


Standard test circuit required practical






Standard fest
Standard test,
Required practical-investigate current
-voltage graphs.
Aim of experiment: to investigate the


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Standard fest
Standard test,
Required practical-investigate current
-voltage graphs.
Aim of experiment: to investigate the


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Standard fest Standard test, circuit. Circulit Required practical-investigate current -voltage graphs. Aim of experiment: to investigate the relationship between Current & potential difference for a resistor, bulb & diode THI THE H Resistor. Method. Bulb +++ Diode. 10 Set up the following test circuit. D ↳ Ammeter in series with component. 28/01/2 Voltmeter in parallel with component. Ⓒ Set the variable resistor at its highest / lowest value. 3 measure the voltage with voltmeter & current with. ammeter •Record results in a table. Alter the variable resistor to change the current and voltage. • Record the new values in the table. Repeat until about 6 different positive current and voltage recorded. values Que ⒸSwitch the power supply terminals and repeat the experiment to get at least 6 negative voltage & current readings. @Plot a graph of I against V. (current against voltage). for a resistor (or wire) the graph will look like this: Evaluation The potential difference is directly proportional to the current. This relationship is called`' Ohm's Law? It is true because the resistance of the resistor is. fixed and does not change.. A resistor is an ohmic conductor. For a filament lamp (bulb) the graph will look like this: Evaluation: I F As voltage increases, the current also increases, As current increases, the temperature of the filament. metal inside the bulb also increases. The lons in the filament vibrate more (gain Ex), The ions collide with more electrons, increasing the resistance of the bulb - not...

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Alternative transcript:

ohmic conductor. 0 The current still increases, but by a slower rate, so the graph curves. I For a diode the graph will look like this: Evaluation: A diode only allows current to flow in one direction... When the power supply terminais are switched to get negative resuirs, the voltage & current readings are O because the diode stops current from flowing in that direction. The diode's resistance is very large at low p.ds but at higher pids the resistance quickly drops and current. begins to flow. LD A safety resistor is required to prevent the current from getting too large.