


Biology B7 - Non-communicable diseases






A non-communicable disease is a disease that cannot be transmitted from one person to
another. Examples - diabetes, coronary heart disease a


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A non-communicable disease is a disease that cannot be transmitted from one person to
another. Examples - diabetes, coronary heart disease a


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A non-communicable disease is a disease that cannot be transmitted from one person to another. Examples - diabetes, coronary heart disease and cancer. A risk factor is something that increases the chance of a harmful outcome. RISK Factors that you cannot control - age, gender, genes that you inherit. Risk Factors that you can control -> diet, smoking. Fitness levels, drinking alcohol. Obesity etc. causual mechanism - explains how one risk factor influences another through a biological Process. E.9. Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer as tar is a carcinogen. cancer the result of Changes in cells that leads to uncontrolled growth and division. Tumour a mass of abnormally growing cells. Benign tumours - growths are contained in one place, usually within a membrane. Dont invade Other parts of the body. can grow very large and fast -> this can put pressure on other organs e.g. brain Which can be life reatening. Maligmant tumours - growths can spread around the body, invading healthy tissues, due to the initial tumour breaking UP, releasing cancer cells into the blood or lymphatic System, transported to other parts and form secondry tumours. - causes of cancer: Gentic Factors -> some types of cancer, e.g. beast cancer, have a clear genetic risk Factor. carcinogens-> these are chemicals that cause mutations to...

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Alternative transcript:

occur, e.g. tar. abestos. Changes in DNA can lead to cancer. Viral infections -> e.g. HPV is a Virus that can cause cervical cancer. vaccinations now Provided to prevent this. (also types of carcinogens) e.g. UV light. X-rays can interrupt cell Cycle and cause tumours to form. Ionising radiation -> Treatment of cancer: Radiotherapy cancer cells are destroyed by doses of radiation. Stops cell division in cancer cells but also destroys healthy cells, e.g. hair cells. Chemotherapy -> Chemicals are used to stop cell division in the cancerous cells or cause apoptosis (cell death). smoking: Cigarette smoke contains... Tara black, Sticky Chemical Which increases the risk of cancer clung, trachea, larynx. throat) due to being a carcinogen. can also lead to COPD (Chronic obstructive PULMonary disease). Nicotine-addictive yet relatively harmless drug, making smokers feel calm. Increases heart rate and blood pressure -> this can damage the smooth lining of arteries Which I can then lead to blood Clots or if in the coronary arteries, coronary heart disease. carbon monoxide - Poisonous gas - prevents your red blood cells from carrying not as much oxygen. Problems in pregnancy as foetus requires oxygen. This may lead to Premature birth. LOW birth weight. Stillbirths and miscarriage. Diseases caused by smoking: Bronchitis inflammation and infection of bronchi due to the Cilia being paralysed. mucus builds UP Which may contain dirt and Pathogens. Emphysema alveoli breakdown so reduce SA for gas exchange, leads to breathlessness. Obesity Problem: High blood pressure and cholestrol -> Cholestorol ca type of liquid) can build Up in arteries and block them leading to heart disease, if in coronary arteries this could lead to a heart attack. Arthritis Pain and inflamation of a joint. Type 2 diabetes -> increased glucose levels and non-respondent insulin can lead to Circulation, Kidney function and eyesight Problems. -> ALCOHOL: ALCOholic drinks contain ethanol, a legal, recreational drug. It is Poisonous but the liver can usually break it down and remove it before damage or death. Ethanol is absorbed from the small intestine into the blood and passes into tissues quickly, including the brain. It is a depressant so slows down the reactions of the nervous system. ALCOHOLICS may develop cirrhosis of the liver where cells are replaced with scar tissue resulting in a liver that doesn't function. Ethanol is a carcinogen so can result in liver cancer. It is difficult to treat and can spread easily due to position in the body. Ethanol can pass into the placenta and then into fetal blood. This can result in Stillbirths, miscarriages and premature births. It can also lead to foetal alcoholic Syndrome Where the baby is born with learning difficulties and facial deformities.