


BIOLOGY - Menstrual Cycle






Menstrual Cycle
Fallopian tube
Staget: Menstration / period. The
Breakdown of the uterus lining.
lasts & 4 to 7


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Menstrual Cycle Fallopian tube Uteras Ovarg -cervix Vagina Staget: Menstration / period. The Breakdown of the uterus lining. lasts & 4 to 7 days (This can Cause cramps) Stage 2: The uteras lining builds up 14 •Stage 3: Ovulation-an egy is released from the overy on Lag Staget, Maintaining the lining for about 14 days untill day 28. If a fertil. Sed egg isn't realesed than the living starts to break down and the cycle restarts. CGP GCSE Combined Scrence Page: 64 The menstrual is controlled 4 hormones 1) FSH- Follicle-stimulating horrow - Produced in the pituitary glands -Causes an egg to mature - - Day 14 - Stimulates the overies to Produce oestrogen 2) Destrogen LH again from dag. 4 to 14, into (3) LH- Lateinising Hormone -Produced by the Ditaiturg glands a think Spongy layer full of blood vessels, ready to recive a Sertilised egg. - Prodweed in the overies - Stimulates lining to grow - increases at Stage 2 -Drops at 3-4 -inbibits release of FSH. -Stimalates release of - Stimutates release of egy -day 14 (ovalation). 4) Progesterone -Produced in the Overies - Maintainsslining of uterus -increases in stage 4 - Progesteron levels drap 2 the cycle refets

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