


Agressive Foreign Policy (Appeasement)






Agressive Foreign Policy Essay
1919 the peace settlement
was passed, in 1939
WW2 started and Hitler's invasion of Poland, B


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Agressive Foreign Policy Essay
1919 the peace settlement
was passed, in 1939
WW2 started and Hitler's invasion of Poland, B


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Agressive Foreign Policy Essay
1919 the peace settlement
was passed, in 1939
WW2 started and Hitler's invasion of Poland, B


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Agressive Foreign Policy Essay
1919 the peace settlement
was passed, in 1939
WW2 started and Hitler's invasion of Poland, B


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KU Agressive Foreign Policy Essay Introduction: 1919 the peace settlement was passed, in 1939 WW2 started and Hitler's invasion of Poland, Britain Land France declared war the Germany. British most important facter but such weakness Facist Ideology and the policies there were other of League of Nations peace settlement. important Para I: British Policy ading examples of appeasement include Gerwany invadi Rhineland and Czechoslovakia and Chamberlain Plan resulted signing the Munich agreement which in Germany taking Sudent and from Czechoslovakia After all (the Germans) were оши only going into their This relates to the view that back garden theirs Germany only taking back what was Many thought that by agreeing to Hitlers demands then could be avoided because Britain was however didn't confront Hitler this only encouraged further acts of agression, making him balder & stranger. Between 1933 1936 was. widespread acceptance that Hitlers demands relating to Treaty of Versailles were justified, many felt sympathy for Hiller and Germany. People also recognised almost complete disarmament of Germany had left it vulnerable to attack when of other nations had promised disarmed as попе after - Hitlers skillful use of propaganda succeeded in convincing people he was looking to restere Germany to its rightful position in Ensope, but that his ambitions European peace. did not threaten However the more Hitler succeeded the mare he demanded, which kept encouraging him for victory Hitler had, he was able to demand time shows that appeasement next which enabled Hitler to become aggressive. Para 2: Weaknesses of League of Nations League of Nations set up in world peace through collective security. disarmament. Member states were - 1920 to ensure. ) and to required aime act together to stop acts of aggression but the of the...

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Alternative transcript:

League of Nations what it actually did to stop the aggressive attitude of Germany. contrasts to the League of Nations more шете once successful at being pomesful and influential force homever quickly lost its superiority by Germany going against it with nothing being done - League of Nations did stop Germany's remilitarisation of Rhineland in 1936, Russia sanctions. should be imposed from was rejected and no Suggested Germany but was taken League of Nations aims to stop aggression were hopeful homener from the beginning were they weak. as were members. member not all major powers. USA never joined, Russia did not become. the two major poners, france) failed to work together to stand until 1934 and (Britain and up to fascist aggression in the 1930s this idea action Aggressive foreign Policy Essay Plan 2 Para 3: Peace Settlement 1919. the which - In March 1938, Nazi Germany annexed the neighbouring country, Austria. This event is known Anschluss. By annexing Austria the Nazis violated the treaty of Versailles farbade the mification of Austria and Germany Anschluss demonstrated Nazi disdain for the post World War European ardes. The first act of committed by Nazi Germany. created German as territorial = terms expansion settlement in anger public due to Germany being forced to take blame for the 6.6 million and being expected to also were demands reparations. Italy dissappointed with the treaty met, which also pay as their created aggression. because шете not - shows that Nazis mere SO they needed to gain and they focussed the public's hate towards treaty. European powers didn't punish other the aggressive Teeep support so Nazis for violating international treaties. Their acceptance of the Anschluss was significent act of appeasement! Allowed Hitler to contime his expansionary policies unchecked. Para 4: Fascist I deology, Hitler had the fascist belief of being nationalistic. He wanted Germany to be powerful regardless if the consequences were crushing other countries. For example the invasion of Austria in 1938 that take Germany part of Germany. Hitler and the that Hitler blood would Mussolini's aggressine. based their foreign policies were nationalist beliefs. They both wanted to make their nations stranger and superior over others. policy of Lebensraum can be seen as an abvious all consequence of the racial believed in. Once had been brought into Germany, it not be big enough to hold them. This meant the struggle for living would be one feature of space German foreign policy coming years. Homever their шете many things still in the such as way of his cacial & imperial dream the terms of the 1919 treaty of Versailles which seemed to have demolished made over territority that wasn't more Hitler's Germany's hopes of international forever. It terms which was would immediate main in policies German решет getting rid of the have to become the aim of short-term foreign policy.