


Health and disease mind map






Health - The state of physical, mental.
and social wellbeing.
Non - Communicable - A disease that can


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5 HEALTH, DISEASE, VIRUSES AND STI'S Health - The state of physical, mental. and social wellbeing. Non - Communicable - A disease that can not be spread from organism to Organism. eg: cancer Communicable - A disease that can be. spread from organism to organism eg: Cold flu, All communicable diseases are caused by pathogens, these are the main 6: Cholera - Caused by bacterium called vibrio cholerae. Symptoms are diarrhoea. It spreads through. contaminated water. Is prevented by drinking clean water. T.B - Caused by bacterium. Symptoms are coughing and ling damage. Stomach Ulcers - Spread by contaminated HIV- by wearing a condom, food and water. Prevented by drinking Avoid sharing needles, screening Clean water and hygienic living conditions, and proper treatment. malaria - Caused by a protist. Symptoms AIDS- Infected persons immune are damage to red blood cells and the system deteriorates and fails, Liver. Spreads vici mosquito bites. Prevented suseptible to other diseases as by insect repellent the body cant Right them off. Ebola-Caused by the Ebola virus. Symptoms Ewa are heamorrhagic fever. Spread via bodily fluids, prevented by isolating the infected. and sterilising any areas where the viru may be. ņ Chalara arn dieback - caused by a fungus. Symptoms are leat loss and bark leisions. Spread through the air by the wind. Prevented by removing infected. trees. The lytic and Lysogenic pathways. STI'S It spreads through the air. Prevented Chlamydia Bacterium, reproduces inside a host cell, can...

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Alternative transcript:

cause infertility, 3 prevented by wearing candoms, screenings i and avoiding sexual contact. Stomach ulcers - Caused by bacterium. Symptoms HIV-kills white blood cells, lead, to are stomach pain nausea + vomiting. AIDS, spread via bodily fluids, Stop spread F by avoiding crowded areas when infected, good hygiene and well ventilated homes. www.naner-prints nom 53 Lysogenic 5.447 H जह 3 Z