


A Streetcar Named Desire Scene Summaries






Key Themes:
● Bitterness
• Conflicting desires
● Marital conflict
• Loneliness
• Longing/desire
A Streetcar Named Desire


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Key Themes:
● Bitterness
• Conflicting desires
● Marital conflict
• Loneliness
• Longing/desire
A Streetcar Named Desire


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Key Themes:
● Bitterness
• Conflicting desires
● Marital conflict
• Loneliness
• Longing/desire
A Streetcar Named Desire


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Key Themes:
● Bitterness
• Conflicting desires
● Marital conflict
• Loneliness
• Longing/desire
A Streetcar Named Desire


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Key Themes:
● Bitterness
• Conflicting desires
● Marital conflict
• Loneliness
• Longing/desire
A Streetcar Named Desire


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Key Themes: ● Bitterness • Conflicting desires ● Marital conflict • Loneliness • Longing/desire Relationships ● A Streetcar Named Desire Gender roles Class differences Madness and mental illness Scene 1 Blanche arrives in Elysian Fields, her subsequent confrontation with Stanley signal the breaking down of traditional social norms and values ● • Stanley goes bowling and Stella goes to watch Eunice takes Blanche to Stella and Stanley's apartment Blanche is not impressed, Blanche is from a higher class than Stanley and Stella and her shock and discomfort at Stanley's rough behaviour shows the class differences between them Stella comes and Blanche talks about the conditions she is living in, Blanche says Stella has gained weight, Stella discusses Stanley, Stella's submissiveness towards Stanley and her apparent enjoyment of his aggressive behaviour raises questions about the traditional roles of women in relationships Blanche explains that she has lost Belle Reve - Blanche gets defensive and expresses distress at the deaths she had put up with Stanley is described as the 'gaudy seed-bearer' etc, Stanley's forceful and vulgar behaviour towards Stella highlights the raw and unrefined desires that exist in their relationship ● Blanche reveals that 'the boy died' - first talk of Allen. Scene 2 ● Stella tells Stanley that Blanche lost Belle Reve. Stanley persists to find out the details Blanche sings songs - symbolism Stanley goes through Blanche's things and says she must have sold...

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Alternative transcript:

it to pay for her fancy clothes, class tension between Stanley and Blanche, who come from very different backgrounds and have conflicting views on manners and behaviour ● Blanche flirts with Stanley, Stanley's raw sexual energy and his dominant personality, which contrasts with Blanche's more refined and reserved demeanour Stanley says he does not 'go in for that stuff' when she looks for compliments, Blanche's appearance and behaviour suggest she is trying to hide something and create a false ● ● image of herself, foreshadowing her eventual unraveling and the reveal of her troubled past Blanche asks Stella to go get her a lemon-coke Stanley finds the poems that Allen wrote her, despite her efforts to put on a facade, Blanche reveals a sense of loneliness and longing through her conversation with Stanley, setting the stage for her later relationships with other characters in the play Stanley says that Stella is pregnant Guests gather for the poker party Scene 3 ● Mitch introduced properly - sensitive with sick mother ● Blanche and Stella get home. Stanley tries to send them upstairs to Eunice's Blanche and Mitch meet - Blanche takes a liking to him as he is 'superior to the oth Blanche's desire for love and attention Blanche turns on music, Stanley gets frustrated, showcases the power struggle between Stanley and Blanche, with Stanley asserting his dominance over blanche and her attempting to maintain her dignity and societal status, Stanley's crass behaviour, Blanche's uncomfortable reaction highlighting the sexual tensions in the play Mitch and Blanche talk - she puts up the paper lantern, he shows inscription on cigarette lighter, hints at Blanche's mental instability with her inconsistent mood swings and increasing desperation further contributing to the play's exploration of the psychological struggles of its characters • Stanley throws the radio out the window. Stella gets upset and tells everyone to leave. He hits her. She goes to Eunice's, The guys sober Stanley up by dunking his head in the shower. He goes after Stella. She comes down. They go to bed Scene 4 ● Blanche is upset that Stella chose to come home after what Stanley did ● Stella makes excuses for Stanley, Stanley's manipulation of Stella, and his friends' teasing of Blanche, demonstrate the theme of manipulation and its impact on relationships ● Stella explains that Stanley's violence is thrilling for her, Stanley's physical altercation displays his domestic violent nature, Stella foreshadowing the play's climax and the destructive effects of his abusive behaviour ● Says Shep Huntleigh can help them. Stella says she doesn't need help, fragility of reality: increasingly chaotic and frenzied atmosphere highlights this, particularly in Blanche's delusional view of herself and the world around her Blanche says she has no money. Stella says Stanley gave her some money to 'smooth things over' ● 'Things that happen between a man and a woman in the dark' quote ● Blanche goes on a rant about the fact that Stanley is an animal. Stanley hears ● Stella hugs him passionately in front of Blanche Scene 5 ● Blanche writing a letter to Shep Eunice and Steve argue - says he slept with a blonde girl Blanche talks to Stanley - asks what sign he is born under, Stanley asks about the Hotel Flamingo Blanche talks about the fact she needs to be validated by others etc to Stella Blanche screams when Stella accidentally gets some of the drink on her, Blanche's erratic emotions and growing desperation is highlighted in this scene Blanche says that Mitch is coming over and she says she wants to deceive him and make him love her, here Blanche displays selfishness as she implies she practically wants to use Mitch to fulfil her own desires ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The young man comes over and she makes a lot of sexual jokes and then kisses him Mitch comes with flowers Scene 6 Mitch and Blanche come back from an amusement park They do some awkward chatting and hanging about and then go inside They get drinks and Blanche asks if he speaks French and he says no. She continues to speak French and makes sexual comments Mitch makes more awkward comments about the fact he's sweating. He then talks about weight. Blanche complains about Stanley Mitch asks Blanche her age. She avoids the question Blanche explains what happened with Allen ● Mitch asks Blanche to be with him - they both need somebody - convenience ● Scene 7 Blanche is bathing and Stella is setting up for her birthday Stanley reveals he told Mitch everything. Tells Stella what he has found Blanche claiming to be virginal, Blanche goes to The Flamingo but is kicked out, has affair with 17-year old boy at Laurel Blanche singing in the bath again - façade, Blanche's attempts to hide her past and present as a refined, delicate woman are revealed to be nothing more than an illusion Stella explains why she is like this was changed by people and circumstances Blanche knows that something is wrong. Scene 8 ● Mitch was invited to this but doesn't show up ● Blanche asks Stanley to tell a story but he says he doesn't know any refined enough for her taste so she tells one instead. ● ● Blanche asks again what Stanley told her and she says nothing Stella is upset, Stanley says it's going to be okay once Blanche leaves and they can be themselves again (have lots of sex) ● Stanley and Blanche fight, Blanche calls him a 'polack' and Stanley retorts on the insult The phone rings, Blanche thinks it's Shep but its Stanley's friend Blanche says "age is just a subject that you'd prefer to - ignore!" ● Stanley gives Blanche a ticket back to Laurel as a birthday gift ● Scene 9 Blanche is in her bedroom, tense and listening to the Varsouviana, the polka music that was playing when husband killed nself. Mitch comes to the door, and Blanche tries to hide the bottle of liquor and freshen up. Blanche tries to make conversation with Mitch, who is drunk and unresponsive. Blanche asks what's on Mitch's mind, and he finally brings up the fact that he has heard about her shady past. Blanche confesses the truth about her past and her actions after her husband's death. A blind woman selling funeral flowers approaches the door, causing Blanche to panic. Mitch says he doesn't want to marry Blanche which upsets her and she starts going hysterical The Varsouviana resumes as Blanche runs back into the apartment. ● ● Stella says that Stanley is acting like a pig. Stanley 'clears up' by smashing a plate on the floor ● ● Scene 10 ● Blanche is dressed up, wearing a tiara, and speaking to imaginary suitors Stanley enters the apartment and is also drunk, carrying several unopened beer bottles Blanche tells Stanley that Shep Huntleigh, a former admirer, has sent her a telegram inviting her on his yacht in the Caribbean Stanley seems happy for Blanche but soon launches an attack on her, tearing down her make-believe world ● Blanche tries to make a call for help but is unable to The back wall of the apartment becomes transparent and reveals a drunkard and a prostitute scuffling Blanche returns to the phone to send a telegraph for help, but Stanley emerges from the bathroom ● Stanley ignores Blanche's cries to stay away and forces her to drop a bottle she was using to threaten him Stanley rapes Blanche as the scene ends with pulsing music. Scene 11 Stella is crying while packing Blanche's belongings ● Stanley and his friends are playing poker in the kitchen ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Eunice comes downstairs and enters the apartment Stanley boasts about his ability to win and survive Mitch stammers in disbelief ● Eunice calls the men callous and goes over to Stella Stella asks about the baby and Eunice says it's asleep Stella tells Eunice she's arranged for Blanche to rest in the country Blanche emerges from the bathroom, asking for her yellow silk suit Stella tells Eunice she's unsure if she did the right thing Eunice comforts Stella, saying she had no choice Blanche enters the kitchen with a slight unhinged vivacity Stella and Eunice offer Blanche grapes and convince her to wait The doorbell rings, Blanche thinks it's Shep Huntleigh In reality, it's a doctor and nurse Blanche retreats in fright and goes back inside Stanley blocks Blanche's way to the bedroom The doctor and nurse go in after Blanche Stanley tears down the paper lantern and hands it to Blanche Blanche says, "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers" The doctor leads Blanche through the kitchen ● Stella calls out her sister's name Blanche allows herself to be led onward and doesn't turn back. Blanche struggles as the nurse holds her Stella bolts out onto the porch and begs Eunice to stop the group The doctor approaches Blanche gently Blanche allows herself to be held out