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Infection and response
Energy transfers (a2 only)
Cell biology
Biological molecules
Homeostasis and response
Responding to change (a2 only)
The control of gene expression (a-level only)
Substance exchange
Genetic information & variation
Inheritance, variation and evolution
Genetics & ecosystems (a2 only)
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1c the tudors: england, 1485-1603
1f industrialisation and the people: britain, c1783-1885
1l the quest for political stability: germany, 1871-1991
Inter-war germany
Britain & the wider world: 1745 -1901
2n revolution and dictatorship: russia, 1917-1953
2j america: a nation divided, c1845-1877
The cold war
World war two & the holocaust
World war one
Medieval period: 1066 -1509
The fight for female suffrage
2m wars and welfare: britain in transition, 1906-1957
2d religious conflict and the church in england, c1529-c1570
Britain: 1509 -1745
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The STRONG nuclear force In the nucleus: electrostatic repulsion repulsive + attractive + 0 + 400 electrostatic attraction Forces are balanced, stable nucleus electrostatic force has infinite range! it is ALWAYS repulsive 3fm (Forces are balanced) 0.5fm the strong nuclear force is repulsive in short long range attractive in and weakens to 0 strength at further ranges. range, ALPHA () DECAY When a nucleus is too heavy, it loses 2 protons and 2 neutions. 230. 4 250 Th + 2 He Ţ 234 92 Beta (B) Decay U Neutron decays into a W light An & particle wave (em wave) Photons Lights sometimes behaves like. a •The proton stays in the nucleus! „A →→ ²₁A² + ² + √₂ ³3 antineutrino proton, No electrons! beta particle je an electron an electron and an antineutrino. particle. mu a "photon" (a packet of em waves) -34 (electron autineutrino) E = hf 6.62607004x10 Energy of a photon - Planck's constant x [J] = [Js¯¹] [s¯'] hc E=hf = h ( ²² ) = n/² ^ frequency of the photon Anti Particles P p+ proton autiproton } same Opposite Charge Electron Volt eV: Energy gained by across a P.D. of 1 volt. V=E 1V E = mc² energy = mass x Mass is rest mass and rest energy energy! mass energy an electron when accelerated ++++++ E=VQ 1.60x10¹9 C (ie electron) 1.60x15 195 I volt :: I ev = 1 MeV = mega electron volts 1.60 x10-13 J (speed of light)² (Mass and energy is equivalent) is called "rest energy". Pair Production Electrons & Positions Y Photon with frequency f. (And wavelength 2) KE Protons & Antiprotons воом P rest energy 2E=hf (photon created 2 particles with rest energy E) rest Annihilation ४ energy positron (rest energy E) ет electron (rest енегда KE hc he he = KE from the 2 original protons converted into rest evergy An electron t E) positron ↓ 2 photons A P...
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and p The Photoelectric Effect metal lili When frequency increases, the velocity of the elections are When frequency are not excited enough to escape The energy of the photon is used to: - Provide E = hf = If Ek is 0₂ energy - Give the electron velocity (ie kinetic min + Ex to free the electron (ie the work function () Ek) max is too low, the electrons energy Work function: The minimum = h higher = hf, f ↑ threshhdd frequency (min. freq. for photoelectric effect) energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a metal. hf = c + Ek 6.63×10 34 x 6.2x10¹4 -3.28x10-20 =$ = 3.78 26x10-19 J Electron Excitation Particle Interactions ! Experienced By charged particks quarks (ie hadrons) Interaction Electromagnetic Strong Weak Gravitational everything everything Identified by photons involved no photons, neutrinos and change of quark flavor. strangeness conserved. neutrinos involved change in quark flavor strangeness not conserved not significant... Quarks? interact via the STRONG FORCE / INTERACTION symbol charge strangeness baryon # + 93e и +3 d ++3 Name ир down strange anti-up anti-down anti-strange S й à 3 Name electron position electron neutrino -13e -te antielectron neutrino muon antimuon - 3e the +3e muon neutrino antimuon neutrino symbol Strangeness in conserved during formation (strong interaction) strangeness changes by -1, 0, +1 during decay (weak interaction) U to IS S Leptons? do NOT interact via strong force/ interaction charge Le Lu +1 -1 Ve Ve М M+ 0 Uμ +1 Du 0 -le +le O 9 +½3 Oo + ! -1/3 +1 - ½ 0 0 -1 +1 -1 Apart from strangeness, EVERYTHING IS CONSERVED. tauons not included in table since they are out of syllabus. HADRONS: (the heavy bois) Particles made of QUARKS & ANTIQUARKS (doesn't matter how Subcategories: Baryon: Baryon # is always 1 Particles made of 3 quarks Proton: und → + charge Neutron: udd ⇒ O charge #15 always 0 No mesons are stable Particles made of I quark & I anti-quark e.g. Meson: Baryon Subcategories: PION (π): KAON (K): meson with NO STRANGE QUARKS e.g. πt: ud Ti: un or dd BOSONS meson WITH STRANGE QUARKS eg. K²: us k Kºds or sd Photon w w zº Gluon Higgs Only Mesons (П, k) FORCES the QUARKS proton is stable π: dù HADRONS FERMIONS K: sū Baryons Leptons (p,n) (e, ve, M...) many) MATTER Let's play a game called Can this decay happen? mesons leptons and mesons (since all mesons decay) the conservation numbers: Charge, Bargon #, LE, Lμ, (Strangeness) Compare LHS & RHS conservation numbers String Can This Decay Happen () { } if (charge, baryon #, LE, Lμ, check out) { if (strangeness checks out and no ventrinos involved) { return "STRONG INTERACTION"; } else { } } else { } " return " WEAK INTERACTION"; return "THIS DECAY CANNOT HAPPEN"; Gauge Bosons: Virtual particles that cause interactions / exerts forces 요요 웃어요 웅 to oto Throw ball Feynman Diagrams! time STRONG Electromagnetic Force WEAK position (Virtual) Photon Gluon W* AFFECTS CHARGED PARTICLES! W, Z Boson W Z electromagnetic force (electrons repel!) Both move back i AFFECTS QUARKS! (Out of syllabus) AFFECTS EVERYTHING! THE 4 WEAK INTERACTIONS (The only 4 Feynman Diagrams you need to know) Beta Minus (8) Beta Plus (*) متعال مع ال d p or d Electron Capture In or d , d P These are the same interaction, just described e n d d p or n er Proton Electron Collision ve In or d W differently e-