


Chem higher OCR C1






When orange, green and purple pebbles are muxt
mixed together their colours don't change.
The substances in a mixture can be elemen


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When orange, green and purple pebbles are muxt
mixed together their colours don't change.
The substances in a mixture can be elemen


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Mixtures When orange, green and purple pebbles are muxt mixed together their colours don't change. The substances in a mixture can be elements, compounds for both (air is a mixture of elements and compounds) Alloys The layers of atoms in alloys are distorted. This makes it more difficult for the layers to slide over each other.DE Insoluble solids don't dissolve in liquids If an insoluble solid is mixed with a liquid, it can be separated from the liquid using filtration. Filtration works by passing the mixture through a filter tunnel with filter paper inside it. - The liquid part of the mixture runs through the paper, leaving behind a solid residue. Crystalisation Soluble solide dissolve in liquides to form solutions. A soluble solid can be separated from a solution. using crystallisation. F Crystallisation involves gently heating the solution in an evaporating dish. Heated using a bunsen burner or water bath As the solution is heated the liquid evaporates. This causes the solution to become mone concentrated. Eventually solid crystals start to form from around the e C Separating mixtures doesn't involve chemical reactions -doesn't involve the formation of new substances.. Different methods are used to separate mixtures depending! on the type of substance they contain. Filtration C C ( ( ( ledge of the dish - When all the liquid evaporates, dry crystals are left. behind. In crystallisation, some solutions must be cooled before. Tis allowing crystals to form. -Some crystals break down...

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if they are heated too much, -Crystals are then fully formed as the solution is scored The crystals are filtered out of any excess liquid and. left to dry. Cooling the solution also helps to form bigger, more regular crystals. Distillation (simple) Works by heating the solution in a flask attatched. to a condenser. As the solution is heated, the part of the solution. with the lowest boiling point evaporates first. In the seawater example, the water starts to evaporate and the salt remains in solution. The water then travels as vapour through, the condenser and furs into a pure liquid. Simple distillation can also be used to separate. mixtures of liquids if their boiling points are very clifferent, -Simple distillation can't be used to separate mixtures of liquids with similar boiling points.