


Henry VIII - Foreign Policy Breakdown






(9) Henry VIII Foreign Affairs
Early Years
Wolsey's Foreign Policy 1514-1529
Henry's Dominance / Break with Rome 1529-1540
Final Y


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(9) Henry VIII Foreign Affairs
Early Years
Wolsey's Foreign Policy 1514-1529
Henry's Dominance / Break with Rome 1529-1540
Final Y


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(9) Henry VIII Foreign Affairs
Early Years
Wolsey's Foreign Policy 1514-1529
Henry's Dominance / Break with Rome 1529-1540
Final Y


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(9) Henry VIII Foreign Affairs Early Years 1509-1514 Wolsey's Foreign Policy 1514-1529 Henry's Dominance / Break with Rome 1529-1540 Final Years 1540-1547 Early Years main aim: invade France and become warrior king 1511 Henry joins Holy League (Spain, HRE, England, papacy) anti- French Alliance in conflict between France and HRE 1512 France war declared on. Henry sent army of 10,000 men to southwest France. Ferdinand of Spain used. this to successfully conquer to won Navarre, while English suffered defeat in Gascony 1513 Henry himself led force in Battle of Spurs (France) battle (no more than skirmish, but claimed to be stunning victory (propaganda)) Henry captured Tournai and Thérouanne (French towns) invaded England James IV of Scotland → Battle of Flodden Lo defeated + killed by small English army 4 Scottish throne now in hands of James V (infant) outcome: no money left, rumbling about taxation in Yorkshire (fear of rerun of problems of 1489), renegotiated French pension last Wolsey's Foreign policy main aim: peace settlement to avoid defeat against. France and secure European peace. 1514 Wolsey negotiated peace treaty with France Louis XII to Mary Tudor (Henry's sister) to marry 1515/16 new and young French (Francis 1) + Spanish (Charles V) kings 1517 Charles V and HRE agreed the Treaty of Cambrai with France England isolated enda England's is treaty of perpetual peace signed by England, France Spain, HRE and smaller states. Charles V of Spain elected as Holy Roman Emperor • encouraged good relations between France and England; French concerned about...

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Alternative transcript:

increased power. 1520 Field of Cloth of Gold -meeting between Herry Vill + Francial no diplomatic achievements 1518 Treaty of London negotiated by Wolsey isolation 15 19 1521 Treaty of Bruges (anti-French treaty with HRE) ↳ entailed marriage alliance between Charles and Mary Henry Vill believed he could improve relationship with. Pope gain more territory in France start of Second French War to little gains, but very costly with Parliament reluctant. to grant extrordinary revenue 1525 Charles V victorious over French at Battle of Pavia. Peace with France 1526 Henry supports anti-imperial League of Cognac 1527 Treaty of Amiens. w anti-Imperial alliance with French. Sack of Rome: Pope Clement VII virtual prisoner of Charles French defeated at Landriano (by HRE) Peace of Cambrai between France and HRE Fall of Wolsey outcome: King's Great Matter complicated foreign policy due to Charles V being Catherine of Aragon's nephew; failed attempts to solve marital issues. by diplomatic means. led to Wolsey's fall from 1522 1529 Henry's Dominance / Break with Rome main aim: get foreign support for King's Great Matter or minimise response of foreign powes to B. w/ Rome 1532 (new fragile defensive alliance with France pressurize charky attempted alliance with League of Schmalkalden. attempt to into supporting/ "King's Rome choice but to break with Great 14 no 1533 1534 1536 1538 1539 1540 Break with Rome! major rebellion in Ireland after dismissal of Earl of Kildare i strained relationship with Iceland after Break with Rome religious differences. Charles V and Francis at war again powe to reduces potential danger of England's isolation peace treaty (Treaty of Nice) between Charles + Francis two Gaelic nobles invade Pale fear of invasion after Pope's attempt to unite Catholic powers in anti-English crusade Henry vill marries Anne of Cleves. to aim: alliance with League of Schmalkalder 4 marriage quickly dissolved. no invasion by Catholic alliance after with Rome successful outcome: break Lain Final Years. aim: return to agressive foreign policy and attack Scot- land and France 1542 Invasion of Scotland. 4 Scots defeated + James V died throne left to Mary • Rough wooing 1543 Treaty of Greenwich and •marriage alliance between Prince Edward of England Princess Mary of Scotland. Alliance with Charles V (anti- French) start of Third French war 1544 1545 Charles V made. seperate peace with Francis Francis I sent troops to Scotland to support. invasion of England, England defeated (Battle of Ancrum Moor) ↳ BUT Scots failed to invade. French counter-invasion of Isle of Wight Peace agreed because both sides couldn't afford to continue conflict. outcome: Henry VIII left with little money (money for war gained from selling crown Lands) Overall success/failure? 1546 main aim: invade France and become warrior king. failure I never won significant Land in France Lo mostly just exhausted his finances. main aim: make England. big power success-? - made alliances with France + HRE a