


grade 9 english lang Q5






With another
silence passed throughout one
As polar bear in


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With another
silence passed throughout one
As polar bear in


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With another
silence passed throughout one
As polar bear in


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Write With another Glimmering air. people What's What's just easy sparks themselves. silence passed throughout one The As polar bear in Andi Truly, the a Ben echoes of Big freupon television crowds of people packed in littered wolon -garden is daughter and sons my an 21 40 Short I shuffe se loud se L mest with great opt aplomb croud. With obsessed story arms haven't an special двоит exciting about antisocial what towards family friend" Var about desert, explosion, the sparks spread into the of red green announce salary. underfloor heating. wonderful a celebration. look coming year. As L brooding evening of fancy dresses, and throughout geme Vanessa. chinning in the indoors members of и му Too common like got any with celebrating time business peopre of Francesca Fernandes As clouds of blue smoke ugliness: kike glittering tentacles reaching into stound somewhere. a corner, the and which also sardines, Here ad nave the the Ret Just her island black of - it's impressive but warmth of pessimist. Vary beginnings of sectures 6g two adjectives an year my my family: my (rather drunk) husband. New Year? alebrating unknown? and other year? Or my extitiful and scent, the. the " gold New Year here. Why (40 marks in awed float into the night sky, it's each firework lets off mark will 2. gall kicken sereams. the ks) shows husband (IX are six- to call 41 supposing figure store exposed lights and cold. Not in terms, temperature, but dreary. Like and Then I armchair, Mark? Shook while see ordinary way. was it Love to for worse. But turning missed my phone *1 when nim. Slumped awk. calls 1 at figure out her. There very being of we screen. character; it remember, wasn't romantic sperts, nov any first fight. But something about him my core and it whether it was for good off or U stand he left, life turned quiet. From one nights spent alone, to tallanted kwardly look over Vanessa, they seem immersed surprised my eye I stared at silence of make direct through the exauded foggy pathway, He begins rise from his the ∙eng engulfing fabric of the chaire. As he approaches me, I the possible reasons for him being for at this everything become what contemplate celebration. But when meet + tranquia Ⓒ. Chow how it becomes tranqut, eg images? met husband was with everytime Loud contact obsame in t -get was not He fell love roots. The brushing petals, blinded him butterflies allured him and he getite frame. I'd like to think ( become live realle. no teak most to see my husband flirtasionly...

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Alternative transcript:

talking with with each others. aura. I'm a fool for to affection. flowers instead of the twinkling distracted by each his first love. But desensitized to fact idea of his love being parties And as comes. in. As a n Avoid beginning a sentire with 'and'. let into Ex- Excuse myy" to and She 1 give you a heart dropped. The my & back and forehead began rainforest. canvas While slamming the blured by mockery of нег originau moon looked original sky looked many repaint trapped in 21 Door will 24 aut one l + single word, Vanessa big kiss. stutter walls my a portrait, She art. Paint ran rips ran Like Scars like like door water bying bength see brushes she herself. 13 ть always be art seemed hastily rushing. bathroom. = shut, the gallery. be sinking te feel like would 35 40 vision become look iris. I was like tears down down mountain, her sean. No the her side. ther a ruined painting matter use try Beautiful imagery + O Exted this metaphor throughout the whole рисе ⒸVary purederation A