


Paper2: question 5 speech of climate change






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·any.. greetings e.y. Good Hello, everyone. morning you write your name Thank you for having me. My name is Ahsan Miah, and the topic of my speech today is climate change. To begin, over a long period of time, it is observed that the rising temperature of the earth. Global sea levels have risen eight inches over the last century. In the last two decades alone, the rate of rise has nearly doubled. This is a direct cause of melting ice caps and increased global temperatures. If this rise continues, entire countries, such as Bangladesh, could be underwater. No one can be blamed for global warming except for humans. Our activities such as gasses realesd from power Planets, transportation, and deforestation have resulted in the increase of gasses such as CO2, and other pollutants in the earth's atmosphere. The main question is how can we control the current situation and build a better world for us and future generations. It starts with little steps by every individual. I can't do this alone.I need your help. The suffering people and children need your help. We can stop this by working together. It's late. But there is still hope. Think about how the weather has changed since you were a child. Has the weather gradually turned warmer? Colder? Perhaps you notice more snowfall or hotter summer...

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Alternative transcript:

temperatures. These are all caused directly by climate change and global warming.Imagine if you're suffering and dying in your own home. Imagine if money is more important than nature. Imagine if there is no clean air, safe drinking water and no secure shelters. Ask yourself: how would you feel? When I was a child I felt that the world was changing. But didn't realize that people are suffering, people are dying and animal species are becoming extinct because of climate change. But that is not what I know. So I started to research. How does it happen? How can I save the planet and people's lives? The two Netflix documentaries that inspire me to come here today and talk to you. The two films are A Life on Planet and The Decline. I watched in these films that people are dying, nature is burning. It seemed like a derealization when I watched these films. I felt empathy for the people, nature and animals; I felt the pain for them. The scenes make me feel guilty and angry for all the people who are causing it. A lot of people thought climate change is happening but it's not serious. Truth can be denied, can not be avoided. We can change history. Right now. We are running out of time but there is still hope. you can tell your Personal stury I speak for my delegation. But more than that, I speak for the countless people who will no longer be able to speak for themselves after perishing from the storm. I also speak for those who have been orphaned by this tragedy. I also speak for the people now racing against time to save survivors and alleviate the suffering of the people affected by the disaster. Science tells us that simply, climate change will mean more intense tropical storms. As the Earth warms up, that would include the oceans. The energy that is stored in the waters off the Philippines will increase the intensity of typhoons and the trend we now see is that more destructive storms will be the new norm. We cannot sit and stay helpless staring at this international climate stalemate. It is now time to take action. We need an emergency climate pathway.Global warming isn't a prediction, it is happening! A person denying it or unaware of it is in the most simple terms complicit. Do we have another planet to live on? Global Warming is a phenomenon that is occurring every minute resulting in a gradual increase in the Earth's overall climate. Don't just take my word for it; at recent press conference Environment Investigation Agency stated that "It aims to tackle the pressing threat of climate change by eliminating powerful greenhouse gasses including methane and those used widely in the cooling sector, improving energy efficiency of replacement technologies and investigating the illicit trade in refrigerant greenhouse gasses." Also the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26) brought together 120 world leaders and over 40,000 registered participants, including 22,274 party delegates, 14.124 observers and 3.886 media representatives. For two weeks, the world was riveted on all facets of climate change - the science, the solutions, the political will to act, and clear indications of action. This clearly reinforces my point, as action must be taken. The United Kingdom falls four spots but still ranks 11th in this year's CCPI edition, placing it among the high performers. The UK earns a medium in the Renewable Energy and Climate Policy categories and high ratings in GHG Emissions and Energy Use. In December 2015, 195 states signed up to the Paris Agreement. This is the most important pact for international cooperation on tackling climate change, and countries are taking steps to deliver on it. The UK, you can find any statutics and facts online Norway, France and New Zealand are some of the countries that have legally committed to reach net zero emissions by 2050. But are countries actually on track to achieve the Paris Agreement targets? It's true that The earth's climate has seen many changes in its 4.55 billion years. For example, 18,000 years ago most of Britain was covered in ice and glaciers. Although changes to the earth's climate are natural, current changes are a result of increasing human populations and activities. When talking about climate change in relation to human activities climate change can be said to mean -'the build-up of man-made gasses in the atmosphere that trap the sun's heat, causing changes in weather patterns around the world'. 2016 was the warmest year on record, with eight months setting record temperatures high around the Globe. According to NOAA's 2021 Annual Climate Report the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.14 degrees Fahrenheit (0.08 degrees Celsius) per decade since 1880; however, the average rate of increase since 1981 has been more than twice as fast: 0.32 °F (0.18 °C) per decade. If we don't slow the warming down could mean catastrophe within your life, and my life to the climate change impact will also reach rich people. So we need to take urgent action all together, whether poor or rich. It's our planet we need to protect it, it's our future we need to protect it. We can stop climate change by taking little steps:such as- Start using cloth bags made from sustainable materials for all shopping purposes, instead of using high-watt lights, use energy-efficient bulbs, switch off the electricity, don't waste water and encourage planting more trees. We need to cut man-made greenhouse gas emissions drastically, phase out fossil fuels and move to renewable energy. We need to use less energy and be more efficient in the energy that we do use, and we need to tackle deforestation and eat less meat. To finish my speech I want to remind you that climate change is the most significant problem facing the world. Global warming is increasing day by day. If we cannot prevent it as soon as possible, our world will face undesirable consequences.climate prediction models that human activity increases global warming and raises average world temperatures... Don't tolerate this any longer .It's time to pay attention. Do you want your child to grow up in a world where this continues to happen? So, You need to stop the things that cause climate change. If not you, then who? If not now, then when? It's been an honor to be among such accomplished individuals and to be able to present my perspective before you all, Thank you and good evening. con sun up all you writen in you athe Porographs. anything you thin best to close your speed