


Weimar & Nazi Germany Key Dates History






Weimar & Nazi Germany Key Dates
9th November 1918: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates his throne
The Emperor of Germany leaves after initially refu


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Weimar & Nazi Germany Key Dates
9th November 1918: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates his throne
The Emperor of Germany leaves after initially refu


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Weimar & Nazi Germany Key Dates
9th November 1918: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates his throne
The Emperor of Germany leaves after initially refu


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Weimar & Nazi Germany Key Dates 9th November 1918: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates his throne The Emperor of Germany leaves after initially refusing to agree to surrender. After several protests and a mutiny of German sailors in Kiel, he leaves Germany for the Netherlands. 11th November 1918: The Armistice is signed Germany signs an armistice, bringing an end to the fighting. 5th-12th January 1919: The Spartacist Uprising The Spartacist League hold an uprising in Berlin. Leaders include Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. The Freikorps suppress the rebellion. February-June 1919: Weimar National Assembly established The first Assembly of the Weimar Republic is established and drafts the Constitution. Friedrich Ebert is elected President. 28th June 1919: Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles - the peace treaty that ends the First World War. 11th August 1919: The Weimar Constitution is signed The Constitution of the Weimar Republic is signed and introduces much greater democracy. 13th March 1920: The Kapp Putsch A revolt in Berlin led by Wolfgang Kapp supported by the Freikorps. A strike brings the Putsch to an end. 11th January 1923: Occupation of the Ruhr French and Belgian troops occupy the Ruhr industrial region as Germany had stopped paying reparations. 1923: Hyperinflation begins Prices begin to rise rapidly made worse by the printing of money...

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Alternative transcript:

to pay striking workers in the Ruhr. The Reichsmark becomes worthless. 13th August 1923: Stresemann becomes Chancellor and Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann becomes Chancellor and Foreign Minister. 8th November 1923: The Munich Putsch The Nazis attempt a failed putsch in Munich. Hitler is sent to Landsberg prison for his role in it. August 1924: The Dawes Plan The agreement helps Germany with its reparations. 18th July 1925: Mein Kampf published Mein Kampf, Hitler's book is published with his ideas for Germany. 16th October 1925: The Locarno Pact Germany agrees to the border set out in the Treaty of Versailles. 14th February 1926: The Bamberg Conference Hitler meets with leading Nazis to reorganize the party and cement his authority. 8th September 1926: Germany joins the League of Nations Germany is admitted to the League of Nations. This had been prohibited under the Treaty of Versailles. 27th August 1928: Kellogg-Briand Pact agreed The Kellogg-Briand Pact binds nations into an agreement not to use war as a method of solving disputes. 31st August 1929: Young Plan agreed The Young Plan significantly reduces German reparations and gives Germany longer to pay them. 3rd October 1929: Gustav Stresemann dies Former Chancellor and Foreign Minister who helped the Weimar Republic recover, dies of a stroke. 29th October 1929: Wall Street Crash The US Stock market crashes triggering events that lead to the Great Depression in the 1930s. 31st July 1932: Nazis largest party in the Reichstag The Nazis win 230 seats in the Reichstag election making them the largest party. 37% of voters support Hitler and the Nazis. 30th January 1933: Hitler appointed Chancellor Hitler is appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg. 27th February 1933: Reichstag Fire Fire rips through the Reichstag building and Dutch Communist Van der Lubbe is arrested and executed for starting it. 28th February 1933: Reichstag Fire decree The Nazis use the fire to pass a decree banning the Communist Party and suspending some civil liberties. 23rd March 1933: The Enabling Act passes the Reichstag The Enabling Act gives Hitler complete authority in Germany. 1st April 1933: Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses The Nazis organise a boycott of Jewish shops and businesses. The SA are used to intimidate customers. 26th April 1933: Establishment of the Gestapo The official secret police of Nazi Germany is created by Hermann Göring. 20th July 1933: Concordat with the Catholic Church The Nazis and Catholic Church sign an agreement to leave each other alone. 30th June 1934: Night of the Long Knives Hitler removes enemies of the party through a purge of critics. Victims include Ernst Röhm (the Head of the SA) and other leading Nazis. 2nd August 1934: Death of President Hindenburg Hindenburg dies of Lung Cancer. Hitler proclaims the merging of the roles of Chancellor and President. Hitler is undisputed ruler of Germany. 15th September 1935: Nuremberg Laws The Nazis pass the Nuremberg Laws which restrict freedoms for Jews and seek to define a Jew. Summer 1936: Berlin Olympics Berlin stages the Olympic Games which become a propaganda tool. Hitler is embarrassed when US Athlete Jesse Owens wins Gold. 9th November 1938: Kristallnacht A night of violence across Germany against Jews. SS members riot and destroy synagogues and Jewish businesses 1st September 1939: Second World War begins Germany invades Poland under the terms of the Nazi Soviet Pact. Britain and France declare war on Germany two days later.