


human reproduction






human reproduction and the menstrual cycle.
the meanstrual cycle is controlled
Secreted by
by normones
the avanes and piluitars gland.


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human reproduction and the menstrual cycle.
the meanstrual cycle is controlled
Secreted by
by normones
the avanes and piluitars gland.


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human reproduction and the menstrual cycle.
the meanstrual cycle is controlled
Secreted by
by normones
the avanes and piluitars gland.


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human reproduction and the menstrual cycle.
the meanstrual cycle is controlled
Secreted by
by normones
the avanes and piluitars gland.


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human reproduction and the menstrual cycle. the meanstrual cycle is controlled Secreted by by normones the avanes and piluitars gland. O It is the levers of these that controu what happens. over the 28 day cycle. key hormone •LH: Luteinising hormone •FSH: follicle stimulating hormone • Destrogen. /* progesterone. DAY 7. Ks period ends Ovulation whing. builds. DAY 14 menstrautin (uning sheds). 8 B DAY 1 uring thukus maintaines S DAY 21 FSH - Destrogen FSH LH FSH pituitary! CA Oestrogen ovary if not pregnancy Progesterone Stops lining sheds & progesterone yellow bodk A pituitary gland Progesterone overy... yellow body progesterone, pituitary gland. 4 Stops pituitars making FSH egg grows inside follicle Ovulation Đ LH pituitary causes egg to mature, stimulate oceries to produce oestrogen triggers ouvlation causes wring to develop, inhibits FSH Stimulates LH causes wring of the maintain uterus to ak down inhibits fSH & CH oestrogen. ovary A uning thickms! if pregnant progesterone and westrogen continue to be produced. contraception and fertility hormone base untraception Spermicides Barrier methods Intrauterine devices Abstinence Abstinence around fertility Surgical methods use female hormones to Stop ovulation and uning developing Stops / regulate Link Periods readily chemicals that kill L disable sperm lulex barrier t between egg + sperm prevent embryos implanting, Some contain progesterone don't have Sexc not having sex around ovulation. Sperm curt tied 95% essective oviclucts are tied availabe last 3-5 years very effective 100% essective unreliable raised blood very ejective open to prevent STIS numan no side effects essor an damage no risk of pregnancy pressure thrombosis not eyletive can cause perod problems no side effects women need general ·andsthetic → infertility treatments. FSH injections are used for women who cannot ovulate FSH stimulates maturation of egg in the ovaries and triggers oestrogen production LH injections: Stimulate ovularin IVE fertility drugs are used to mare lots of eggj mature at the same time for collection. • the eggs are collected and placed in a special. petridish solution in a •A sample of semen is collected and the sperm and egg are morced in the petri dish. been • the eggs are checked to make sure they...

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have fertilised and the early embryos are developing properly • when the fertilised egg have formed tiny balus of cells, 1 or 2 of the tiny embryos are placed in the womb. Then if it all goes well, at least one baby will grow and develop successfully. > the older you are the less likely IVF will work