the authority of the soviet. When Lenin gave orders to uprise, trotsky directed the Red Guards seizure, of bridges + telegraph officers. in their The events of the Revolution: September 25: Bolsheviks gained a in Petrograd Soviet. October 9: Petrograd soviet set up Military Revolutionary Committee. majority October 11: Kamenev and Zinoviev publicly opposed idea of revolition. October 23: Kerensky moved to close down Prauda and 2 uppone un idea of July Days, German spy due to do it, so do it it more powerful • makes yanda It is an Kamerver + Zn the organised event. No one Sailors killed officers. Konstradt mem If PG dealt with propiems of the war, they would've had soldiers to help defeat Lenin coming o needed rom dois e way > MOS wow me wased in really gets killed ese soldiers shot office to and turned it into munny killed 25 Feb- lots were shoe + by Kosaks. Feb revolution - as part of Kornilov affair Gave the Bolsheviks weapons. 100,000 THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION workers an strike Konstadt manifesto - first place in Europe w to have communism state that actually woked bu att propo movce Lenin midal Kerensky able Scanned with CamScanner SR have don't wo vote. April Hesi How did Kerensky and the PG Bolsheviks an give the Kerensky was seen to give me Bolsheviks opportunity through the way he fled from Pemrograd after raise troops, resulting in the Bolsheviks Winto Palace. 12 vestiya Lenin instructed Bolsheviks to begin uprising. Cror nopropaganda 3o tell workers go to winter of Soviets failing to Kerensky med to make his government less exposed by seizing one October 24: First Session of Congress announcing plans for the creation of a pre-paniament' - October 24-25: Bolsheviks took control of Petrograd Pallace. + Kerensky body with the authority to advise paniament October 25-26: constituent October 26: Bolsheviks established Sownarkom October 27: Lenin claimed power in the name of the took all Congress of Troops. Bolsheviks seized person. Winter Palace.) Assembly. Lenin immediately condemned the pre-parliament base but f as a manoeuvre not to broaden the government's anti-climax to strengthen its grip on power. Bolsheviks mocked bus "loudly and walked out. were successful in undermini men ourside Pre-paniament. Kerensky thought date was already set, so •have photo of ordered pre-emptive attack on 23 October. I nining Soviets. them outside opportunity. an re P organised event. 1 + Zn If PG dealt with propiems of the war, they would've had soldiers to help defeat Lenin ming needed p war. mem only month in prison No one really gets killed > posud ese soldies shor To and turned it into munny 25 Feb- lots were shot + killed by Kosaks. Feb revolution office as part of Kornilov attair 100,000 Gave the Bolsheviks weapons. workers on strike THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION Kan stradt manifesto- first place in Europe wo to have communism state that actually How did Kerensky and the PG give the Bolsheviks an misky was seen of SR have chance them to don't want vote. By the majority in This rather middle both was not a a reflection of 3000 deputies packed into Tauride Palace, Bolsheviks always was a A few months were Fully attended. Over few hundred. 1917 but attendance by attended in force, which meant they. its After the numbers to proportion moved to the left, while Lenin said, ´Either a cause. au of exerted an influence Kornilov Affair, the Petrograd Soviet Provisional Government went to right." sovier government or Kornilovism. There is they midale were seen as heroeo as were Kerensky sided with Bolsheviks and able to protect Petrograd + Moscow. Vored, 1/3 of Constituent voles, so Bolsheviks ∞ awoich forvard+ start revolution SD pusn April thesis- ne fled from raise troops, resulting. Winto Palace." Political tensions in Russia: 10 like the Commo of September Bolshevik's gained a Petrograd and Moscow opinion in their swing of of changing characte of after February Revolution, meetings Soviets favor soviet. from his & party to prepare for the government. Provisional us if needed in late being vote opportunity: after to e Bolsheviks to give me Bolsheviks an munity through the way ograd failing seizing 36 Ensky med to make his government less exposed by unding plans for the creation of a pre-paniament' - - with the authority to advise paniament. 3 intended to fill the interim before the Constituent Sembly. Lenin immediately condemned the pre-parliament to leave a manoeuvre not to broaden the governments base but parry in -mengthen its grip on power. Bolsheviks mocked and walked out. - were successful in undermining -Niament, Kerensky thought date was already set, so forced 1930s. pre-emptive attack on 23 October. with reven cuiries. In calls it a soviet government to make it feel inclusive. Could Lenin's ideas: either do the greate good of suppore borgoitie. war and land, leaving Sovier that became legend; Lenin we do not to happen and October Lenin was workers. He which said to give 'land to supporters. November. I well as me Promised they would push for exile in Finland, Lenin constantly appealed to his immediate overthrow of Kerensky's were in capable of Government only hope for a part of a sentence Bolshevik forgive wrote on 12 September: 'History will not action closume power.' Lenin convinced that before meeting of All-Russian Congress of Soviets થતંત of the Constituent Assembly to appeal to the peasants stole one of the land policies from the Made him gain more the peasenes'. seen be socialist War, peace bread land, do. but JOVICIS all things mat they could starve those out who disagreed. for 82%. Focused on workers before then also accounted for the peasants + agricultral, workers The leading Bolsheviks and their opinions on Lenin wants power quickly so there is Constituant Assembly. Contrusts idea to include everyone using 'Soviet' everyone a say. second revolution, would Kerensky + PG failed to revolution. two members mistake Central of The Bolshevik An article written by and Lev Kamenev, in be a Committee, Grigor Zinovier would in current circumstances. which they argued that overthrow the PG Two weeks to attempt to Petrograd and spent October 7 to convince went back 400 Comittee meenings ara series of Central October 10 Central Committee pledged itself waverers. On bur failed to agree on specific to an armed insurrection date. Kamenev - stayed until Stalin - true Communists, read Marx 1 Lo not night time for revolution, Got to have had no I have socialist reform order to 10 Tsar for decades so foot can'e happen ↳ like idea but vote or no "and give SRS Scanned with CamScanner