


Biological Theories of Crime: Lombroso, Twin Studies, and XYY Theory


Biological Theories of Crime: Lombroso, Twin Studies, and XYY Theory
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Biological theories of crime explore the link between physical characteristics and criminal behavior. This summary covers key theories and their evaluations.

  • Lombroso's "born criminal" theory proposed criminals have distinct physical features
  • Sheldon's somatotype theory linked body types to criminal tendencies
  • Twin and XYY studies examine genetic influences on criminality
  • Strengths include scientific approaches and some supporting evidence
  • Weaknesses involve determinism, lack of controls, and overlooking environmental factors



Sheldon's Criminal "Build" Theory

William Sheldon developed a biological theory of criminality based on body types called somatotypes. He proposed that certain body shapes were more prone to criminal behavior.

Sheldon's somatotypes:

  1. Ectomorphic - thin and fragile
  2. Endomorphic - round and soft
  3. Mesomorphic - muscular and triangular

Definition: Somatotype - The structure or build of a person's body

Sheldon argued mesomorphs were most associated with crime due to their intimidating appearance and tendency for risk-taking behavior.

Research methods:

  • Photographed college students (control) and delinquents
  • Rated subjects on a 1-7 scale of resemblance to mesomorphs
  • Studied front, side and back views of 4000 men

Example: Sheldon was inspired by observing his father breed poultry and dogs, noting genetic influences



  • Some studies found small associations between body type and criminality
  • Used control groups for comparison
  • Large sample size of 4000 subjects

Highlight: Glueck and Glueck (1956) found 60% of offenders were mesomorphs vs 31% of non-offenders


  • Social class could be the true cause, not body type
  • Ectomorphs and endomorphs also commit crimes
  • Body types are not fixed for life
  • Correlation does not prove causation
  • May lead to self-fulfilling prophecy for mesomorphs

Quote: "Glueck and Glueck (1950s) found that criminality was best explained by a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors."

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern

Twin Studies and XYY Theory

Twin studies and research on the XYY chromosome provide insight into potential genetic influences on criminal behavior. These approaches fall under individualistic theories of criminality.

Twin Studies:

  • Compare concordance rates of criminal behavior in identical vs fraternal twins
  • Higher concordance in identical twins suggests genetic factors

Definition: Concordance rate - The percentage of twin pairs who both exhibit the same trait

XYY Theory:

  • Proposed males with an extra Y chromosome are more prone to criminality
  • Based on higher rates of XYY syndrome found in prison populations

Vocabulary: XYY syndrome - A rare chromosomal disorder in males



  • Twin studies provide natural experiments to isolate genetic factors
  • Some evidence of higher XYY rates in offender populations


  • Environmental factors still play a significant role
  • Most individuals with XYY do not become criminals
  • Ethical concerns about genetic profiling

Example: A famous case of an XYY criminal is Richard Speck, who murdered eight student nurses

Highlight: Modern research focuses on gene-environment interactions rather than genetic determinism

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern


Evaluation of Biological Theories of Crime

Biological theories of crime have contributed valuable insights but also face significant criticisms. This section evaluates the overall strengths and weaknesses of these approaches.


  1. Scientific approach: Use empirical methods and measurable data
  2. Initiated important criminological research areas like offender profiling
  3. Some supporting evidence from modern neuroscience and genetics studies
  4. Highlight potential biological risk factors for criminal behavior

Example: Brain imaging studies have found differences in the prefrontal cortex of some offenders


  1. Overly deterministic: Ignore free will and individual choice
  2. Neglect social and environmental factors in criminal behavior
  3. Risk promoting harmful stereotypes and discrimination
  4. Correlation does not prove causation in many studies
  5. Ethical concerns about genetic profiling and biological interventions

Quote: "Criminality is best explained by a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors." - Glueck and Glueck

Modern Perspectives:

  • Focus on gene-environment interactions rather than pure biological determinism
  • Integrate biological factors with social and psychological theories
  • Emphasize early intervention and prevention based on risk factors
  • Consider ethical implications of biological approaches to crime

Highlight: The field of neurocriminology examines how brain structure and function relate to criminal behavior

In conclusion, while biological theories of criminality have limitations, they continue to inform our understanding of criminal behavior when combined with other perspectives. Future research should focus on integrating biological insights with social and psychological factors to develop more comprehensive explanations of crime.

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern


Lombroso's "Born Criminal" Theory

Cesare Lombroso, known as the "Father of Modern Criminology", developed the biological theory of crime that criminals are born with distinct physical characteristics. His theory of atavism proposed that criminals were evolutionary throwbacks.

Key points of Lombroso's theory:

  • Criminals have identifiable physical features like projected ears and thick lips
  • 40% of criminal acts could be attributed to atavistic characteristics
  • Female criminals were considered rare and had features like excessive body hair

Vocabulary: Atavism - Being at a primitive stage of evolution

Example: Lombroso conducted post-mortem examinations on criminals, noting unusual skull shapes



  • Based on detailed scientific observations of criminals
  • Initiated offender profiling techniques used by police
  • Some studies show less attractive individuals more likely to be considered guilty

Highlight: Recent AI research correctly identified 83% of criminals based on facial features


  • Lacked proper control groups for comparison
  • Only studied caught criminals, not those who evaded capture
  • Deterministic approach ignores free will
  • Reflects racist prejudices of the time

Quote: "DeLisi (2012) points out the majority of the atavistic features are features of African descent."

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern


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Biological Theories of Crime: Lombroso, Twin Studies, and XYY Theory

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Biological theories of crime explore the link between physical characteristics and criminal behavior. This summary covers key theories and their evaluations.

  • Lombroso's "born criminal" theory proposed criminals have distinct physical features
  • Sheldon's somatotype theory linked body types to criminal tendencies
  • Twin and XYY studies examine genetic influences on criminality
  • Strengths include scientific approaches and some supporting evidence
  • Weaknesses involve determinism, lack of controls, and overlooking environmental factors








Sheldon's Criminal "Build" Theory

William Sheldon developed a biological theory of criminality based on body types called somatotypes. He proposed that certain body shapes were more prone to criminal behavior.

Sheldon's somatotypes:

  1. Ectomorphic - thin and fragile
  2. Endomorphic - round and soft
  3. Mesomorphic - muscular and triangular

Definition: Somatotype - The structure or build of a person's body

Sheldon argued mesomorphs were most associated with crime due to their intimidating appearance and tendency for risk-taking behavior.

Research methods:

  • Photographed college students (control) and delinquents
  • Rated subjects on a 1-7 scale of resemblance to mesomorphs
  • Studied front, side and back views of 4000 men

Example: Sheldon was inspired by observing his father breed poultry and dogs, noting genetic influences



  • Some studies found small associations between body type and criminality
  • Used control groups for comparison
  • Large sample size of 4000 subjects

Highlight: Glueck and Glueck (1956) found 60% of offenders were mesomorphs vs 31% of non-offenders


  • Social class could be the true cause, not body type
  • Ectomorphs and endomorphs also commit crimes
  • Body types are not fixed for life
  • Correlation does not prove causation
  • May lead to self-fulfilling prophecy for mesomorphs

Quote: "Glueck and Glueck (1950s) found that criminality was best explained by a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors."

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern

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Twin Studies and XYY Theory

Twin studies and research on the XYY chromosome provide insight into potential genetic influences on criminal behavior. These approaches fall under individualistic theories of criminality.

Twin Studies:

  • Compare concordance rates of criminal behavior in identical vs fraternal twins
  • Higher concordance in identical twins suggests genetic factors

Definition: Concordance rate - The percentage of twin pairs who both exhibit the same trait

XYY Theory:

  • Proposed males with an extra Y chromosome are more prone to criminality
  • Based on higher rates of XYY syndrome found in prison populations

Vocabulary: XYY syndrome - A rare chromosomal disorder in males



  • Twin studies provide natural experiments to isolate genetic factors
  • Some evidence of higher XYY rates in offender populations


  • Environmental factors still play a significant role
  • Most individuals with XYY do not become criminals
  • Ethical concerns about genetic profiling

Example: A famous case of an XYY criminal is Richard Speck, who murdered eight student nurses

Highlight: Modern research focuses on gene-environment interactions rather than genetic determinism

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern

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Evaluation of Biological Theories of Crime

Biological theories of crime have contributed valuable insights but also face significant criticisms. This section evaluates the overall strengths and weaknesses of these approaches.


  1. Scientific approach: Use empirical methods and measurable data
  2. Initiated important criminological research areas like offender profiling
  3. Some supporting evidence from modern neuroscience and genetics studies
  4. Highlight potential biological risk factors for criminal behavior

Example: Brain imaging studies have found differences in the prefrontal cortex of some offenders


  1. Overly deterministic: Ignore free will and individual choice
  2. Neglect social and environmental factors in criminal behavior
  3. Risk promoting harmful stereotypes and discrimination
  4. Correlation does not prove causation in many studies
  5. Ethical concerns about genetic profiling and biological interventions

Quote: "Criminality is best explained by a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors." - Glueck and Glueck

Modern Perspectives:

  • Focus on gene-environment interactions rather than pure biological determinism
  • Integrate biological factors with social and psychological theories
  • Emphasize early intervention and prevention based on risk factors
  • Consider ethical implications of biological approaches to crime

Highlight: The field of neurocriminology examines how brain structure and function relate to criminal behavior

In conclusion, while biological theories of criminality have limitations, they continue to inform our understanding of criminal behavior when combined with other perspectives. Future research should focus on integrating biological insights with social and psychological factors to develop more comprehensive explanations of crime.

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern

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Lombroso's "Born Criminal" Theory

Cesare Lombroso, known as the "Father of Modern Criminology", developed the biological theory of crime that criminals are born with distinct physical characteristics. His theory of atavism proposed that criminals were evolutionary throwbacks.

Key points of Lombroso's theory:

  • Criminals have identifiable physical features like projected ears and thick lips
  • 40% of criminal acts could be attributed to atavistic characteristics
  • Female criminals were considered rare and had features like excessive body hair

Vocabulary: Atavism - Being at a primitive stage of evolution

Example: Lombroso conducted post-mortem examinations on criminals, noting unusual skull shapes



  • Based on detailed scientific observations of criminals
  • Initiated offender profiling techniques used by police
  • Some studies show less attractive individuals more likely to be considered guilty

Highlight: Recent AI research correctly identified 83% of criminals based on facial features


  • Lacked proper control groups for comparison
  • Only studied caught criminals, not those who evaded capture
  • Deterministic approach ignores free will
  • Reflects racist prejudices of the time

Quote: "DeLisi (2012) points out the majority of the atavistic features are features of African descent."

An Italian psychiatrist and military doctor- known as the "Father of Modern

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