Page 1: Introduction to States of Matter
This page introduces the three states of matter and provides basic definitions for solids, liquids, and gases. It then delves into the particle arrangement and movement in each state.
Definition: A solid is a substance or object that is hard/firm rather than a liquid or fluid body.
Definition: A liquid is a substance that can flow freely but has volume, with the consistency of water or oil.
Definition: A gas is a substance or matter that expands freely to occupy the whole of a shape, having no fixed form and volume.
The page explains that in solids, particles are regularly arranged and touch their neighbors, moving only by vibrating. This explains why solids have a fixed shape. In liquids, particles are randomly arranged and move freely over each other, allowing liquids to be poured. In gases, particles are widely spaced apart and move quickly in random directions, filling the space of their container.
Highlight: Understanding the arrangement of particles in solid, liquid and gas is crucial for grasping the fundamental differences between these states of matter.