



War and Conflict Poetry Analysis and Mindmaps PDF
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War and Conflict Poetry Analysis and Mindmaps PDF


English Lang.



Mind map

The document provides an in-depth analysis of several poems from the Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology, focusing on themes of war, identity, and cultural heritage. It explores the use of various poetic techniques and their impact on conveying powerful messages about historical events, personal experiences, and societal issues.

• The analysis covers poems such as "Checking Out Me History," "Remains," "War Photographer," and "The Emigrée."
• Key themes include the whitewashing of history, the psychological impact of war, the trivialization of suffering, and the power of memory.
• The document highlights various poetic techniques like rhyming couplets, repetition, imagery, and personification used to enhance the poems' messages.
• It provides context for each poem, connecting them to historical events and personal experiences of the poets.



Checking Out Me History

This page analyzes the poem "Checking Out Me History" by John Agard, focusing on its themes of identity and the whitewashing of history. The poem uses Guyanese dialect and a cyclical structure to convey its message.

Highlight: The poem criticizes the erasure of black history and achievements from traditional education.

The analysis explores the use of rhyming couplets and repetition, particularly the phrase "Dem tell me," which emphasizes the speaker's frustration with the controlled narrative. The poem contrasts well-known nursery rhymes and pantomime characters with important black historical figures.

Example: The poem mentions "Dick Whittington and he cat" but contrasts it with "Toussaint," referring to Toussaint L'Ouverture, who led the Haitian Revolution.

The page also discusses the poem's theme of powerlessness and the speaker's journey towards reclaiming their identity. The use of colloquial language and the poem's musical quality are highlighted as techniques that reinforce the poet's pride in his heritage.

Quote: "but now I Checking out me history I carving out me identity"

This line demonstrates the speaker's active role in discovering their true history and forming their identity, breaking free from the controlled narrative imposed upon them.

In quate
A context
"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
nonsence OF
meaningfull trut


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This page analyzes the poem "Remains" by Simon Armitage, which explores the psychological impact of war on soldiers. The poem is structured in quatrains and uses colloquial language to create a conversational tone.

Vocabulary: Quatrain - A stanza or poem consisting of four lines.

The analysis focuses on the repetitive and cyclical nature of the soldier's traumatic memories, emphasizing how the experience of killing someone haunts the speaker. The poem uses vivid imagery and violent verbs to convey the intensity of the memory.

Quote: "Sleep and he's probably armed possibly not"

This line highlights the uncertainty and constant state of alertness that plagues the soldier even after returning home. The analysis also points out the use of juxtaposition, particularly in how elements typically associated with positivity (such as sunlight) are contrasted with the dark reality of war.

Highlight: The poem explores themes of guilt, trauma, and the difficulty of coping with wartime experiences in civilian life.

The page discusses the use of sibilance and repetition to emphasize the lasting impact of the event on the soldier's psyche. It also notes the poem's exploration of shared responsibility and the anonymity of war through lines that distribute the blame among multiple soldiers.

In quate
A context
"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
nonsence OF
meaningfull trut


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War Photographer

This page analyzes Carol Ann Duffy's poem "War Photographer," which explores the ethical and emotional challenges faced by war photographers. The poem is structured in regular stanzas with rhyming couplets at the end of each.

Definition: Rhyming couplet - A pair of successive lines of verse, typically rhyming and of the same length.

The analysis highlights the poem's use of imagery, particularly in the darkroom setting, to create a somber and reflective atmosphere. The poem contrasts the photographer's experiences in war zones with the relative comfort and indifference of those at home.

Quote: "A hundred agonies in black and white"

This line emphasizes the magnitude of suffering captured by the photographer, while also hinting at the limitations of photography in fully conveying the reality of war.

The page discusses the use of juxtaposition to highlight the disconnect between the photographer's experiences and the public's reception of war images. It also explores the theme of desensitization and the trivialization of suffering in media consumption.

Highlight: The poem critiques society's fleeting engagement with images of war and suffering, as exemplified by the line "between the bath and pre-lunch beers."

The analysis also notes the use of place names (Belfast, Beirut, Phnom Penh) to ground the poem in specific historical contexts of conflict and civil war.

In quate
A context
"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
nonsence OF
meaningfull trut


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The Emigrée

This page analyzes "The Emigrée" by Carol Rumens, a poem that explores themes of memory, exile, and the enduring power of childhood impressions. The poem is written from the perspective of someone who left their home country at a young age.

Vocabulary: Emigrée - A woman who has left her own country to settle in another, typically for political reasons.

The analysis focuses on the speaker's idealized memories of their homeland, represented through imagery of light and whiteness. The poem uses personification to bring the city to life and emphasize the speaker's emotional connection to it.

Quote: "my city takes me dancing through the city of walls"

This line illustrates the contrast between the speaker's joyful memories and the current reality of the city, possibly under an oppressive regime.

The page discusses the poem's exploration of language and identity, noting how the speaker's mother tongue has been banned but remains a powerful connection to their past. The analysis also highlights the poem's theme of defiance against political oppression and the power of personal memory to resist official narratives.

Highlight: The poem suggests that positive memories can persist even in the face of negative news or propaganda about one's homeland.

The page notes the use of repetition and color imagery to reinforce the speaker's unwavering positive view of their city, despite acknowledging that it may be "at war" or "sick with tyrants."

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A context
"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
nonsence OF
meaningfull trut


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"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
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"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
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"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
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"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
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A context
"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
nonsence OF
meaningfull trut


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A context
"ord nelson and water 100...
never tell me about Shaka the
great Zuly,"
nonsence OF
meaningfull trut


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