


GCSE Language Techniques






GCSE English Language techniques
- Extreme exaggeration.
Emotive language - Language used to evoke emotion.
• Metaphor - A figure


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GCSE English Language techniques
- Extreme exaggeration.
Emotive language - Language used to evoke emotion.
• Metaphor - A figure


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GCSE English Language techniques Hyperbole - Extreme exaggeration. Emotive language - Language used to evoke emotion. • Metaphor - A figure of speech where something. is described as something else Onomatopeia - The use of words whose sounds their meaning suggest Simile - Comparison Statements that use 'like' ● ● O or 'as: •Personification - When animals or objects are said to have human characteristicts Enjamboment when sentences in a poem run into the next line of the poem with no punctuation. •Alliteration. The repetition of one or more initial letter. ● • Repetition. When a word or phrase is used. more than once, usually done for effect. •Pathetic fallacy When the weather reflects the mood. • Paradoxical Statement - A statement that appears. illogical or impossible but tums out to be true. •Assonance The repetition of vowel sounds • Sibilance - A repeated 's' or 'sh' sound within a . Sentence • Caesura - A pause in the middle of a line of poetry • Voita - Significant change in the mood of a poem • Byllogism · A logical argument. Concert -A specific use of an extended metaphor Juxtaposition - When two things with a contrasting effect are near or next to each other. • GCSE English Language techniques Allusions - Designed to bring something to mind. without mentioning it explicitly. • Tentative language - Acknowledges other opinions. While still making your point. • Motif - A dominant or recurring idea in artistic • work. •Analepsis - A flashback. •...

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Alternative transcript:

Prolepsio - A flashforward • Cliché • A term that is overused to the point of inaccuracy. Word Or techique 3 times. • Triple - using a within close proximity. •Ethos - Credibility Pathos - Emotional response Logos-Logic •Dialysis - An either /or Statement Anology - When you use one concept to describe. another • Satire - Using humour icony & hyperbole to poke fun at people's behaviour • Synecdoche - Using part of something to refer to the whole ideas. •Syntax - How Sentances are constructed to convey • Verisimilitude - Giving the appearence of having truth to it, even if are not sure. you Colloquial Language - Words & phrases that are informal Semantic field - A group of words or expressions related in meaning. Tactile imagry Vivid description of physical sensations Olfactory imagry - Vivid description of smell Guatatory imagry - Vivid description of taste or flavour - Vivid description of movement or body position • Kinesthetic imogry ·