


Consolidation of Power (H!tler)






In January 1933 Franz Von Papen managed to persuade Hindenburg
to appoint a Nazi- Nahon


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In January 1933 Franz Von Papen managed to persuade Hindenburg
to appoint a Nazi- Nahon


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CONSOLIDATION OFPOWER BECOMES CHANCELLOR 30 JAN 1933 In January 1933 Franz Von Papen managed to persuade Hindenburg to appoint a Nazi- Nahonalist Government with Hitter as chancellor and Von Papen as Vice. Hitlerhad attained power by legal and demars REICHSTAG FIRE 27 FEB 1933. Hitter persuaded Hindenburg to call a general election for 5th March in hope to increase the support for the Nazi party. On February 27th, Lone week before the election, Durch Communist Marinus Van der Lubbe was charged with starting the reichstag fire. Hittler used this event to his advantage, claiming that it was "the start of a communist take over", "Consequences: Hindenburg ordered police to arrest 4000 communist leaders; communist and socialist newspapers were banned; Hitter persuaded Hindenburg. Sign the 'DECREE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE AND STATE"; HiHer given further emergency powers, eg restricting free Speach + imprisonment without trial ENABLING ACT 23 MAR 1933 to After the election on March 5th, the Nazi's Non 285 seats but they still lacked. an overall majority. On the day the Enabling bill was to be discussed in the Kroll Opera House, Hitler banned the communists from entering and encirded the building with the SA who prevented known opponents from entering, Absentees were counted as present and therefore in favour of the proposed bill. As a result the bill was passed, with 444...

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Alternative transcript:

Jones in favour to 94 against. This marked the end of the Weimar constitution. The enabling act became a foundation-stone for the third leich and was used by Hitter to establish his dictatorship, and impose his policy of gleichsch- altung. Trade Unions were banned on May 2nd 1933 and replaced by the German Labour Front (DAF); Strikes were now illegal and if they did strike, they would be sent to concentration camps; On July 14th 1933 the law against the formation of political parties was created; Censorship. HTE HOU X NIGHT OF LONG KNIVES 30 JUN 1934 The SA had played a key part in the growth of the Nazi party and as a reward, their leader Ernst Röhm, now wanted to incoorperate the. Jarmy into the SA. He also began pushing for a social revolution, as he evanted more government interference, which would abolish Germany's class structure Hitler now saw Röhm as an increasing. Hhreat to his power. He had to make a choice between the SA and the formy. •Hitler decided that on the night of June 30th 1934, he would ljuse the ss to carry out a 'purge' known as the night of long Knives Over 400 enemies of the state' were arrested and killed. This included Röhm for his communist and socialist views, as well. as Von Schleicher and Van Kahr. This night was seen as a turning point in establishing Hitters dictator Ship and consolidating This power as it: Eradicated his would-be-opponents, secured the support of the army, relegated the SA to a minor roll, and allowed. Himmler the opportunity to expand the SS. DEATH OF HINDENBURG AUG 2. 1934 On August 2nd president Hindenburg died. Hitter seized the apportunity to combine the two posts of president and chancellor and gave himself the title Führer. He was now Head of state and commander-in-Chief JARMY. DATH OF LOYALTY AUG 2. 1934 The same day, the men of the German any were made to swear an oath of loyalty to the Führer. This meant that they pledged their word. as a brave soldier to observe this oarn always, even at the peril of their lives, and give unconditional obedience' to Hitler. This meant that Hitler now had a very strong army to go to war with.