


Biology B11 - Hormonal Coordination






The endocrine system - made UP OF glands that secrete hormones directly into the
Chemical molecules released directly


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The endocrine system - made UP OF glands that secrete hormones directly into the
Chemical molecules released directly


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The endocrine system - made UP OF glands that secrete hormones directly into the
Chemical molecules released directly


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The endocrine system - made UP OF glands that secrete hormones directly into the
Chemical molecules released directly


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The endocrine system - made UP OF glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Hormones: Chemical molecules released directly into the bloodstream. They only affect Particular cells in particular organs called target organs. They control things in organs and cells that need constant adjustment. Produced and secreted by glands called endocrine glands. These glands make up the endocrine system. Pituitary Gland - produces many hormones that regulate body conditions. These hormones act on Other glands causing them to release hormones that bring about a Change. Thyroid Produces thyroxine which is involved in regulating the rate of metabolism. heart rate and temperature. Adrenal Gland - produces adrenaline Which Prepares the body for a fight or flight response. pancreas produces insulin Which is used to regulate the blood glucose level Testes (males only) - produce testosterone which controls Puberty and sperm Production Ovaries (females only) - produces oestrogen Which is involved in the menstrual cycle Controlling Blood Glucose levels: Eating Foods containing carbs Puts glucose into the blood from the gut. The normal metabolism of cells removes glucose from the blood. Vigorous exercise removes much more glucose. Excess glucose can be stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. The level of glucose in the blood must be kept steady. Changes are monitored by the Pancreas using the hormones insulin and glucagon. Diabetes- a...

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Alternative transcript:

condition that affects your ability to control your blood sugar level Type 1 Diabetes - little or no insulin is made. A person's blood glucose level may rise to a Level Which can kill them. Insulin therapy is needed Which involves taking several injections of insulin throughout the day and before mealtimes. This makes sure that the glucose is removed from the blood quickly once food has been digested. The amount injected depends on the person's diet and exercise. People with type 1 need to limit the intake of Foods rich in simple carbs. Type 2 Diabetes - body is resistant to insulin. A person's blood glucose level may rise to a level which can kill them. Being overweight can increase your chance of developing this. I can be controlled by eating a carbohydrate controlled diet and getting regular exercise. Adrenaline: Produced by adrenal glands Which are just above the kidneys. Released in stressful or Scary situations. Brain detects fear or stress and sends nerve impulses to the glands. It gets the body ready for 'Fight or Flight' by triggering mechanisms that increase the SUPPLY OF Oxygen and glucose the cells in the brain and muscles. Thyroxine: Released by the adrenal gland Which is in the neck. Regulates the basal metabolic rate. This is the rate at Which Chemical reactions in the body occur while the body is resting. Also it stimulates Protein synthesis for growth. It is released in response to thyroid Stimulating hormone which is released from the Pituitary gland. LOW thyroxine Levels in the bloodstream stimulate the hypothalamus to release TRH and this causes the Pituitary to release TSH so the thyroid releases more thyroxine. So blood Levels return to normal. Normal thyroxine levels in the bloodstream inhibit TRH released From the hypothalamus and this inhibits the release of TSH from the Pituitary, so normal blood levels are maintained. Puberty: During Puberty, the reproductive organs, in males these are the testes and in females the ovaries, become active and the body takes on its adult form. Development of the secondary sexual characteristics are controlled by sex hormones. One of the Characteristics that develops is the production of sex cells, also known as, gametes allowing reproduction to take place. Menstural cycle: FOLLICLE Stimulating hormone (FSH) is Produced in the Pituitary gland, the role in the menstural cycle is it causes the egg in the ovary to mature (the egg grows surrounded by cells called the follicle). Luteinising hormone (LH) is produced in the Pituitary gland and its role in the menstural Cycle is to stimulate the release of an egg cell from an ovary (ovulation). oestrogen is produced in the ovaries and the role in the menstural cycle is it stimulates the buildup of the uterus lining. progesterone is produced in the ovaries and the role in the menstural cycle is to maintain the lining of the uterus (if the egg cell is fertilised). - Day 1 menstruation starts. The uterus lining breaks down for about four days. Day 4-14- the Uterus lining buildS UP again, into a thick spongy layer Full of blood vessels. ready to receive a fertilised egg. Day 14-a developed egg is released from the ovaries. Day 28 if no fertilised egg has landed on the uterus wall, then the spongy lining starts to break down and the cycle is repeated. Controlling Fertility: oestrogen can be used to prevent the release of an egg. If it is taken daily it inhibits the Production Of FSH and after a while egg development and Production Stop. Progesterone reduces fertility by Stimulating the Production of thick MUCUS Which Prevents any sperm getting through. combined oral contraceptive Pill: contains oestrogen and Progesterone, over 99% effective at preventing Pregnancy, can cause side effects like headaches and nausea and doesn't Protect against STDS. contraceptive Patch: contains oestrogen and progesterone, a small 5cm by 5cm S+UCK +0 thW Skin, each Patch lasts one week. contraceptive implant: inserted under the skin of the arm, releases a continuous amount OF Progesterone Which StOPS the ovaries releasing eggs, this makes it hard for Sperm to Swim to the egg, S+OPS any fertilised egg implanting in the uterus, can last for 3 years. Contraceptive injection contains Progesterone, each dose lasts 2-3 months. Chemical methods: Spermicides are used Which Kill Sperm, it is not as effective. intrauterine device (IUD): A T-Shaped device that is inserted into the uterus. It Kills sperm and Prevents implantation of a fertilised egg. It has 2 types: Plastic and Copper. The Plastic one releases Progesterone, the Copper one prevents Sperm surviving in the Uterus. They last for 3 to 5 years. They can lead to Problems with Periods and infections. condoms: Latex Sheath worn over the Penis Which collects sperm. prevents STDS, but they can be damaged and allow sperm to enter the vagina. Diaphragm A Shallow Plastic CUP that fits over the cervix, it forms a barrier against sperm. It must be Positioned correctly. Sterilisation Cutting or tying the fallopian tubes or the Sperm duct. Natural methods - Finding out when the women is most Fertile during the menstrual cycle and avoiding those days. Abstinence - not having intercourse. infertility: some women want Children but do not make enough FSH, this hormone is needed to mature egg cells in the ovaries. Artificial FSH can be injected. This will mature the egg cells as well as trigger oestrogen to be produced. This can then be FOLLOWed With an injection of artificial LH. Which Will trigger ovulation to occur. It allows women to conceive naturally. It doesnt always work. Too many eggs COULD Stimulate resulting in multiple pregnancies. AUXIN: Plant growth hormone, controls growth near the tips of Shoots and roots. controls growth in response to light and gravity. It is produced in the tips and moves backwards to Stimulate the cell elongations. If the tip of a Shoot is removed then no auxin will be available. In the Plant Stem. responses to light are known as Positive Phototropism, Which means the stem grows towards the light. In the plant root. responses to light are known as negative Phototropism, Which means the root grows away from the light. tropism the responses of Plants' Shoots and roots to different stimuli, e.g. light. Phototropism - the response of a plant to light. Gravitropism the response of a plant to gravity. Using Plant hormones: AUXINS - Killing Weeds the hormone Stimulates Plant growth so when this is added to Weeds it leads to rapid, uncontrolled growth. Killing the weeds. ROOting Powder - Cuttings are dipped in rooting Powder that contains auxin. the hormone that Stimulates the growth of new roots Which Will help the Cutting grow into a new Plant. Growing cells in tissue culture - tissue culture can be used to clone Plants From its cell. To do this, auxins need to be added to the growth medium to Stimulate the cells to decide to form both roots and shoots. Gibberellin – Stimulates germination, stem growth and flowering. controlling dormancy - Lots of seeds wont germinate until they've been through dormancy. Gibberellin can alter dormancy to make seeds germinate at different times of the year. Induced Flowering. Growing larger fruit. Ethene: Stimulates Fruit ripening. Fruit is harvested before it is ripe so it can be transported. unripe fruit is stored until needed and then ethen gas along with Warmer temperatures allows the fruit to ripen.