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Infection and response
Homeostasis and response
Responding to change (a2 only)
Energy transfers (a2 only)
Cell biology
Biological molecules
Substance exchange
The control of gene expression (a2 only)
Genetic information & variation
Inheritance, variation and evolution
Genetics & ecosystems (a2 only)
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World war two & the holocaust
Britain & the wider world: 1745 -1901
The cold war
1c the tudors: england, 1485-1603
2d religious conflict and the church in england, c1529-c1570
The fight for female suffrage
2m wars and welfare: britain in transition, 1906-1957
Inter-war germany
1l the quest for political stability: germany, 1871-1991
1f industrialisation and the people: britain, c1783-1885
Medieval period: 1066 -1509
2o democracy and nazism: germany, 1918-1945
2n revolution and dictatorship: russia, 1917-1953
World war one
Britain: 1509 -1745
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