


Alcohol Mindmap🧪






when comparing an alcohol with an alkene (methanol and methane), despite
having the same number of carbons, there are so


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PHYSICAL PROPERTIES when comparing an alcohol with an alkene (methanol and methane), despite having the same number of carbons, there are some interesting differences. Alcohols are less volatile (capable of changing from solid/liquid to vapour. Having low vapour pressure and a higher boiling point). have higher melung points and greater water solubility than the corresponding alkanes. G the differences become much smaller as length of carbon chain increases. ↓ these differences can be explained by considering the polarity of the bonds in alk and alch and the effect these bonds have on the strength of the intermolecular torces. -All alkanel have non-polar bonds because the electronegativity or hydrogen and carbon are very similar. •The queane molecules are therefore non-polar. •The intermolecular forces between non-polar molecules are very weak condon forces. -Alcohols have a polar 0-H bond because of the difference in electronegativity of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. •Alcohol molecules are therefore polar The intermolecular forces will be very weak London forces but there will also be much stronger hydrogen bonds between the polar 6-H groups •H² Hand hydrogen bonding en moties H D H CLASSIFYING ALCOHOLS H- La classification depends on Aumber of hydrogen atoms and alkyl groups attached to the carbon atoms that contains the -DH functional group. C-H -он н-с examples: H CH₂ H PRIMARY methanol and ethanol are both primary aiconOLS. 4 in a primary alcohol the -OH group is attached to a carbon...

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Alternative transcript:

atom that is attached to two nydrogen -OH VOLATILITY+ B⋅P atoms and one alkyl group. (methanel with 3 Hatoms and no c atoms is an exception and is still classified as a primary alcohol). H 4 ethanol 2H 1A meinanol TERTIARY is the OH group is attached to a carbon atom that is attached to a no hydrogens and three alkyl groups. 42-melnyi propan-2-ol and 2-methylbutan-2-01 are both HAR H H-C-CIC-H H-C-C-C-C-H TI 1 HOH H 2-melay: propan-2-ol As chain length increases, the contribution of the -OH group decreases and the alcohols resemble the alkanes more closely. OH BA • 21 03 !! H OHH H 2- menyiburan-2-01 Lain Liquid state, intermolecular hydrogen bonds hold the alchol molecules together. These bonds must be broken in order to change the liquid altonol into a gas STUDY compounds with low boiling points are volatile. TIP: the higher the pp.the lower the volatility Inversiey proportional SECONDARY ALCOHOLS L in a secondary alcohol the -OH group is attached to a carbon atom that is attached to one hydrogen and two alkyl groups. Propan-2-ol and pentan-3-ol are examples: H HH HHHHH T H-CICIC-H H-C-L-C-C-C-H 1 H OH H propan-2-ol this requires more energy than overcoming the weaker London forces in alcones. Alconaels have lower volitality than alkanel even with the same no. of carbon atoms. 1H 2A HH OHH H pentan-3-ol SOLUBILITY IN H-48 WATER PREPARATION OF ALDEHYDES on gentle heating of primary alconous with acified potassium dichromate, an aldehyde is formed to ensure aldehyde is prepared rather than carboxylic aud, the acid is discilled out of the reaction mixture as it forms L> This prevents any further reactions with the oxidising agent The dichromate (VI) ions change colour from orange to green. OXIDATION OF PRIMARY ALCOHOLS La primary alcohols con be oxidised to either aldehydes or carboxylic acid. the product of the oxidation depends on the reaction conditions used because aldenydes themselves are also oxidised to carboxylic acids. NAMING ALCOHOLS G Suffix '-ol' is added to the stem name of the longest carbon chain E-9 4 LH₂H4 H-C-C-C-C-H H OH OH H COMBUSTION OF ALCOHOLS alconols burn completley in a plentiful supply of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Eg- the combustion of ethanol: C₂H5OH(1) + 30₂(g) → CO₂(g) + 3H₂Ou) Alkanes are non-polar and cannot form H bonds in water ALCOHOLS the reaction is exothermic, releasing a large quantity of energy in the form of heat as the no. of carbon atoms in the alcohol chain increase the quantity of heat released per mole also increases H Acompound that can form hydrogen bonds with water is far more water-soluable than a compound that cannot. The-OH groups are on carbon's 2 and 3 so the infix is -2,3- Olongest C chain is 4 so stem is butane The suffix-diol does not start with a vowel. The alkane chain name is not shortened There is a methyl group (-CHS) on carbon 2. The prefix 2-mečnyi is added to the name. The compound is 2-methylbutane-2,3-diol REACTIONS OF ALCOHOLS there are two -OH functional Suffix is -diol Här hydrogen MON " ""HS" Alcohols Juch as methanol and echanol are completey soulagle in water as hydrogen bonds form between the polar -OH group of the alcohol and the water molecules. OXIDATION OF ALCOHOLS O-H oxidation of butan-1-ol, a primary alcohol, to form the aldenyde butanal, wing acified potassium dichromate (VI). La notice that [0] is used to indicate the oxidising agent. KL07/4,504 HH H-C-C-C-C-OH [0] J primary and secondary alconols can be oxidised by an oxraising agent. putan-1-ol L the usual oxidising mixture is a solution of potassium dichromote (VI), K₂Cr₂O, acified with dilute sulfuric acid H₂Sou. Hydrogen Band between men BAR Bater Lif the alcohol is oxidised, the orange solution containing dichromale CVI cons) is reduced to a green solution containing Chronium (III) cons H. H HH THE ALCOHOL HOMOLOGOUS SERIES ↳ alcohols contain the -OH functional group known as the hydroxyl group. The nydroxyl group is responsible for both the physical and chemical properties of the alcohols. H HH butanal PREPERATION OF CARBOXYLIC ACIDS the simplest alcohol, methanol, CH₂OH is used as a high-performance fuel because of its efficient combustion methanol is also an important chemical feedstock - the starting material in many industrial syntheses. 4 It can be converted into paints, sowvents, insulation + more the second member of the alcohol nomologus series, ethanol, is primarily in alcoholic drinks and as fuel. It also finds use as solvent and a feedstock. if a primary alcohol is heated strongly under reflux with an excess of acified potassium dichromate (VI), a carboxylic acid is formed. OXIDATION OF SECONDARY ALCOHOLS ↳ using an excess of the autied potassium dichromate ensures that all of the alcohol is oxidised. 4 Heating under reflux ensures that any aldenyde formed initially in the reaction also undergoes oxidation to the carboxylic acid. ·complete oxidiation of bulan-1-ol to butanoic acid: H HOO H-C-C-C-C-OH HHHH + 2[OH] 4 4 4 H-C-C-C- !!! HHH L K 4 1 HIC-C-C-H LT OH H 2007/ reflux H 1 conditions of the oxidation of a primary alcohol such as whether a reagent in excess, the conditions and the technique wed, influence the product formed... propan-2-01 +H₂0 L secondary alcohols are oxidised to ketones. It is not possible to furtner oxidise ketones using acified dichromate (VI) Cons K2L52 07/1₂504 to ensure the reaction goes to completion, the secondary alcohol is neared under retter with the oxidising mixture. the dichromate ions (VI) once again change colour from orange to green. H + [0]. when preparing the aldenyde. use distillation to remove aldehyde from the mixture •when preparing the carboxylic acid. neat the alcohol under resux 1-C-CLOH tertiary alcohors do not undergo oxidation reactions the aufied dichromate (IV) remains orange STUDY TIP REMEMBER: primary alcohol aldenyde carboxyvic acid +H₂O on oxidation: primary alcohol: secondary alcohol: Ketones tertiary alcohols H OXIDATION OF TERTIARY ALCOHOLS DEHYDRATION OF ALCOHOLS LH₂O molecule is removedt 'An alchol is heated under reflux in the prescence of an acid catalyst It such as concentrated Julfuric acid H₂SO4 or concentrated. phosphoric acid, H₂PO4 Line product of the reaction H carboxylic propanone no reaction H-C-C-C-H + H₂O 1 H Denyaracion is an eg of an elimination reaction →(H₂0)