


Impact of French Revolution and Growth in Nationalism in Germany






<p>Before 1815, the German states were under the dominance of Napoleon, and after that, they were under the control of Austria in the Germa


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<p>Before 1815, the German states were under the dominance of Napoleon, and after that, they were under the control of Austria in the Germa


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<p>Before 1815, the German states were under the dominance of Napoleon, and after that, they were under the control of Austria in the Germa


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Before 1815, the German states were under the dominance of Napoleon, and after that, they were under the control of Austria in the German Confederation. All 39 states had their own responsibilities, but by 1850, German nationalism had grown significantly.

Cultural Factors

All the states spoke the same German language, which encouraged communication and cooperation between states, increasing the chances of a unified Germany. There were many cultural figureheads who helped bring about a cultural awakening in Germany, including Beethoven, Schiller, and Hegel. These figures gave people a sense of German consciousness by showing that they had a common cultural heritage and a proud past.

Economic Nationalism

Germany experienced a huge population growth, which led to many people moving to the cities to find better living and working conditions. Businessmen wanted the states to become closer so that their own businesses could thrive. In 1834, the Zollverein was established, allowing goods, ideas, and people to freely travel across state borders, making trade much easier. This led to the transportation of goods across the Confederation much quicker and created jobs for people.

Impact of French Revolution & Napoleonic Wars

In 1789, the absolutist monarchy was overthrown by the masses in a violent revolution. This gave the German people hope that the same ideas could spread fast to show German princes and kings what the ordinary people wanted. The German people knew that a major factor of Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo was the unification of German troops, which they saw as a victory for Germany, not just for the individual states.

Role of the Liberals

Across German universities, youth associations were set up to give students a place to discuss nationalism and ideas and plan their ways of getting them out into the world. This showed the desire for a unified Germany among the wealthy and educated middle classes.

Military Weakness

German military weakness was illustrated in 1806 when Napoleon invaded with little resistance to create the Confederation of the Rhine. The states would be less vulnerable to another invasion after 1815 if they were more closely unified. This was highlighted in 1840 when a dispute involving France and other European powers resulted in France threatening to expand its border east to the River Rhine, which was Prussian land. By rallying around Prussia to offer support against this potential invasion, it allowed the German states to unite against a common enemy.

Summary - History

  • German nationalism grew significantly by 1850
  • Cultural figures like Beethoven and Schiller played a role in cultural awakening
  • The Zollverein allowed for easier trade and transportation of goods
  • The French Revolution gave German people hope for change
  • Military weakness highlighted the need for closer unity among German states
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S6 student studying advanced higher English, history and modern studies :))

Frequently asked questions on the topic of History

Q: What were the cultural factors that contributed to the growth of nationalism in Germany?

A: The cultural factors that contributed to the growth of nationalism in Germany included the common German language, which encouraged communication and cooperation, and cultural figureheads like Beethoven, Schiller, and Hegel who helped create a sense of German consciousness.

Q: How did economic nationalism and the Zollverein contribute to the growth of nationalism in Germany?

A: Economic nationalism and the establishment of the Zollverein in 1834 allowed goods, ideas, and people to freely travel across state borders, making trade much easier and leading to the transportation of goods across the Confederation much quicker, creating jobs and economic growth.

Q: What was the impact of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars on German nationalism?

A: The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars gave the German people hope for change and unification, as they saw the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo as a victory for Germany, not just for the individual states.

Q: What role did the liberals play in the growth of nationalism in Germany?

A: Liberals across German universities set up youth associations to discuss nationalism and ideas, showing a desire for a unified Germany among the wealthy and educated middle classes.

Q: How did military weakness and the threat of invasion contribute to the growth of nationalism in Germany?

A: German military weakness and the threat of invasion highlighted the need for a more closely unified German states, leading to the rallying around Prussia to offer support against potential invasion and uniting the German states against a common enemy.

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