


Henry VII - religion






Henry VII- Religion revision 09404
Heretics-People who opposed to the
--Seven · Holy orders the process by which the


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Henry VII- Religion revision 09404
Heretics-People who opposed to the
--Seven · Holy orders the process by which the


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Henry VII- Religion revision 09404
Heretics-People who opposed to the
--Seven · Holy orders the process by which the


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Henry VII- Religion revision 09404
Heretics-People who opposed to the
--Seven · Holy orders the process by which the


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Henry VII- Religion revision 09404
Heretics-People who opposed to the
--Seven · Holy orders the process by which the


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Henry VII- Religion revision 09404 Heretics-People who opposed to the religion. --Seven · Holy orders the process by which the Sarcamentspriest became empowered to deliver the Sacraments. 519101 21000 2101 •Penance/confession the individual sought on God's forgiveness for their sins Eucharist Church members received min Christ body + blood in a form of bread + fowa wine to be nourished physically + gri Spiritually brought close to on noty. Prointing of the sick - prepared the braddying for their passage into the next world. artani: Marriage - The community could witness or two individuals pleaging themeselves to each other. napomene •Confirmation - Market the transition from Childhood to adulthood... •Baptism - welcomed new-borns into the catholic community. • - Transubstantiation - Catholics believed that the bread + wine + figuratively + literally transformed into the body + blood of Christ • Anticlericalism - Opposite to the church role in political + other non-religious matters. • Heresy - the denial of the validity of the key docterine of the church. gal Failures Opposition to the church and exist + there was evidence of anti-Clericalism. to John colet wanted to reform the i Church from within. To Henry was determined that the Arnauthority of the Pope should not prejudice Failures his rights + interest as King → There was a steady growth in anti- Clericalism but this was driven underground during Henry's reign.uns-Gene Colollaraism, a religious movement which Opposed the Catholic Church, wasn't tolerat con in Henry's England...

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Alternative transcript:

+ this won Henry the Support of the Church in his concoliaation. CoLollara believed the king should be head of the Church & they rejected transubstantiation. 10 to the Church taught that it was a sin to DUDU 22 rebel against Henry 1979 Church was popular + healthy. marubu so Documen funvincies que H TURUNDOPg + gril + Uld! ©£ #D<p 104 COD POIS pod praat 2351 19500 TIES* ALTET ST gquonno O WERD pent t دات زملات Successes 1pall Henry VII - Religion revisionnde ost successes O Henry had Papal support before Bosworth ou successfully attacked the privilege of Sanctuary: Lover + Stafford mi and successfully attacked the privilege of Sanctuary: Perkin warbechts Over 8000 parish Churches of which religion. was the center of people lives But Church offered charity, pestivities * religious enrichment for the people. Church made it easier for social + sian political elites to maintain social control. There were plenty of employment in Opportunities for people to advance themselves. Henry appointed more bishop who were Aamodtagers lawyers (16) than bishops who were theologians 16).gml ou boa 12:00) Rome granted arspensation for Henry to 90 9 marry Elizabeth of York, Prince Henry to marry Catherine of Aragon. A 3 1 Pope and little to interfere in the running of the Church in England under Henry VII. to Henry remained firmly in control. There were s3 new grammar School between 1460-1809. 14 COULAN Church Courts worked in conjunction with the English legal system. 3 Henry could appoint Church minister. I There was little or no change to the organisation and role of the churm in reign. • Role of the Church in Arts and Learning There was a massive amount of building + rebuilding of Parish Churches that occurred around this time + vast majority were built in the Gothic perpendicular style. Most of the artwork from this time was based on religion. • Development and impact of Humanism Humanism was founded on the rediscovery hip of Original Latin + Greek text. Stressed the power + potential of humankind. pred Humanist believed human behaviour + knowleage could be enhanced by education. Toto They believed the church should promote prayer + knowledge of part pe 302 Humanist thought Sciences + humanities 9190 Should be stuared as well as religion. Henry showed little interest in humanist writers & had little impact. Dipos 3 Broader Trends in Artsapp sais q³ To Henry was known for his patronage of architecture.png GO BULLEN He oversaw major building works at Windsor Castle, he built the have in St George Chapel & rebuilt lady chapel. Coin 1502-he ordered + paid for the Construction of the new lady dapie at & Westminster. She loved - ou ' 542219 320g apier amission C J Henry VII - Religion revision Position of the Church in English society Catholic Church was the central part of every community. UP There were 8,000 Churches + the Pope aid very little to interfere with its day-to-day running so Henry kept his authority. Church had political power as senior Churcnmen were involved in gov (John Morton) Church proura ed employment opportunities + allowed some people (woisey) to advance themselves socially. Parish Church was the focal point of village life + the priest was wel respected. Priest Offered advice, gua guidance + Community leadership. Mones provided employment, charity + education. People attended church regularly + celebrated holy days, religious feast + festivals.