


Year 9 Chemistry Mindmaps- topic 1 to 3






for our work in
I'st shell: 2 electrons
+2nd Shell: 8 electrons
3rd Shell: 8 electrons
4rth Shell: 2 electrons
election shell


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for our work in
I'st shell: 2 electrons
+2nd Shell: 8 electrons
3rd Shell: 8 electrons
4rth Shell: 2 electrons
election shell


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for our work in
I'st shell: 2 electrons
+2nd Shell: 8 electrons
3rd Shell: 8 electrons
4rth Shell: 2 electrons
election shell


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for our work in ATOM BORON: I'st shell: 2 electrons +2nd Shell: 8 electrons 3rd Shell: 8 electrons 4rth Shell: 2 electrons election shell -75%- (35 17 CL₁ 17p 172 18n 35.5 17 nucleus 37 year a 17 + 17p 17e 25% 4 ₂CL ₂ 20n Use atomic number a: +ABUNDANCES + ISOTOPES atoms with same number of protons but dif no. of neutrons ELECTRON SHELL ATOM DIAGRAM [PROTONS NULLUES (NEUTRONS Electron shell electrong RELATIVE ATOMIC MASS new shell each time mass x number, 2 electron configuration: 42 8 because 2 + 8 + 1 = 11 Relative Atomic Mass: Mass * abundance, number 100 abundance abund (35 x 75)+(37 × 25) = 35.5 100 to ldp. CHIMTOPIC 1 -ATOMIC STRUCTURE & MASS- ION. MOLES 29,5 ELECTRON NEUTRON ISOTOPE: Atoms of the same elements w/ dif mass no. Sm protons, RELATIVE CHARGE formula triangle Mass Moles Mr SUB-ATOMIC PARTICLES PROTONS NEUTRONS LELECTRONS REGATIVE ATOMIC MASS: (Ap) The weighted of an atom of an element! relative to 1/2 the mass of carbon-12 (12 c). mean mass RELATIVE MASS 1 ATOMS: The smallest part of an element which Still behaves as that element CompounDS. A substance DEFINITIONS made of 2 or more elements chemically bonded together. POSITION IN ATOM •Converting NUCLEUS → ELEMENTS: A substance made of ATOMIC only 1 type of atom NUMBER: The number of protons MASS NUMBER: The in the nucleus total number of of an atom. protons & neutrons in an arom. 1/1836 ELECTRON 1 Mass= molesk Mr. Moles: Mass Mr Mr Mass/ Moles SHELL NUCLEUS RELATIVE FORMULA MASS: The sum of the Relative atomic masses of all the atoms present in the formula of a substance. Lig 50₂ 2×7 + 32 + 4×16 Mass Mr How to calculate Mr DISPLACEMENT. REACTIONS & Zn(s) + H₂SO₂ (aq) → Zn So₂(aq) + H₂(gs Zinc + Sulfuric acid + Zinc sulate + Hydrogen Metal + Sulfuric acid + Metal sulfate + Hydrogen GENERAL EQUATION -eg. Zinc + Copper (11) sulfate...

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Alternative transcript:

+ Zinc Sulfate + copper Zn(s) + CuSO4 (aq) → Zn SO₂ (aq) + Cu(s) Zinc is higher in the reactivity series, so zinc displace copper from a solution of its salts. can EQUATION: for reactions of metals & dilute acids Zncss + 2HCl rags + ZnCl₂ (aq) + H₂(g) zeg Zinc + Hydrochlori acid Zinc chloride + → Metal + Hydrochloric acid Metal Ĉ + Chloride GENERAL METALS + DILUTE ACIDS COLD WATER STEAM General Equation Metal + Magnesium + Steam Steam Mg(s) + H₂O(g) + HYDROGEN -> General Equation: for reactions of cold water & steam Hydroxide 6 Metal + Cold Water → Metal Chloride + Hydrogen. e.g. Sodium + Cold water → Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen 2 No(s) + 2H₂0 (1) 2NaOHcaqs* H₂ (g) REACTIVITY SERIES: A list of elements in order of reactivity, with most reactive on top. CREM TEARIE 2 -METAL REACTIVITY - for reactions of cold water & steam. →Metal Oxide + Hydrogen Magnesium Oxide + Hydrogen Mg(s) Mnemonic for order : Please Stop. → ZnO(s). (u(s) ↳2n(s) + CUOB) час is higher in the reactivity series, so me can displace copper from a solution of ite Brattss comped Also, Zinc is axidised, as oxygen has been gained and copper (11) oxide is reduced as oxygen has been lost Me A DISPLACEMENT. REACTION Litterally Calling Careless Zebra. 9 1. Hale Coloured Stripy Giraffes A A reaction in which one substance replaces another for example, a more reactive metal will replace. & less reactive metal from it's compound. DEFINITIONS REDUCTION: The gain of elections or loss of oxygen. POTASSIUM SODIUM LITHIUM CALCIUM + REACTIVITY SERIES MAGNESIUM ALUMINIUM carbon ZINC IRON + OXIDATION: The loss of electrons, or gain of oxygen. hydrogen COPPER SILVER GOLD The non-metals. have been include for comparison (the blue) Least Reactive HNO3 Metal nitrate. salt formed: Nitric acid EXTRA d) (Hydrochloric Acid 2 HCL Sulfuric Acid a Salt for med: Metal sulfate G Salt formed: Metal Chloride Acio+ metal oxide. →Salt & Water →Magnesium Sulfate H₂SO Acid + Metal carbonate → Salt & water + Carbon dioxide. Metal Carbonate Soluable Salt + Soluable Salt → Insoluable Salt & In Soluable Salt Magnesium + sulfuric acid ACIDS + GENERAL EQUATIONS hydrogen Mg + H₂SO4 + MgSO4 + H₂ + Acid + Acid + Metal → Salt + hydrogen. + NEUTRALISATION A reaction between an acid and base to produce a salt and water + FREN TOPLE tople hem MAKENG SALTS - Acid + Alkali Salt & Water Sodium Chloride Acid: A substance that donates A protons Chydrogen ions, Ht) when disolved in water. DEFINITIONS Common sulfates are soluable except barium & lead sulfate Acid-Alkali Indicator: A substance used to show. de a solution is acidic or alkaline. It will have a different colour. Base: A substance that neutralises an acid. to form a salt. Metal + Acide EXAMPLES •Metal Oxide & Acid Copper Sulfuric Copper + Water Oxide Asid sulfate с CuO + H₂SO4 →GSO4 + 4.₂0 + water I Sodium Nitric → Sodium + carbon Carbonate acid nitrate dioxide Na ₂ CO ₂ + HNO3 → NaNO3 + CO₂+ H₂O + Silver Nitrate → Sodium Chloride Alkali: A base that disolves in water to form hy droxide ions. SALT: A substance formed when the hydrogen ions in an acid are replaced by either metal or ammonium ions. Metal Hydroxide 1 All nitrates are soluable 1 SOLUBILITY + Acid Silver Chlorid Common Chlorides are soluable except silver and lead chloride Common hydroxides are insoluable except sodium pottasium & ammonium. + Sodium Hydroxide NaOH + HCl → All common sodium, pottaasium, and ammonium salts are Soluable 7 hydrochbric acid Y Common carbonat are insoluable. except gitve sodium potassium & ammonium Soluable metal hydroxides. are alkalis Sodiumm Chloride NaCl + H₂O + Water