


Unit two; Physiology and health pt.1






Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Gametes are produced from the germline cells/
found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline
cells divide by mitosis to form more dip


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Canada Gametes are produced from the germline cells/ found in reproductive organs. Diploid germline cells divide by mitosis to form more diploid germline cells or by meiosis to produce haploid gametes Nipp um margra with weer staan barcha aiblinient we whis Gamete production in the testes borgar libusf bubius ist alles can qe Prostate gland Penis you Seminal vesicle Sperm duct thubiy Urethra Testes The The testes are the male reproductive organs. coiled seminiferous tubules in the testes produce Sperm cells. The seminiferous tubules are lined with germline cells, which divide first by mitosis. and then meiosis to produce male gametes - the sperm cells. Salumbang alasan par The interstitial cells, found between the seminiferous tubules of the testes, produce the hormone testosterone. Testosterone stimulates sperm production in the) seminiferous tubules. b Testosterone activates the prostate gland and seminal vesicles to secrete fluids. These fluids are added to sperm cells released from the testes and maintain the mobility and viability of the sperm cells. addit slopps The prostate gland secretes enzymes that keep fluid at a correct consistency for efficient swimming of sperm cells. The seminal vesicles secrete fructose which provides. the energy for the sperm cells to swim. They also Secrete prostaglandins which cause muscles in the female reproductive system to contract, helping move the sperm cells towards the oviduct. wins the to liste. in the ha uhmikealdand Gamete production in the ovaries' ic lines of RUSH Cand the desi karikas Uterus may Cervix zygote. Also RR Grad Sample Vagina S Oviduct Inbracaidot balios Ovary allerenga Make A Donkemarlin) men voelt bao The...

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Alternative transcript:

ovaries are the female reproductive organs. Ovaries produce and release ovum and the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. The ovaries lik contain germline cells, which develop into an immature orum. Each ovum is surrounded by a follicle that protects the developing ovum and secretes oestrogen Ovulation is the release of a mature ovum into an oviduct, where be fertilised by a sperm cell to form a it Following ovulation, the follicle develops into a corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone. arbation you are in digubatill W GB papaal Toll 25 State ohtub cas big at alloy Toille ten out 20th ada mot than yoga oladowe lives and talet 25İNCİNİ OND/5DIVINUS will in coil whern Puberty is the sequence of physical changes in which an individual's body develops from a child's into an adult's capable of reproduction. At puberty, the hypothalmus in the brain secretes a releaser hormone that targets the pituitary gland. of bloot go farol will mazo Vaval amoralentot all weiler HUND The releaser hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenising hormone (LH), which is known as interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) in men. These my hormones trigger the onset of puberty, including the start of menstrual cycles in women and the production of sperm in men. out rillabilla) wissbillo) will be exp54/20 Hormonal control of sperm production will b Almofil Daughor all contumila 14) worldlung votin In males, FSH promotes sperm production in the seminiferous tubules of the testes ICSH in the male stimulates the production of testosterone from the interstitial cells of the testes. Testosterone also stimulates sperm production and activates the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. alapi and 201 zəzanką Negative feedback control of testosterone & sperm Negative feedback in a type of regulation in biological systems in which the end product of a process reduces the stimulus of that same process. ICSH stimulates the interstitial cells to produce testosterone, which in turn stimulates sperm cell production in the seminiferous tubules. When the testosterone level in the blood increases above a certain level, it inhibits the secretion of FSH and ICSH from the pituitary gland. This decreases the level of testosterone produced by the insterstitial Cells when the testosterone level drops it no longer inhibits the FSH and ICSH and so testosterone production starts up again. luteum Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle. 199 sthaprabobry phzoding youts,m will appl Suntorad In females, FSH stimulates the development of a E follicle in the ovaries and the production of borg oestrogen by the follicle in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. The LH triggers ovulation. After ovulation, LH stimulates the corpus to release the hormone l will alanlala mollad all the lake 2012 nt The menstrual cycle occurs over approximately 28 days in the ovary and uterus, with the first day of menstruation regarded as day one of the cycle. It can be divied into two boy phases. Follicular phase moitoudenom of owlaneloval FSH stimulates the development of a follicle and the production of oestrogen by the follicle in the follicular phase. Destrogen stimulates repair and proliferation of the endometrium, preparing it for implantation, and affects the consistency of Cervical mucus by making it more easily penetrated by sperm. Peaks levels of oestrogen act on the pituitary gland and stimulate a surge in the secretion of LH. The surge LH friggers ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an ovum from a in follicle in the ovary. It usually occurs around the mid-point of the menstrual cycle. Luteal Phase Marnard hivat which In the luteal phase, the remaining cells of the follicle develop into a corpus leiteum and start to Secrete progestevone. Progesterone promotos further development and vascularisation of the endometrum, preparing it for implantation if fertilisation occurs. Progesterone also causes the thickening of cervical mucus. od 2010) Negative feedback of the menstrual cycle calqi sill bridwiedra bin cond High progesterone levels have a negative feedback effect on the pituitary gland, resulting in the inhibition of FSH and LH. The inhibition of FSH prevents further follicles from developing. The lack of LH leads to the degeneration of the corpus luteum, with a subsequent drop in progesterone levels leading to menstruation and allowing the cycle to start again. wekeuchilland veisluban 31 DE JOVEND SES / Rocking C bi Engin surat in Stage I TALÁO AZULÁS, JA SIG Pituitary hormones. Mano piszkont sparige leerlinge afla ad I wildraften. EUROMASK LINDARA Day O O ORANDRIA 0 X Sellissifoli Day Tak Stage 2 Day 14 lock you to try. Aby di pannolity 15. Follicle stimulating hormone hotel brital Lutenising Hormone in all pbyob obilla) storion veyor sonorocophoning obie Qvanan hormones theollos oy donne lvovqəlavob Oestrogenine presvitendo no fute panes qui g Progestevane i Hundems/4 X No fertilisation If fertilisation doesn't take place, the corpus luteum degenerates and the progesterone 3. oestrogen levels decrease. Low levels of progesterone and oestrogen result in the onset of menstruation, with the loss of the inner layer of the endometrium along with some blooding away apps will po nae arbob suoritespory in youb bolpo due a ilties sabtu) 28 Fertilisation and pregnancy amniocan If fertilisation does occur, the corpus luteum doesn't degenerate and the progesterone level remains high, which maintains the endometrium and prevents a miscarriage. The placenta takes over the production of progesterone a few weeks) into pregnancy. The inhibitory effect of high progesterone levels results in a drop in the levels of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland. [v] DUA YAŞANDONOS COMO Austria sich mit no lifikaye obcaps bon black Infertility treatments and contraception are based on the biology of fertility. A fertile period is when a b male is capable of fathering a child or a female of conceiving and becoming pregnant. Male fertility! Men show continous fertility and produce sperm from puberty onwards. Negative feedback control vol ensures that the pituitary hormones FSH and ICSH are maintained at a relatively constant level, which wil results in a steady production of testosterone and resulting sperm production. poi ho pos bilohuvor yoqutabamos vor puta motiva Female pertility illerat them to akubal son wibond bill wolle, a bathrood Women show cyclical fertility leading to a wi fertile period. Females are most likely to concieve during a fertile period, which lasts approximately five days around the time of ovulation. The time of ovulation can be estimated by counting the number of days after menstruation, the slight rise in body temperature after ovulation (0.5°C) and the change in viscosity of the cervical mucus which becomes thin and watery. watery roata wat ingaton t taber The fertile period can be calculated and used to increase the chances of conceiving or as a a means of contraception through the timing. of intercourse. Male and female infertility can arise due to factors such as age, genetics, disease, or health and lifestyle reasons such as anorexia, obesity, drug misuse, smoking, stress and poor diet. kavano Treatments for infertility. • Stimulating Ovulation (Ovulatory drugs) Female infertility can be due to a failure to ovulate, caused by the failure of the pituitary 1/ gland to secrete FSH and LH. This can be treated with drugs that mimic FSH and LH or and with drugs that prevent the negative feedback. effect of oestrogen on FSH secretion. These ovulatory drugs can cause super ovulation, which can result in multiple births. They can be used to allow the collection of ova for use in in vitro fertilisation (IVF) programmes. con sabo This hairy oliday اور fort Artificial Insemination Artificial insemination is a treatment in which semen is collected and inserted into the b reproductive tract without intercourse having taken place.ox fil ban beban a move you ex yn onthaalusedia men wheat Artificial insemination is particularly useful where the male has a low sperm count. Several Samples of semen are collected and combined over a period of time. If a male partner is 20 sterile, a donor may be used to provide semen. This is called donor insemination. proiboob In vitro fertilisation (IVF) This treatment can be used when infertility. is caused by a blockage of the oriducts, which may have resulted from infection such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PIP) or the sexually. transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis. Other causes of blockages are due to infection which can result from procedures like abortion, miscarriage or caesarean sectional Ora are surgically removed from the ovaries bouwbl after stimulation by hormones. The ova are mixed with sperm cells in a culture dish outside the female's body. The fertilised eggs (zygotes) are then incubated until they have formed embryos of at least eight cells. The most suitable embryos are b selected and transferred to the prepared uterus for implantation. Any unused embryos can be frozen and stored for later use. •Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) The success of fertilisation in the IVF h procedure depends on the presence of a very, high number of active sperm. With ICSI only one sperm per ovum is needed and it can be used if mature sperm are either defective or very low in number. The head of an active sperm cell from a sample is drawn into ac needle, then injected directly into the ovum to achieve fertilisation. Cause and treatments of female infertility an Endometriosis Surgery to remove abnormal pilluita sores Borke tissue or unblock tubes (choick can lohive Fertitity drugs with artificial Slankega alo deter insemination for mild endometriosis. for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) for. million more severe cases. an de abay abionlle areside your atomlar 20 • Ovulation problems -> Ovulatory drugs and IVF with fertility drug. •Poor egg quality. -> Egg or embryo donation O Iramm Jno-Dra OUT KOMN KUE wunders wat wwn lodrea verkjë • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) -> Ovulatory drugs La hormone imbalance that and IVF disrupts ovulation, the ovaries develop many small cysts dabaw wal 0) bakal instead of ripening and maturing one egg each cycle) will waar hulojo mo1) burim • Female tube blockages > Surgery to open tubes ov, borg if tubes are too badly in damaged to repair, IVF is an option and ente Causes and treatments of male infertility Ayter aboven ohive on youneec verum Male sperm tube blockages - Surgery to correct tube blockages. O • Low or no sperm counts, poor sperm motility and fertility drugs may boost sperm production abnormally shaped sperm -> Other options include artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination (101), bernator pajedlawde injecting sperm directly into Haban the egg (icsi) or donor malap list in arttilipilvo combigenbluza • Sperm allergy pengon -> Artificial insemination, IVF or ICSI kula alba sila pa sa s-at op die As part of the IVF and ICSI procedures, cells/ from the embryos can be removed and tested for genetic abnormalities. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is used in conjunction with IVF to identify single gene disorders and chromosome abnormalities. These tests are carried out to select the most suitable embryos for insemination and implantation.adian kids LODE MY DRINDOMANDE Contraception Contraception is the intentional prevention of is at malige DE pregnancy by natural or artificial methods, including both physical and chemical methods. Physical methods a Physical methods of contraception include barrier methods, avoiding fertile periods, intra- uterine devices and sterilisation procedures. Barrier methods Barrier methods include condoms, diaphragms and cervical caps, and work by preventing the sperm from entering the uterus and reaching an ovum Mala omustuspa (1) out Condom -> Prevents sperm being released. into the female; can be used w with spermicidal gels -> Prevents sperm entering the uterus; can be used with 0 C Diaphragm / cervical cap Welspermicidal gels de m Calendar-based -> Based on calculating the methods pro fertile period around Jong automory mantello ovulation and avoiding sex of 1984 də məhəl for a few days before and opmeborouby after ovulation ceput jaks Intra-uterine-> Creates a hostile environment device (IUD) for implantation to occur Male sterilisation procedure preventing the release of sperm Tubal ligation -> Female sterilisation • Vasectomy procedure preventing the pingthen brakrelease of ova) P 0 Intra-uterine device (1UD) in An intra-uterine device (TUD or coil) is ava small structure that is often T-shaped with metallic copper parts. It's fitted into the uterus to prevent the implantation of an embryo in the endometrium. Wim d Hypt mekania on oltan (Rounty tax amn Sterilisation dah bolden but wDY PORTARA Sterilisation procedures are usually irreversible and include vasectomy in males and tubal ligation in females. Sterilisation in males involves cutting and closing the sperm tube of each testis. Sterilisation in females involves cutting or closing each oviduct.d bona wwwgide you ques and Chemical methods 19 kuka & Na dit hava ag SKAKEL canti Ovitats My huso Favors Wool Oral contraceptive pills are are a chemical method of contraception. The pill' or 'combination contraceptive pill contains a combination of synthetic oestrogen and progesterone that mimics negative feed back, preventing the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland. The progesterone -only 'mini pill' causes thickening of the cervical mucus, so preventing sperm from entering the uterus and reaching the ovum. Jaka Morning after pills, also known as emergency. Contraceptive pills (ECPS), contain high levels of synthetic oestrogen and progesterone and are taken only after sexual intercourse has taken place. The morning-after pill prevents. ovulation or implantation. la Chodakoven! Chemical methods & 0 al Combination contraceptive pill L> Contains synthetic progesterone and oestrogen, which inhibit the secretion of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland LANE AUSTR worpe bro Mini pillila aku ke sana dun L> Contains synthetic progesterone, which can inhibit ovulation and causes of thickening of cervical mucus, preventing the entry of sperm and fertilisation să scrie catto onda nem kellige Moming - after pill (emergency contraceptive) L> Contains a high dose of synthetic b progesterone and oestrogen, decreasing 70 chances of ovulation and implantation The Sucking and & thickening cervical mucus to prevent entry of sperm papalayo ka kodi. 。 COUP-LET how they work methods & how they work C whunderts 07/0 MES CALO France Lestare instanconica lash A variety of techniques can be used to monitor the health of the mother developing fetus and baby mal wohnan (79)), the sily 240 Drin on one spring bun audio sisilipe Dokon valio question pilot Antenatal screening. on mula) ralt bortar vitts to look and Antenatal or prenatal screening involves assessing the health and general well-being of the mother and testing for diseases or conditions in anilo hembryo or fetus before it's bom. 10 DOND The purpose of antenatal screening is to identify the risk of disorders such as Down syndrome, spina bifida cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy so that further tests and prenatal diagnosis can be offered. Antenatal screening can also be used to determine the sex of the baby. Antenatal testsolubblad Mo coililro) Josibol) Common antenatal testing procedures include 10 ultrasound imaging, blood and urine tests.ham fid amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (cvs) Shopplay of the Notch czloubivibar Ultrasound Imaging Pregnant women are given 2 ultrasound Scanschl Dating scans for pregnancy stage and due date, ave used with tests for marker chemicals, which vary bu normally during pregnancy. The first scan is carried. out at around 8-14 weeks of the pregnancy and is called a dating scan as it is used to determine the age of the fetus and the expected delivery. date. 20 bopus suzononds Zloubijber bre A second scan is offered at 18-20 weeks, when the fetus is muck larger. This is known as an anomaly scan and is used to detect any physical abnormalities in the limbs & vital organs of the fetus. These Blood Urine tests (biochemical tests) The health of the mother and the fetus can be monitored by routine blood and urine tests which are carried out throughout pregnancy. include biochemical tests to monitor the Concentrations of marker chemicals that are produced during the normal physiological changes of pregnancy. Measuring a chemical at the wrong. time could lead to a false positive. An al atypical chemical concentration can lead to d diagnostic testing being carried out to determine if the fetus actually has a medical condition. Diagnostic testing Medical conditions can be detected by a range of marker chemicals that indicate a condition. but need not necessarily be part of that all condition. As a result of routine screening, or for individuals in high-risk categories. In deciding to proceed with these tests, the elements of risk will be assessed, as will the decisions the individuals concerned are likely to make if a test is positive. Diagnostic tests include amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling ((us) from the placenta. Cells from samples can be cultured to obtain sufficient cells to produce a karyotype to diagnose a range of conditions. A karyotype shows. an individual's chromosomes arranged as homologous pairs. o Lakasihny mik wy Daugiau in biolab at hozy and bar who en glanzanj). bu is amona lofa Ideaal all relleu da Amniocentesis Niilras Splavoly - can be carried out at around 15-18 weeks. possible prenatal diagnosis/detects neural tube defect small viske of miscamage pregnancy. movilida Mait kolla baletnen /Gives results later in MA antibinga meta 2030 billog Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) pung) bit aboD can be carried out at around 11-14 weeks l possible prenatal diagnosis / gives the results earlier in the pregnancy zhoubinbrot doesn't detedt neural tube defects/small visk of miscarriage may carry risk of defective fingers and toes if carried out too ear early. Karyotype Cells from amniocentesis or from CVS can be Cultured to obtain sufficient cells to produce. a karyotype to diagnose a range of conditions. A karyotype is an image of an individual's chromosomes, arranged in homologous pairs and is used to identify anomalies in terms of the numbers or structure of chromosomes. is jou sihintoo padhna thuap paicollo Patterns of in heritance in genetic disorders Genetic screening (testing) can be used to find out whether a person is carrying a specific altered govy gene (genetic mutation) that causes a particular medical condition. It may be carried out for a number of reasons, including diagnosing a person with a genetic condition, help work out the chances of a person developing a particular condition and to determine whether a person is a carrier of a certain genetic mutation that could be inherited by their children. Exx paka Joan ToAmer A pattern of inheritance can be revealed by collecting information about a particular characteristic from family members and using it to construct a family tree or pedigree chart. If phenotypes are known, most of the genotypes of the individuals can be determined. 01 อ F vid % Jo somrovo bloc hth welln). QUIRITUN affected male k = unaffected male En 0 = affected female 0 - unaffected female. = Den amena Jon visDunha Following genetic screening, construction of a family tree may be carried out by a genetic counseller and the information used to advise parents about inheritance patterns in their family. papikiional An autosome is a chromosome that is not a Sex chromosome. Humans have a diploid genome that usually contains 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes * Female = XX, Male = XY. * wat moon oritur hon Autosomal recessive gene disorders OY DE An autosomal recessive disorder such asins) cystic fibrosis (CF) is expressed relatively vavely in offspring, affects males and females equally and may skip generations through LE CODE bubno 2003th out = (C (c unaffected male = Carrier Сс sal whis li Os I th ith. (C Cc Ни O 10-10 Note that carriers of the condition do not show the condition but they can pass. their offspring. сс olar] Blow la Autosomal dominant gene disorders omale ale An autosomal dominant condition such as Huntington's disease (HD) can be common in a family. It affects males and females equally & an individual can't carry the disease without being affected matibaas och hon Wome willamoodl unaffe lang alic} unaffected Cabellor ни hh DANSDOO Hobi nh carrier = affected female. Helina Am} affected hh Loś hh Autosomal incomplete dominance The fully expressed form of the condition is rave, the partly expressed form is more Common and males & females are offected. equally. The below diagram shows the inheritance of sickle cell disease (SCD) in a family. Note that carriers have a less severe bribe form of the disease called sickle cell trait, while those with 2 alleles have the move sickle cell anaemia.. JA 0 DOO070 T Bruth bobbi voi libros adding Toko Oquan parit Oud ad om bib supk La peingengodvostible Ⓒ = unaffected female. □= unaffected male 0 = Severly affected female = severly affected male O midly affected female mildly affected male NOMINO (OH)enpaib & Folgoutrigh Sex Linked wre cessive zor bappo H plinol o In 21sex-linked recessive conditions such as loups haemophilia. males are more commonly affected in than females. Male offspring inherit the condition from their mother. Fathers cannot pass the condition. on to their sons and female offspring can only be baby affected if the father has the condition and the mother is at least a carrier. N Xumably 1. affected Female (X" X") 0= unaffected female (x"X") carrier female (x^X^) O= H 2 affected male (x^4) □ unaffected male (X"4) Jumborn witar Postnatal screening Postnatal screening involves health checks that are carried out after the birth of the baby, aimed at detecting certain conditions or abnormalities. Postnatal diagnostic testing is used to detect shirik metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria (PKU) sering the pro Phenylketonuria (PKU) / Phenylketonuria (Pku) is an inborn error of metabolism caused by an autosomal recessive genétic disorder. This involves a substitution mutation of the gene coding the enzyme that converts the amino acid phenylalanine to the amino acid called tyrosine. This means that the enzyme which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine is non-functional. As a result, individuals with PKU cannot metabolise the amino acid phenylalanine. The phenylalanine takes a different metabolic pathway and is Converted to phenylpyruvate, which affects the baby's mental development after birth. Manif Infants with Pku are placed on a restricted dect that lacks the amino acid phenylalanine. normal metabolism phenylalanine in diet. enzyme present ("X"X) stran Jangan pria In the elder tinca ("xz) 9)ei cu cathe effects of Pku phenylalanine enzyme missing or defective in dict tyrosine pathway blocked oss deskaering HORARY AND PETSIDis. ca o phenylpyruvate builds up, leading to problems with brain alles deenen tot development melanin and other protein only produced if La tyrosine available machine go in beide from diet tyrosine melanin and Hungary other protein wish all artworç al bountin swap Bilgi dulunk Bell X DURID DICIEVED Towalshot all. E Jonatha) no Circulation RNHOA AND foalspinición des slakan 2nd picusunda bisp QHIR The heart, blood vessels and the blood form the cardiovascular system. Blood circulates from the heart through the blood vessels called arteries, to the capillares then to rouser post