


higher geography






what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation?
glaciation is
› temperatures
process of
freeze thaw action.
> during
the proces


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what is glaciation? 7 glaciation is covered by › temperatures than globe. process of freeze thaw action. 7 > during meltwater ice the process of being shards / sheets. about 5°C were colder present day across most of the > as the expands. > this the the day some ice melts and enters cracks in the rock.. freezes overnight it it shatters glacial erosion. of at causes rock. water > abrasion. > rock pressure > plucking. > meltwater enters cracks in the rocks, freezing the glacier. until rocks to > when the glacier moves, rocks frozen to the bottom and sides of the glacier are pulled away from the > the rocks are stuck to mountain. the glacier and are pulled along with it. frozen to the bottom and sides the glacier scratch / scrape away. the surrounding rock like sandpaper. Isandbar formation waves, sand bars. are formed by the process of longshove drift swash is where driven by prevailing wind push material beach at a 45° angle the lup the freturning backwash is dragged back by gravity down the beach at a 90° is a angle. bars form when there direction on a coastline, change in area for deposition, allowing a sheltered area appear material slowly builds up to the water the bar develops as the supply of deposits is the amount of above Long as greater than the river the bur lother are the that bar forms where there is no estuary bar will Will grow Lagoon Or headland and the two headlaads together by the bar. now joined sand bar will cut off the bay be in this area and used to form a lagoon in the area of the lold of a sand par is bay. an example Slapton sands. near strong currents, continue to grow. the until it meets the old. bay direction. of drift erosion. if bar wind direction. prevailing Cand water sand f ²V 1 bays and headlands formation. in there are two main processes involved the formation...

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Alternative transcript:

of a headland and bay- firstly, in differential erosion alternating bands of hard and soft rock are eroded at different rates. chalk is a soft rock and is eroded backwards. to make bays, the an example is hand swanage bay on basalt is other and is more a hard rock resistant so erosion rates Such slower this makes headlands as pereril point secondly, headlands. are land shore as the bays are formed by wave refraction. waves approach the to bend - wave them means that energy is which causes refraction. this focused on the headland leading to erosion, and dissipated energy makes a beach. wave Resistont rocks Softocks S E A Resistant rocks Soft rocks Resistant rocks Headland Head and Head 1204 S E bay A d (a) Destructive w strong (6) backwash waves. > steep, close together and quick breaking > Strong backwash. > remove (erode) material from the beach erosional landforms. creating Strong Swash Constructive waves. > Shallow and widely spaced apart. > movement up the beach (swash) is strong. carry material up the beach creating. depositional landforms. wave out platform formation. waves attack the coast and erode cliffs by two main erosional hydraulic action and solution action where happens compresses I waves. cracks in cracks Mound hydraulic the face of the the air in rocks of the cliffs, forcing the the the rocks to widen and when to up. solution break IS containing salts and Saluble rocks. waves of wave - cut base a waves continue the and deeper unsupported collapses, often as a and the cliff is notch Coast, the chemicals dissolve mostly attack the undercut and is formed as the erode wider becomes eventually becomes. cliff result, the by mass movement. rockfall. this process the cliff retreats, wave-cut platform at the and as a the processes: waves. to pound and notch Such continues leaving a base of the cliff an example of a wave cut platform is dancing ledge, dorset. cave, arch, stack formation. all rocks have weaknesses the sea and its waves use hydraulic action, abrasion, attrition and solution to erode along Lany lines of weakness abrasion is where rocks and sediment are forced against them the rocks by waves and then away. hydraulic action is the power of the wave against the headland forces | wear where hitting air into cracks which increases Pressure inside the rock and eventually causes weakness it to shatter these lines of get enlarged and over time. sea caves these develop into small Caves eroded further by sea solution, where the acids in the water dissolve caves are eroded the soluble rocks. the on both sides of until eventually the sea headland, forming an the headland the Cuts through arch the base of the arch. is further undercut and the top of the arch is subject to plant routs biological weathering from. corrosion from cain. becomes unable to and when the roof support itself it collapses and a column of rock sitting by itself. leaves. this is a stack. are cave tilly whim arch durdle door Stack: old harry. sea Coast! attrit > mate about > the const - they timi abre > mat Lago thi OVI > ev! we 4566 > sa > th st and brasion, ing. IS rced I then n is orces entually es of time nese by sea the s of s sea g an further is from cain. to leaves. tself. coastlines can be eroded in 4 different ways. lattrition. > material (rocks) in the waves are thrown about and hit into each other. > the rocks are worn down by being constantly tumbled against each other. they become smaller and rounder over time. around > this abrasion material (rocks) in the waves are against the cliffs and coastline. Lover time. creates fractures and weakness thrown > eventually the coastline will start to wear away. headlantweakness cave solution. > salt in the waves react with soluble rocks.. > the salt and acids in the sea water will start to dissolve the soluble rocks CALL arch - Stack t stump formation of glacial features. arête snow accumulates in N and NE facing hollows there than sun is more shade snow remains the weight here so the of neve the snow over time compresses forming. ice. this will eventually form a glacier on two sides of the the glacier will start to move downhill due to its weight and gravity. mountain.. as it moves it will erode the hollow.. abrasion is when rock stuck to the it glacier rock, wearing freeze thaw is water enters. at the surrounding away like sandpaper.. when ice melts and cracks in the rock. this will freeze overnight, expand and shatter the rock plucking is when the glacier. freezes onto the surrounding rock and away. moves it plucks the rock it mountain when two corries form Scrapes las from the back to back they create an arête. both together to Create a jagged knife edge ridge between them. an example of an arête is striding ridge. Corries will erode closer Before A During J J J After Before formatio snow facing fall north / shade time compre land its to the Like T erode rock lice in r expa whe Sur plu mo Pu! a tr [g! 60 19 Sun int ning. La ain. vity. low. 2 S fr er iy Orm - to veen fridge. freezel thap During Before formation of to plucking SO the abrasion falls and snow facing hollows. fall in north / north east shade snow time compress and its Surrounding plucks the mountain as a Corvie. around due winter than weight until After по builds up in N and NE to more snow melts. have hollows Can will erode lie it eventually. a own weight will force glacier. gravity and the glacier move downhill as it moves it will when erode is the hollow. abrasion. the glacier rock Stuck to Scrapes at the surrounding. rock, wearing it away. Like Lice (S when Sandpaper freeze thaw enters cracks. melts and meltwater in the rock, this will refreeze overnight, expand and shatter the rock plucking is the glacier freezes. when onto the and as it moves it rock rock away from the the glacier moves it will the hollow bergschrund crevasse at the. allows rock to fall under the more. the in summer. more of the it becomes neve ice. Longer over will snow it erode the pull away from la this glacier making glacier creating with a an arm chair shaped hollow steep backwall. there is a rock lip at the front which traps. rainwater an example is red tarn. creating. back. mountain pyramidal peak snow falls and builds up in N and NE. more snow fall winter than melts in summer north/ have more longer in facing hollows due to Lin north east facing hollows Shade SO Snow can lie very cold areas, snow can remain on many different sides of the mountain. lover time the weight of the snow will compress it until it becomes neve ice and eventually a glacier. gravity and lits. it will own weight will force the glaciers downhill as it moves. when hollow. abrasion is to move the erode rock Stuck the surrounding Like melts when ice cracks in the rock. this will refreeze overnight, expand and shatter the rock, plucking is when. onto the the glacier freezes and as it moves it Surrounding rock plucks the rocks away from the mountain. when three or more corries form back to back they create a pyramidal peak. these corries will erode closer together until they create a jagged, narrow peak between them. an in fort william. . Before to the sandpaper freeze and meltwater glacier scrapes at rack, wearing it away thaw enters is example is stob ban. DO During A After SS W d NE fall north/ more in an tain. w will e ice and aciers. will Then is at ay en ice ks in ight, J the it untain. to these Fil U-shaped valley. shade Snow falls and builds up in north/north least facing V-shaped river valleys due to more snow falls in winter than melts in Summer north /north east valleys have more. So snow can lie longer over time the weight of the snow will compress it until it becomes neve ice and eventually a glacier. gravity and its own weight will force the glacier to move downhill through the valley as it moves it will erode the valley. abrasion is when rock stuck to the glacier Scrapes at the surrounding rock, wearing it away like sandpaper freeze thaw is when lice melts and icewater enters cracks in the rocks. plucking is when the glacier freezes onto the surrounding rock and as it moves the mountain. it plucks the rock away from this will steepen the valley sides and deepen the valley bottom, cutting through the interlocking spurs. eventually the glacier will widen the valley until it becomes a large U-shaped valley with the original river now a misfit stream an example is glen nevis. Before around During After. hanging valley it Snow falls and builds up in NINE facing V-shaped valley rivers, high in the mountains due to more snow falls in winter than melts in summer. north / north east valleys have more shade so Snow can lie longer over time the weight of the snow will compress until it becomes neve ice and eventually a glacier... gravity and its own weight will force the glacier to move downhill through the valley. abrasion is where rock stuck to the glacier Scrape at the surrounding rock, wearing. away Like Sandpaper. freeze thaw is when lice melts and meltwater enters cracks in the rock, this will refreeze overnight, expand and shatter the rock plucking is when the glacier freezes onto the surrounding rock and as it moves it plucks away rock from the mountain a hanging valley is formed when a small glacier forms in a tributary. valley. this smaller tributary glacier is cut off and stopped by the main glacier creating truncated spurs at the each of the hanging valley, this will leave a small tributary valley flowing into the main U-shaped valley possibly with a waterfall. an example is greenburn in the lake district.' Before + During 881 OV C ODAIG HARD ROCK SOFT ROCK ribbon lake Snow fulls and builds up in V-Shaped river valleys due. fall in winter than melts due to more snow summer. in north / north east valleys have more shade So can lie longer, over time the weight of the snow will compress until it becomes and eventually a glacier, gravity and its own force the glacier to neve ice the valley. as it moves Ivalley abrasion LS when the glacier scrapes at rock, wearing. it freeze thaw Imeltwater this land away when ice melts and cracks in the rock. overnight, expand. rock.plucking is when the surrounding it plucks mountain. the the pass through the Steepening valley. When the it creating glacier Soft rock it will erode deeper. this gouges. narrow, straight. valley and deposits hollow at allowing the the rock Trock glacier valley of Imelt will shatter glacier freezes onto and it is enters refreeze the the away. will block fill the lan as weight will move downhill through it will erode the to stuck rock the surrounding. Like sandpaper moves the from continue widening and a U-shaped passes over example N/NE facing. to out large, bottom the the + moraine valley allowing rainwater to hollow, creating a ribbon lake. is loch lomond. it glacier can V- /-shaped valley. rivers begin high up in the mountains. So they flow downhill eroding the landscape vertically the river cuts a deep notch down into the landscape using different process. one is hydraulic action which is when the forces of water compresses air in cracks in the rock until the pressure Shatters it another is solution which is when weak acids in the river dissolut. the soluble rocks, another is when rocks bed and banks, wearing them away. as the river erodes corrasion in the river hit into the downwards. the Sides freeze-thaw the (some of the valley weathering which rocks on the valley sides. of which fall into the river). the valley sides. the have fallen into the Steepens this rocks which river help the process of corrasion and this leads to further vertical erosion. transports the rocks downstream the river channel becomes wider and Land the deeper creating a V-shaped valley between interlocking spurs. hanging are exposed to loosens valled- misfit Stream truncated spur u-shaped valiey ·flat floor. Steep Sides numan burning and the coat r Power static car petro cars. in tree the burr CO₂ v m lin 201 8.8885 yec ar be be las 10 tains landscape n down process. when in essure which is issolve asion ) the ay. he I to osens J. e and Sion. nstream and alley les human causes of the burning fossil fuels, for example coal, oil and natural gas release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which will trap heat. coat has been used Power factories, generate increasingly to electricity in power heat homes, increased has resulted Stations and to climate change. in more being used to fuel cleared, particularly are fewer carbon dioxide from Lun trees to burning of into the atmosphere by photosynthesis. The trees also released more the atmosphere. CO₂ ~ methane is more than 20% of and remains 20 times as effective for in trapping heat than CO₂; accounts the enhanced greenhouse effecti 12 in the atmosphere for years. methane gas is released by farting and belching cows global demand for more cows beef is increasing so bred. they can emit roughly a avarter of a kg of methane per day. are being I✓ this greenhouse gas is released into the atmosphere from a variety of Sources such as when disused release CFC's are the coolants in alr container vatial units aesosols, eg. deodorant cans, hairspray and polystyrene different refridgerator car ownership petrol and diesel cars. - as around trees are there rainforests remove the > Ocean currents FERREL 60° 30° 30° 60° ATMOSPHERE POLART →global atmosphere. circulation creates. winds across the planet. and leads to areas of high rainfall (rainforest) + dry air (deserts) HADLEY I HADLEY FERREL HADLEY CELL the ground is heated by the sun at equatur. this to rise creating low. surface. the air on Earths causes area N and S. when it and moves. and sinks, about 30°, the air cools forming high pressure area. air becomes. and drier as it sinks. creates pressure seperates reaches warmer area slows back towards equator. rain air of low FERREL CELL the air at higher latitudes (30²-60°) as ·air on the > occurs is pulled towards the poles, forming Surface it travels. wind wind picks up moisture. oceans. melts cold air from the poles. warmer air rises. uplift of causes. low pressure areas at the surface and unstable weather conditions. lover at 60° the lair Planet as of (forest) J atur. LOW r is, irea vator in the ning els sales. f iP POLAR CELL > at north and south poles, air is cooled land the ground forming. Sinks towards high pressure. flows. latitudes. At 60°, cold. warm air and rises up, creating. pressure boundary between warm towards the lower mixes. with air cold unstable > air around Ocean currents. heat Scale and is called polar front. causes. weather. low can be transferred by large water movement from low latitudes to high atlantic drift. each. own pattern. set in winds. latitudes eg. north has it's currents. they are Ocean motion by prevailing surface.