








"A mixture contains two or more different substances, not
Chemically joined together
•The substances in a mixture can be elements,


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"A mixture contains two or more different substances, not
Chemically joined together
•The substances in a mixture can be elements,


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"A mixture contains two or more different substances, not
Chemically joined together
•The substances in a mixture can be elements,


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Mixtures "A mixture contains two or more different substances, not Chemically joined together •The substances in a mixture can be elements, or compounds, Or bath •The chemical properties of the substances within the mixture do not change •Mixtures can be separated by physical processes which do not involve chemical reactions: -Filtration -Crystallisation - Simple distillation -Fractional distillation. -Paper Chromatography Filtration •It is used to separate an insoluble solid from a liquid • Filter paper has small holes which allow small molecules and dissolved ions through but not the larger particles of undissolved solid Method 1) Place the filter paper in to a funnel by folding it into a cone shape and place the funnel on top of a beaker. 2) Pour the mixture through the filter funnel 3) The liquid will drip through (filtrate) but the solid porticles are caught in the filter paper. liquid and insoluble solid residue filtrate Crystallisation •It is used to produce solid crystals from a solution •When the solution is warmed, some of the solvent evaporates leaving crystals behind. Method 1) Solution is heated with a bunsen burner or boiling water bath 2) Some of the liquid evaporates and solid particles form 3) All the water ep evaporates and solid crystals are left behind. evaporating basin. tripod → bunsen burner Simple distillation •It used to separate a solvent from a solution • The dissolved solute has a much higher boiling point than the solvent •When the...

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Alternative transcript:

solution is heated, solvent vapour is moved and cooled. away •The solution becomes more concentrated as the amount of solvent is less. Method 1) The solution is heated and the water to vapour rises. 2) It is then cooled in the condenser and drips into a beaker. 3) The solvent is all in the beaker and the solut is left behind. thermometer water out Î water in condenser distillate Fractional distillation •It is used to separate different mixture liquids from a mixture of liquids. •The different liquids have different boiling points •Simillar to simple distillation except it has a fractionating column Method 1) The solution is heated to the temperature of the liquid with lowest boiling point 2) Once all of that liquid has been collected the temperature can be increased and the second liquid can be collected in a new beaker. -TOHH||||||| → thermometer fractionating column water out water in Condenser Paper chromatography "It is used to separate mixtures of soluble substances. Method 1) solution of water and ethanol is heated. 2) Paper with dye is lowered into solvent. 3) The dye spreads up the paper. chromatography paper (stationary) mixture start line & solvent (mobile plaase)