


Russian October Revolution 1917






The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government
was not an elected body so there-
fore lacked legitimate authority.
and had no constitutional claim on
the loyalt


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The Provisional Government was not an elected body so there- fore lacked legitimate authority. and had no constitutional claim on the loyalty of the Russians. It's Quinority was limited by its unofficial partnership with the Petrograd sovet. The PG could not move around, Or send messages with- out the Souer knowing. Collapse of transport system led to food+ Fuel Shorroges. The Soviets controlled the army. PG Weaknesses OCT REV Collapse of communication Systems led to difficulty findling Our what was happening elsewhere + ib was hard to ensure orders were carried out. The PG was made up of Disparate groups who had different political Objectives. Order No.1 stated that They did not Soldiers and workers should only want to take ony\ responsibility Obey the PG when the Soviet agreed with their decisions. For major decisions such as land distribuhon They were portrayed as a temporary "Caretaker" govt They preferred to wait for the elections to the Constituent Assembly to deal with a land question. War Continuation blocked any radical, Social and economic changes Until the end of war. Led to the feeling that the PG was diskaped from the real concerns of the people. This feeling ultimately resulted in the launch of the 4 Kronstadt Sailors organised an armed Release of Political prisoners at Kerensky failed to take this Freedom of the press opportunity to Crush the Bolsheuks completely. PG Mistakes OCT REV June Offensive. which failed badly, resulting in 100g/1000g soldiers killed and territory lost. demonstration under Bolshevik slogans and marched Into Derrograd. This resulted in the July Days (3-5th July). Where workers, Soldiers +...

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Alternative transcript:

Sailors took to the streets to condemn the "Capitalist July Days discredited the Bolsheviks - Komenew and Trotsky were arres while others went into hiding. Delay in Calling Elections meant that the land issue could not be resolved: Peasant: Kereasky's decision to Shui doun Bolghe newspapers and This allowed the Bolsheviks to arrest leaders to present themselves as Defenders of Petrograd He tried to send the most Ministers + demanding the Soviet radical ormy Units out of take power in the name of the city, restrict the powers of the MRC the Working Class. and raise bridges to Seperore workers. Kornilov Affair kormilov, as commander in Chief, planned to march to Petrograd and pur dawn the Bolsheviks. deserhon rates Increased. 23,000-200,000 boast in membership. seizure of land increased Kerensky suspected this and released the Boleneviks who had been imprisoned after the July days and gave them weapons. Keturned to Russia Apni 1917. Believed the Rev was moving from a Bourgeois revolution to a proletarian one. The April Theses offered two promises "Peace, Bread and Lano" To the soldiers, workers. Peasants. insisting on a non-cooperative with the PG. Lenin "All power to the souets OCT REV He won over the Doublers in the party, convincing them Of the need to act quickly. "History will not Forgive US if we do not act now." On the 10th Oct, he had a vote on werner they should Strike against the PG, and won the vote. Vole Of 10-2, Komenev He claimed the Bolsheviks were not really part of the disturbances in July. Lenin was a master propagandist '+ Zinovier' voled against il He had a great Gift For combining Support for Tratsky а former Menshenk who joined the Bolsheviks in July 1917. He promised for Wages, better working conditions and a relable Supply of Food+ Fuel to the cities. Lenin realised the best time for the revolution was if it concided with elections for the All Russian Congress of Souer, Just before the elections for the constituent Assembly theory with practice. In October ( knew the Bolsheviks wouldn't do well in those). Trotsky called him the "Greatest engine driver of the Revolution. Dissassociated himself from his Menshevik past and criticised the Mensheviks for working with the PG. He joined the Bolsheviks in July 1917. He helped the Bolsheviks gain Control was appointed Chairman of PS In September 1917. He could now claim to be acting on behalf of the Soulet The Red Guard was organised by Trotsky. he was responsible for recruitment and discipline excellent aratory and could sway the crowps. Trotsky The MRC (Military. Revolutionary Commited was set up by the Soviet to resist The MRC acted in the He Supported Lenin's decision name of to have a rising and advised him the soviet. on the timing of Coinciding with the meeting of the All-Russian Congress of Souets. the transfer of revolution- ary troops out of Petrograd. He planned the actual Seizure of power in October - seizure of key buildings elc. He co-ordinated the activities of the MRC. On the night of the 24-25th October-Bolshenk Sololers entered the Winter palace and arrested what remained Of the Provisional Government. The Hensheuks + SR's had been damaged by their collab with Kerensky's government. In March 1917 the Bolsheviks had about 11,000 members. By October 1917 they claimed to have > 300,000 The party were producing 4 different newspapers across Russia They had also recruited an elite force of 10.000 Red Guards. They were able to capitalise on the weaknesses of the SR's and Mensheviks who had lost their credibility by jongg the Provisional Gour. Other factors OCT REV The army was not in a position to do much and hunger was an important factor. Rodicalised workers who Favoured sover power were prepared to support the. party that seemed to offer this. Kerensky + the PG played into Bolshevik hands with it's half-hearted attempt to Counter the rising. Night Of 25th October 1917 the Bolsheviks moved against the Provisional Gout. On 24th October, Kerensky tried to limit Bolshevik Influence. He ordered the rest of Power Gain many of their CCT REV leaders. The MRC decided to take action. Led by Trotsky The red quards and the Kronstadt Sailors The Winter Palace was surrounded by the Petrograd somet Garrison, supported There was little resistance From the Provisional Government they had gained Control of key lost all credibility. Infrastructure in the city. by the kronstadt sailors who had arrived on board the Aurora battleship. The Provisional Government members were arrested On the 26th October After the Winter Palace Was Stormed by Red Guards. The Bolsheviks were able to present themselves as acting on behalf Of the people as they timed the revolution at the same time as the meeting of the All-Russian (orypressor Savels) O tratsky~ MENSHEVIK > DissAssociated himself from his Menshevik post > Critiscised Mensheviks for working with the PG. > Joined the Bolsheviks in July 1917. • PETROGRAD SOVIET HOW ~ The De'er > Helped the Bolsheviks qain Contro). > Appointed Chairman of the PS in Sept 1917. He could now: claim to be acting on behalf of the Soviet. • RED GUARD • LENIN > Supported Lenin's CROS to have a rising and advised him on the timing. to coincide with mi meening of the All-Russion Cony SOF SCViels. > Organised by Trotsky. > He was responsible for recruitment and discipline. O MRC - Military Revolutionary Commerce ser up by the Petrograd Soviet. TO resist the transfer of revolutionary troups out of Petrograd. OCT SEIZURE -of power. > planned by Trorsky. > Seizure of key buildings e.g. power stations/telegram Off other Factors THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE REVOLUTION KORNILOV AFFAIR- Bolsheviks were able to capitalise. > Kornilou, as Commander in Chief of the army planned to march to Petrograd and put down ine Boisneviks. > Kerensky suspected Kornilov was planning a secret coup. This led to: Kerensky suppling the Boisheviks with ammunition and releasing mose who had been imprisoned after the July Days. PG looked weak. memselves as defenders of Bolsheviks could now present Perrograd. •PG WEAKNESSES > Capihised on the weaknesses of me SR's and Mensheviks who had lost their credibility by Joining the Provisional Government. •POWER GAIN - Night of 25th/26 October 1917-Bolsheviks took power. They could now present themsewes as acting on behalf of the people. > little resistance from PG- they had lost all credibility. > time of seizure was planned as Lenin planned. (some time as meeting of the All- Russian Congress of Soviets and claimed to be acting on it's behalf - this gave them credibility Liening The Thinker > returned to Russia in April 1917. Believed the revolution was moving into a second stage - from a bourgeois revoluhon to a proletarian one. He saw the necessity for acting quickly to take advantage of the increasing radicalism Of the masses. • APRIL THESES provided Bolsheviks with sense of unity + common purpose. and Land." > "Peace, Bread 4 "peake" to the scroles. they womed to get back to their families. Scrolers were seen UNIFORnts in "Braso to the workers Food + fuel Shortages Proietanon revolution. Marxist party. >All Power to the Soviets. Bercie Lenin's return leading Bolsheviks had suggested that the Bolsheviks should work with the PG. • TIMING • DOUBTERS > "History will not forgive us if we don't Gact now! Zincuiev and kameneu + are convinced they must acr quickly. . to the peasants venin shows his pragmaham, now the peasants were a revolutionary force now decigreo. After Lenin's return He insisted on non-cooperation with the PG and Graued that the Bolsheviks should give Support to the periogrod scrier realised me best time for the revoluhon was if it coinoded with elections for the All Russian Congress of Soviet, just before the elections for the Constituent Assembly in October (he knew me Bolsheviks wouldn't do well in those elections). ● . As a result The Bolsheviks were not tarnished by any 09SOCIATIon with ine Provision Government (PG). JULY DAYSUJA dissocasiores the Bolsheviks From the Failure of the July Days. TROTSKY Support For Troisky Ca former Mensnevix who joined the Bolshevits in July 1917). Weaknesses esses out of their control WEGITACY > was not Blected and was seen as a temporary "Caretaker" government, 4 as a result It did not want to take responsibility for major decisions such as land distribution •INSURMOUNTABLE PROBLEMS 0 UNITY > The PG was made up of Disparak Groups who hod different political objectives. ↳ Mensheviks liberals LSR'S > Collapse of Transport System Ted to food + fuel shortages preferring to wait for the elections to the Constituent assembly. to deal witte.a. land quesnon. •DUAL AUTHORITY > Soviet Order NO.1 Weaknesses + Mistakes of the Provisional Government ensured that the loyally of the army was first to the Per Soviet. > Collapse of Comunications systems led to: difficulty finding out what was happening escinere. Hard to ensure crats were carried out. > Per'sovier members elecred 4 meant that: the Periograd sovier could 2 claim to have a more legifamare right ro govern, 0 ● Mistakes •WAR CONTINUATION 5 Probably could've been prevented. - meant that the Provisional Government blocked any radical, social and economic changes until the end of the war. This in tum, launched the June offensive which was Unpopulor + digestorous. 4 Tms led 10% increased frustration + me feeling that the PG was distanced From the real concerns of me people. RELEASE- • DELAY - in calling elections for a Constituent Assembly. meant mat: the Land issue could not be resolved. The impact was that the PG became divided about the conducting of the war. revolutionary defensision 4 more aggressive Strategy. -of political prisoners /granting Freedom of the press. popular bur: helped to spread radical ideas. •JULY DAYS - failure to act decisively against the Bolsheviks, Kronstadt Sailors Discredited the Bolshevits. organised an armed. demonstration under Bolshevik slogans and marched into Periograd. Komenev+ Trotsky were arrested and others' were forced into hiding. Peasant desermons from army increased. Peasant seizure of land increased. This was on opportunity for Kerensky to Crush them completely. He failed to take it. KORNILOV AFFAIR HOUSIENTOKON > Kornilov, os commander in chief of the Mimy, planned to march to Pericgrad and put down the Bolsheviks. Kerensky suspected kominow was secretly planning a coup. •This made Kerensky this government look weak. This led to: Boisheviks released. who had been imprisoned after the July Days and gave them weapons. This allowed the Bolsheviks to present themselves as defenders Of Petrograd.faced a 23,000-200,000 boost in KERENSKY'S MISTAKES > Decision to shut down Boishevik newspapers and arrest leaders. 4 tried to send the most radical Army Units out of the city, restrict the powers of MRC, raise bridges to seperate workers. L failed to move against the Bolsheviles after the July Days.