


The Bolsheviks and the April Theses: A Level Russian History 1914-1941






<p>In April 1917, with the assistance of the Germans, Lenin returned to Russia from Switzerland and immediately took control of the Bolshev


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<p>In April 1917, with the assistance of the Germans, Lenin returned to Russia from Switzerland and immediately took control of the Bolshev


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In April 1917, with the assistance of the Germans, Lenin returned to Russia from Switzerland and immediately took control of the Bolsheviks, preparing to seize power using a clear plan. The plan included gaining control of the Petrograd Soviet and then proceeding to take power in the October Revolution in the name of the Soviet. This process was to be repeated in other cities.

Propaganda and Promises

The Bolsheviks used propaganda successfully to undermine the Provisional government. Lenin also made promises of "Peace, Land, and Bread" to the masses. The promise of peace was in response to the people's desire to end the war, offering land was to ensure that the peasants would remain neutral, and the claim that the Bolsheviks could solve food shortages provided hope for the masses.

April Theses Declaration

Upon his arrival in Petrograd, Lenin declared to a large gathering that no support must be given to the Provisional Government. The following day, he revealed his "April Theses" and declared all power to the Soviets, as the Bolsheviks did not believe in the existence of the Provisional Government.

Trotsky's Role

Trotsky, the chairman of the Petrograd Soviet, played a crucial role with his superb organizational skills. He also headed the Military Revolutionary Committee, which allowed socialists to infiltrate the army and effectively became an armed wing of the Bolsheviks. Trotsky's importance in ensuring the timing of the revolution was right cannot be overstated.

Strengths of the Bolsheviks and the October Revolution

The Bolsheviks experienced rapid growth due to the increasing dissatisfaction with the Provisional Government and the popularity of Lenin's simple and popular policies. By October, their membership had surged from 11,000 in March to over 300,000. Lenin declared in a secret Bolshevik meeting that history would not forgive them if they did not take power at that moment. Trotsky's plans for an armed revolutionary operation, which involved taking control of Petrograd's essential services, were put into action on the 24th and 25th of October, leading to the overthrow of the Provisional Government.

In conclusion, Lenin's return, supported by the Germans, and the strategic plan to gain control through the Petrograd Soviet and the use of propaganda and promises, as well as Trotsky's crucial role and the growing strength of the Bolsheviks, all played important parts in the success of the October Revolution.

Summary - History

  • Lenin returned to Russia in April 1917 with a plan to seize power through the Bolsheviks
  • The Bolsheviks used propaganda and promises of "Peace, Land, and Bread" to gain support
  • Lenin declared the "April Theses" demanding all power to the Soviets and denying support to the Provisional Government
  • Trotsky played a crucial role in organizing the revolution and the Military Revolutionary Committee
  • The rapid growth of the Bolsheviks and Trotsky's armed revolutionary operation led to the overthrow of the Provisional Government in October 1917.
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Uploaded by Emilee Hanna


A level student, studying biology 🧬, history and sociology.

Frequently asked questions on the topic of History

Q: What were the demands of Lenin's April Theses?

A: Lenin's April Theses called for an end to the support of the Provisional Government, the transfer of all power to the Soviets, and the proposal of socialist revolution.

Q: Who played a crucial role in the success of the October Revolution?

A: Trotsky played a crucial role with his organizational skills and heading the Military Revolutionary Committee, which allowed socialists to infiltrate the army.

Q: What were the strengths of the Bolsheviks leading up to the October Revolution?

A: The Bolsheviks experienced rapid growth in membership, reaching over 300,000 by October, and Lenin's popular policies contributed to their success.

Q: What was the significance of the Bolsheviks' use of propaganda and promises?

A: The Bolsheviks used propaganda successfully to undermine the Provisional government and Lenin's promises of 'Peace, Land, and Bread' provided hope for the masses.

Q: What was Lenin's plan upon his return to Russia in April 1917?

A: Lenin's plan was to gain control through the Petrograd Soviet and proceed to take power in the October Revolution in the name of the Soviet, with the ultimate goal of repeating the process in other cities.

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