


Creative Writing Example Grade 9






Creative Writing - Story about a Graveyard
Soundlessly, I trudged through the perpetual, tortuous pathway. The fluorescent moon illuminated


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Creative Writing - Story about a Graveyard Soundlessly, I trudged through the perpetual, tortuous pathway. The fluorescent moon illuminated the deserted cemetery, and the overcast sky was enveloped with angry clouds. Despite this, I could see the freckles of silver stars hanging from the sky. The first thing I had noticed when I woke up was the damp grass beneath me, which was quilted with fallen and crumpled yew leaves. When my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I took account of my surroundings - I was encircled with towering trees with sprawling limbs, which guarded a rusty iron gate that steadily creaked open with the help of a gust of wind. It was only until when I attempted to get up, I felt a dull throb from the back of my head; my hair caked and matted brown, with crimson liquid trailing down the back of my neck. I leaned against a slender pine tree to regain my balance as my vision swam. With a minute's rest, I adventured forward, unsteadily, feeling week and cold - featherlight - like at any moment I could crumble away into ash to be dispersed on to the breeze. I twisted my hands to examine them. What were once deathly pale, were now almost entirely blue....

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Alternative transcript:

Goosebumps littered my arms; violent shivers shook my frame, and my thoughts were racing. I was irrevocably trapped within a labyrinth of a forest. With no way back, I continued forward until I reached the tarnished metal gates. Once I slipped past, I was confronted by a single, endless path, of which the edges were swamped with overgrown weeds and brambles. There were numerous poorly tended and forgotten headstones (which were discolored by mildew, moss, and mold) that were scattered across the landscape. It was slightly foggy along with a rotten stench that filled the air. The graveyard was deadly silent, however there was the occasional cry of wind. I was walking for what had seemed like to be forever. The road appeared to be everlasting. My legs were trembling with the weight of my body, the edges of my vision blackening - I was beginning to lose hope, until, what may have been a hallucination, was a shabby, dilapidated church that was a few steps away. There was an enormous, heavy door which barricaded the entrance. A sudden surge of adrenaline pushed me forward. With all the strength that remained, I shoved the entrance open. Before I could process it, I was hit by a putrid smell. Bile burned the back of my throat, my eyes watered uncontrollably, and I gagged against my will. A brown-mahogany painted the walls of the church. Remains butchered into pieces lay in the corner, organs strewn across the room. Deep and thin grooves covered the floor and damaged pew benches pushed aside. The windows were shattered, with shard fragments that hazardly cluttered the room. I was paralyzed in fear, my inability to move rendered me defenseless. My heart hammered in my chest and breathing became increasingly difficult; dread twisted my gut. My mouth was gaping in a silent scream. Without a delay. I turned back and ran up a flight of stairs, leaving the door hanging open. My boots pounded rapidly across the ground and my mind frantic with thoughts. I ran as far as my legs could take me - past the ramshackle gate, until my body gave out and I landed with a thud on the damp flora, once again. My head hit the ground first; pain shot up my spine and I groaned in agony. Amber liquid oozed from the wound. I tried to lift my arm in attempt to stop the blood from escaping, nevertheless I was immobile, as if I were turned to stone. Exhaustion flooded through me. I needed nothing more than to sleep. To sink into a pillow of darkness. My eyelids fell limp and slumber welcomed me like an old friend...