


B3 - biology revision notes (combined)






How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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How does your body coordinate a response ?
Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory.
Sentral nervous s


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. 0 0 How does your body coordinate a response ? Stimulus → Receptor (converts signal into electrical impuises) → sensory. Sentral nervous system of only spinal cord / Relay neurone → neurone motor neurone → effector (muscle or gland) → Response Stimulus : a change in your environment ♥ detected by the receptors which then converts it into impuise • Neurotransmitter • neuro transmitter receptor What is a synapse? a synapse is a junction between two neurones across which electrical umpuises must POLSS Synaptic Cleft. Neurotransmitter molecules cliffuse from vesicles towards the neurotransmitter receptors, moving from an area of high concentration to low. an electrical Bypass the brain to happen quicker. Keep you safe :) - Relay neurones Connect Sensory and motor neurones Located S the Spinal cera. Reflexes They are automatic responses. They help you to avoid danger or harm to yourself (They occur rapidly & w/o thought! Involve all 3 neurones (sensory, moser & Relay) (0) concentration. 2 CVE 10.9 83 Why do we react the way. If we think about doing something. before normal Voluntary reaction. If we don't a reflex (involuntary) reaction. Normal Voluntary action : Stimulus Spinal cord → motor neurone → effector + response Reflex action: Stimulus effector + Response This is called a reflex arc we do? D O Acceptor cells → Sensory neurone - Spinal cord → brain F KEY QUESTIONS What are hormones? Where are hormones produced in the body How are they transported around the body? lidnentify 4 organs involved in the endocrine system. • Hormones are chemical messages Endocrine...

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Alternative transcript:

system includes we do it then it is think about it, then it's Receptor Sensory neurone → spinal cord motor neurone + The endocrine system 4 Pituitary glands, thyroid gland ovaries, testes, adrenal gland, pancreas Hormones are produced by glands The pancreas preduces insuline Hormones are transported in the blood nu: شما B3 Hormones are chemicals that bring out changes in the body. They are made in the in ductless glands called endocrine glands. They blood to target organs. where they bring about travel in the affect. Some fast adrenaline, most are acting e.g Slow acting, e.g. sex hormones. are The Roles of the glands Adrenal gland adrenal gland The adrenal gland produces the hormone adrenaline. The targets the respiratory system and the Circulatory system. Adrenaline Prepares your body for action; FIGHT OR FLIGHT- Ovaries The ovaries produce two hormones, destrogen & Progesterore. Oestrogem - targets makes. the ovaries, uterus and the pituitary gland. It again. Also inhibits the the lining in production of FSH and Stimulates the production of LH. Progesterone - targets the uterus. It maintains the lining in there is no fertilised egg. Progesterone levels inhibit when the uterus thicken the uterus.. Pancreas The pancreas produces insuline which targets the Liver to control blood giucose levels. Pituitary gland (1) The pituitary gland produces Anti - diuretic hormone which kidney. It controls the uptake of water. targets Thyroid gland The thyroid giand produces thyroxine which targets cells. It controls. meta bolic race. Pituitary gland (2) The pituitary gland produces 2 hormones, LH (Levteinising hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating hormone). LH- This Stimulates ovulation in the ovaries. It also stimulates the production of Progesterone. FSH- This Stimulates an egg to mature in the ovaries. Also stimulates the ovaries to produce. cestrogen. Testes The testes produce testosterone and targets the male reproductive organs. It produces sperm. Negative feedback 0 change from Set point. conditions in the body. 5 Corrective mechanisms Swithoned off negative feedback Cycle conditions reterned to Set point change detected by Receptors Corrective mechanisms. activated by an effector becoming the coka You became cold → Skin receptors detect you're and → You Start to shover to move around and Your hours stond up You warm up → You Stop Shivering and Your hairs go back down B3 Example 1 of negative feedback. Thyroxine: Thyroxine's job is to tall every cell in the body to consume oxygen & nutrients. -Thyroxine maintains the body's metabolism. The thyroid is controlled by the pituitory gland which releases. TSH (thyroid Stimulating hormone) to the production of thyroxime. Hyperthyroidism = experiences weight loss... Hypothyroidism = experiences weight gain. Thyroxine stimulates. Quicher. Example 2 of negative feedback Adrenaline : adrenal Adrenaline causes you to tense up, Speed up and become more alert. Your blood increase when Adrenaline is produced as more energy is required and -glucase levels Your body recognises you are un danger. Adrenaline is produced in the above your kidneys. Your heart rate also glands, located axcy gen glucose are supplica to your adrenaline 13 produced so that increases. when The menstrual cycle Key words: ovaries Uberus fertilisation BMA. (Basal metabolic Rate) ovum destrogen Progesterone Leuteinising hormone Follick Shimulating hormone. Stimulate brain TT TT TT TI TI T B3 The days of the day 0-5 During this day. egg This Day 14 The 7 The lining and clead Lining. menstrual cycle the uterus lining cells called Day 16 - 21 The avaries are. the day 6-13 the The sterds pituitary gland produces FSH an egg in ovaries. The FSH then Stimuiates production of destragen which the lining in the uterus to build up. The oestrogen gets ready for a fertilised egg. Causes FSH. The lining a period Day 15 The egg is released along the oviduct. pituitary gland is stimulated by the oestrogen to release LH Stimulates ovulation 30 mature egg is released. breaks down if there is no fertilised. are passed out of the vagina. The cycle then restarts.... menstruation. which causes which matures. Day 22 28 The lining of the uterus stops developing If progesterone inhibits the lining nu: from to So stimulated by the LH to release progesterone remains thich, waiting for the femove body Stort fertilised egg. The hormones change. which the brean inhibits ovaries. the uterus. dawn. fertilisation. occurs. in 63 Contraception Hormonal contraceptives Hormones are used in contraception to disrupt the normal - cycle. • Oral contraceptives (the pili). Injections • Implant or Skin patch In Vitro Fertilisation. female hormones used in IVF Follicle Stimulating hormone Leuteinising hormone reproductive non-hormonal contraceptives which non-hormonal . methods that prevent a sperm. Contracting (meeting) the egg physical devices that Compounds. These chemicals may. kill sperm or prevent the implantane of a fertilised egg ·barrier methods (condom) • Incrauterine device (1UD/coil) Sterilisation /Surgery. • abstinence. Spermicides Why? It encourages eggs to mature in the ovaries and it also stimulates the production of Destrogen to help build the uterw: lining up It Stimulates the release of an So it helps Uterus, ready to be FU or uses egg more eggs implant in the fertilised. release chemical *##***#Z B3 Steps of IVF Fertility drugs are used to make lots. Of for collection 22 The eggs are collected and placed in a special Solution in a petri dish 3 A Sample of semen is collected and the sperm and eggs are mixed in eggs mature Hypoglycaemia = Low blood glucose Lp loss of consciousness or seizure sure they have been. early embryos are developing properly. the petri dish. The eggs are checked to make the When the in the womb of mother. Then, If all the fertilised eggs have formed tiny balls of celis, & or 2 of ting embryos are placed. goes well, at least one baby will grow and develop successfully. How does my body regulate sugar ? Respiration = G6 H₁2 06 + 602₂ + 6H₂O + 6CO₂ + glucose + axygen turns the Hyperglycemia: High blood glucose Possible Sight loss, kidney problems, heart problems Same ATP time fertilised and that. Water + Carbon dioxide + energy. Benedict test (test for Sugar) Benedictine Solution. You put wherever you want to test in the Benedictine solution and it from blue red/ brown if Sugar is present. The solution stays blue if there is no sugar present. 83 -glucoregulation glucose = Sugar Hormones involved: insuline and glucagon; secreted by the pancreas. insuline = released when blood is too high glucagon = released when blood is too low. glycogen = several sugars together. = Sugars = hormones eat a meal excercise blood glucose levels riseD blood glucose fevels lis Pancreas releases insuline Normal glucose level Pancreas releases glucagon 10 liver converts glucose to glycogen hwer converts glycagen to glucose 1777 777元~ B3 Blood Sugar & diabetes. When you excercise, your blood sugar levels decrease. Your pancreas. releases the hormone glucagon into the blood stream and your liver. converts. glycogen into glucose. This causes your blood sugar rise back up to a normal concentration - Type 1 diabetes. Pancreas connot produce insulin at all and affects happen from birth Type 2 diabetes - Your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or the insulin it produces does not work effectively. Symptoms of diabetes : needing to urinate excessively. being constanny thirsty weight loss prone to infections. Slow healing wounds. How diabetes can damage your body: It can damage your eyes Can damage your heart & kidneys can damage your feet. nus Homeostasis -our body imbalance. V • Continued notes for 63 mountaing our internal environment examples of Homeostasis : . Making sure our body is at the core temperature (37°c) Poisons/toxins being released from the body . Body getting too cold • If body temperature drops to 35°C & Below: Enzyme reactions occur too slowly, respiration does not release enough energy. Temperature 35° & below can cause hypothermia where the organs and brain slow down to try and preserve neat. Hypothermia can cause heart to stop. the Bodies response to being cold Raised nairs on arms & legs Shivering Vaso constriction Body getting too hot it increases to around 40-42°c. Enzymes. will not occur. gets dangerous when your body temperature can denature at high temperatures so normal body reactions. more water through sweat which can make Hyperthermia causes you to lose cause severe brain damage. Most. you dehydrated. This can not working effectively. from hyperthermia are caused by your heart deaths Bodies response to being not hairs down flat 14 go You Swear Vasodilation. Key vocabulary Stimulus; a change in the environment. Receptors; a sensory cell that detects a stimulus effectors; eithe muscle the nervous system. Ange muscle would contract and glands; Secrete hormones into the bloodstream. central nervous system; The brain & spinal chord - information is processed Sensory neurones • Transmits an impuise from receptor to CNS. Relay neurones : neurones that carry impulses from the sensory neurone. motor neurone. gland which responds. to impuises from gland releases something. Motor neurone; Transmics impulse from CNS to effector Reflex action; Rapid automatic nervous response that does brown where nervous. aus hormones; Chemical messages made in the endocane glands Pituitary gland & hypothalamus; Produce normenes to reguicte production of hormones controls metabousin. Thyroid gland ; produces Thyroxine which Adrenal gland; produces adrenaline which prepares Pancreus: Produces insuline & givcagen which control the blood sugar levels - not involve the hormare to Ovanes; Produces oestrogen and progesterone Target organ: An orgoun that a cells for particviar hormones in forget organs. Testes Produces testosterone Endocrine system / all the enclocrine glands and the mormones they produce. Menstrual cycle ; a monthly cycle during which a woman's body prepares. itself for pregnancy. This cycle lasts around as days. negative feedback: a system that detects. System then acrs Ovviation; Release of a mature egg from an ovary. Follicle Stimulating hormone; Secreted by the pituitary gland. Travels to the excories where it couses egg to mature. FSis also shimorates the production of destrogen 13 you for flight or flight. has an effect on. There are specifes receptor a change in a condition. The to return conditions to a desired level B3 ovaries, Causes the uterus lining Oestrogen made and secreted by the thicken. Also inhibits production of FSH and stimulates production of LH Luteinising hormone ; Secreted by the pituitary gland and it triggers and stimulates production Also inhibits the production of fagfore oestrogen of Progesterone Progesterone; Progesterone maintains remain high throughout pregnancy. Inhibits production of fertilised. an egg is not production inhibits if Hormonal contraceptives; used non hormonal Contraceptives ; devices with chemical prevent implantation of to disrupt the normal female reproductive cycles physical Prevent sperm reaching an egg or compounds which either will sperm or uses in vitro fertilisation ; when doctors collect eggs from and fertilises them with sperm outside of the body. constant internal homeostasis ; maintenance of a diabetes; medical condition which affects a person's control of and type 2 sugar levels. Type 1 means you cannot produce any blood er nor means your insuline is not. effective which stimulates Insuline: Hormone. glycogen, decreasing blood sugar levels the liver which stimulates. the liver to glucagon Hormone glucose, increasing blood sugar levels. Benedict test; Test for Sugar using Benedictine solution. The solution turns from bive to red / brown if sugar is present. Solution stays blue if no sugar is present. to OU the ucerus lining. Levels of progesterone LH. Progesterone ovulation the mothers overy. insuline environment. convert glucose into convert glycogen into