


summarised notes for revision






nucleus (control)
mitochondria (respiration)
ribosome (protein synth


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nucleus (control)
mitochondria (respiration)
ribosome (protein synth


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nucleus (control)
mitochondria (respiration)
ribosome (protein synth


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nucleus (control)
mitochondria (respiration)
ribosome (protein synth


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nucleus (control)
mitochondria (respiration)
ribosome (protein synth


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nucleus (control)
mitochondria (respiration)
ribosome (protein synth


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nucleus (control)
mitochondria (respiration)
ribosome (protein synth


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Cells Yorganelles: nucleus (control) →lytoplasm MITOSIS BIOLOGY Paper] higher -resolution mitochondria (respiration) ribosome (protein synthesis). cell membrane. → cell wall Chloroplast (photosynthesis). Geanning. Electron microscope •PLANT ONLY Organelles: vacuole (Stones sap, where Chemical reactions take place) cells divide Chromosomes Copied line up along line + 7 in middle pulled apart than light до сам л ale organelles geperated 2 human daughter cells Prokaryotic cells. ✓ DNA d Swhere DNA is stored- Humans have 23 pairs of except. egg. Chromosomes+Sperm` o NOT > involve fining electrons at cells and the electrons bounce offor go through in nucleus Eukaryotic cells DNA in nucleus maareers e.g. Plant +animal cells microscopy ↓ nanometers nm transmission electron microscope eg. bacteria, plasmid, (ring of DNA Stem Cells → become specialised make tissue > make organs magnification image Size object size - 1000 Mmm- 1000 → mm. micrometes millimetres Scanned with CamScanner Diffusion Osmosis PRACTICAL When SANN Substances / particles. -move from area of high concentration to. Low Concentration y "Cut same size cylindes of potato y (Passive →water diffusion, through semi-permeable- membrane If it gets sreding heavier water has moved in y Sif it gets lighter wate Put into different weigh & Concentrations of Sucrose solutions no energy needed: down concentration gradient leave to soak drys and weigh again "as concentration of sugar in cell- Sugrose solution, is more than in the soultion. gradient v as concentration of sugal has moved out 7 in cell is lower than in the Solution "is weight remains the same, the concentrations are equal. Active Transport energy is used to more particles against concentration e.g. minerals into root, Carrier proteins act as 'gate Scanned with CamScanner -gricose + oxygen dioxide Cott₁₂06 + 60₂ 3₂ 6+2₂0 + 600₂ (AEROBICE energy RESP.) released Independent Rates of Photosynthesis PRACTICAL, variable light intensity, Changed by distance Other factors → put pondweed in water in test tube or boiling tube → put light near tuber Collect → Count Oxygen bubbles ↓ dependant → temp. →CO₂ concentration- if less oxygen RATE water + Carbon e available guicose this...

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Alternative transcript:

builds -UP OXYGEN Metabolism: LIGHT ANAEROBIC -INTENSITY RESPIRATION reverse reaction is a seans NAVE PHOTOSYNTHESIS ↓ sunlight energy. guicose used to make Staran/proteins/ Cellulose lipids growth Istore energy to all cells do this variable amount of окудел Limiting factor RESPIRATION lactic acid →needs no Oxygen Produces less energy V NEVER On-x-axis- A during DEBTygen needed to break down acid after and exercise (RECOVERY) exaks excercise: heart rate + breathing rate increase to get more oz into Cells in respiring muscles Sum of all chemical reactions in body_ LIVER Gremoves lactic acid -turns guicose into glycogen- if not needed. Scanned with CamScanner body's defenses: Laking acid Platelers INFECTION and RESPONSE Cilia (hairs in eg trachea). mucus anting white blood cells Vaccination Phagocytes injest pathogens non-specific Vinject dead /inactive · virus.) version of virus." body will make antimodies for when real virus arrives Anti-Biotics do not kill violences, → don't overuse, bacteria murates +sont run whole course, becomes resistant Developing Drugs animal trials 4 human blind trials, K double blind; doctors don't know, removes bias discovery, what chemicals Ado job. development, test on tissue Lymphocytes makes antibodies that bond to antigen on surface of virus. >can take time to make. cornect one, very specific Shape Once made, body remembes immune some given placebo to avoid bias >manufacture o review infectious diseases. caused by pathogens. e.a maiania accident: ally discovered by Fleming these antibodies make viruses систе together they are injected Penicillin Увастела virus. mould had antibiotic mord growing in Petri dish Compound, Fungus Protist ANANTONS bactena didn't grow Scanned with CamScanner FOOD TESTS: Starch 3 iodine, turns. purple fats ethanol, Cloudy Glucose benedict's Solution, blue orange Protein? biuret Mineral K Virus (eg. tobaccomosaic) Defficiancy nitrates amino acids reagent bule-purple yellow leaves STEM Plant Structure Keeps waterin Proteins growth -mag nesium in on\ovophyll, causes Chlorosis waterproof ↑ waxy Cuticle Palisade e layer where most Photosynthesis occurs LEAF 000 ♥ 0 00 000.000 PLANT DISEASES ata (holes) Fungus (P.g. rose black spot) > Root Haircell arge Surface -area →upper epidermis nigner= water evaporates quickel •Spongy Stom-guard cells. Diseases Identified by: Spots Stunted growth, decay trot mesophyll layer Controls Size of Govans Plant Defenses, Cell walls, waxy cutice, bark/dead cells, anti- bacterial Chemicals, poisons, thorns- AFFECTED BY: temperature, wind, humidity. y lower transparent to allow -light-through So osmosis occurs at a higher rate I where gas exchange occurs, (Coz, 02, H20) Stomara + therefore controls rate of gas exchange. xylem ; long tubes, made from dead cells, transports water phloemi OR tubes of cells that use active transport to move Substances through the plant (sucrose+ amino, acids) Transpiration water evaporates from leaves, goes up through Stomata- causes low pressure in of water in plant osmosis occurs, water moves into roots + rises MNY up the xylem pressure, water vapow hemoved "qulcker, transpiration quicker lots of water vapour around plant, higher pressure, transpiration Scanned with CamScanner Vena Carbs Starch Siv cava Gugar LIPASE Saidil ↑ ● FATTY ACIDS + 9 night atnum 1973015 night Special Chemicals/proteins that break down molecules, catalyse reactions, Specific to Chemical Protease Ad Proteins amino Put iodine in Sporting tile →Starch, amylase + buffer Solution (e.g.PH₂) water bath (30°c) → Start timer once amylase added. → every 20s add drop to iodine On tile →when mou it stops turning purple (remains orange) all Starch has been broken down by amylase ventricle- HEART lungs, gers oxygen, info ove removes bronchi pulmonary artery. aorta Pulmonary ENZYMES vein except trachea ·left atrium. active Site acids. has OPTIMUM TEMP+PH Sif either are too high, & active Site denatures + change grape, so no сонда шопку t Biological A Catalyst ARTERIES V LOCK + KEY Tut enzyme all oxygenated large pui-artery surface area the air salveolig Yaway from heart Substrate Specific shape LUNGS -where gay exchange, occurs bronchioles- sacs where goy goes into t out of your blood • left ventricle DOUBLE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Lumen left side: higher thick waus due to pressure, thicker walls high pressure aftery goes blood in through, watts very small Scanned with CamScanner NON-COMMUNICABLE VEINS DISEASES Diabetes турет "born insulin Or.. pancreas not making if around heart; Conorary neart disease, normaking type & enough deposit in blood vessells insulin Cancer mutated cells grow out of control restricted to Benign 7 specific part of body and CO₂ to y can develop that controls get exchanged guicose levels. into cells Diet, smoking, Drugs, UV, excercise, carcinogens y Risk factors: growingt fast Y thin walls, less- Mys pressure blood valves to prevent prevent blackflow scapina. allow Or spreading malignant more aggressive. Carbon Oxygen. Dioxide dissolved in binds to Pasma in Haemoglobin blood in Red Blood Cells CORRELATION # CAUSATION CAPILLARIES - tiny blood- -vessells- Scanned with CamScanner