


Reproduction notes






There are 2 types of reproduction: sexual (requires 2 parents)
A sexual (only requires I parent)}
sexual reproduction


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There are 2 types of reproduction: sexual (requires 2 parents)
A sexual (only requires I parent)}
sexual reproduction


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There are 2 types of reproduction: sexual (requires 2 parents)
A sexual (only requires I parent)}
sexual reproduction


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There are 2 types of reproduction: sexual (requires 2 parents)
A sexual (only requires I parent)}
sexual reproduction


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There are 2 types of reproduction: sexual (requires 2 parents)
A sexual (only requires I parent)}
sexual reproduction


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There are 2 types of reproduction: sexual (requires 2 parents)
A sexual (only requires I parent)}
sexual reproduction


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Ji Reproduction note: There are 2 types of reproduction: sexual (requires 2 parents) A sexual (only requires I parent)} sexual reproduction sexual reproduction is a process that requires 2 parents, where each parent has sex organs that produce specialised sex cells called 'gametes' that fuse in fertilisation, mixing genetic information from both parents to form an embryo. The offspring produced are similar but not identical. Every body cell in humans contains 46 chromosomes and are made up of 2 sets of chromosomes : one set from each Diplold cells parent. sex cells however, contain 23 chromosomes, made up of 1 set. Haploid cells Offspring receive half of the genetic information from each parent. Gamete → 23 chromosomes Fertilisation 7272079 Gamete →→ 23 Chromosomes Parent Parent 2 : The male gamete : sperm cell Cell membrane nucleus Tail head offspring (46) 29vam 4 houb maq A sperm cell has a head section. midpiece -contains mitochondria containing the nucleus and a tail section allowing it to swim.: 2,059 . • They also have a lot of mitochondria features that enable it to do its job efficiently.→ movement HAPLOTO iC Ji The female gamete : egg cell (ovum cell) cytoplasm cell membrane- mitochondria nucleus Prostate : The male reproductive system. · Egg cells, also known as ova, are much larger than the sperm cells as they have a large food store in their cytoplasms. ↳enable efficiency. →Growth HAPLOID -Bladder Prostate sperm ducts Urethra Denis - Testi Foreskin Scrotum produces fluid that nourishes and transports sperm, known as 'seminal fluid': [ Food and Lubricant] Sperm duct moves sperm away from storage place in the testicle, to...

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Alternative transcript:

the urethra. [transport] Penis : in intercourse, the penis transports sperm from the male into the female vagina. [urination and intercourse] 7! J Pi Testis : produces sperm and synthesizes a hormone called. 'testosterone' [Production] The Female reproductive system! -Oviduct/Fallopian tube : •Ovary uterus -cervix vagina the system: sit infront of reproductive Bladder urethra Ovary produces eggs and releases one, once a month, for roughly. 40 years after puberty. Also produces the hormones. estrogen' and 'progesterone'. [Production] Oviduct: Transport the ova from the ovary to the uterus each. month. [ transport ] Uterus: Hold and nourish the developing foetus prior to birth. storage] Cervix separates the uterus from the vagina, allowing fluids to flow in and out of the uterus. Also opens and closes to allow childbirth. [barrier] ! G e.g. Humans e.g. Fish 5. vagina: receives penis during intercourse and holds sperm until they pass into the uterus. Also, provides a passage- way for blood and mucosal tissue from the uterus during a womans monthly period, and for childbirth. Fertilisation Fertilisation is the fusion of the nuclei of two haploid gametes to produce a diploid zygote, which divides to form an embryo. There are 2 types of fertilisation Internal and external ↳ Internal fertilisation occurs inside the body of the female. parent and produces few eggs. The chances of fertilisation are high and there is (mostly) lots of parental care after birth. ↳ External fertilisation occurs outside the bodies of the parents. and produces lots of eggs. The chances of fertilisation are low and there is little to no parental care after- birth. Female male 123 cell chromosomes) Sperm cell (23 T : chromosomes) Fertilisation zygote (46 chromosomes in 2 sets = 23 pairs) Quinz Embryo (46 chromosomes in 2 sets = 23 pairs) ic !G Reproduction in Flowering plants Pollen Petals stem ∙nectary. sepal anther -Stigma -ovary avule Pollen Male gamete Stamen Petals Brightly coloured to attract pollinators [attraction] Filament stamen Stigma: sticky bulb that collects pollen and starts growing them. [Collection] Ovary produces female sex cells / gametes, known as ovules. [Production] ovule Female gamete that forms the seeds of flowering plants after pollination. Anther produces male sex cells/gametes, known as pollen. [production] Male reproductive organ of flowering plants, consists of anther for pollen development and filament which transmits water and nutrients, and aids position for pollination. [ Production, position, transport] ! Ji Nectary : : Produces sugary nectar which attracts pollinators. (insects /animals). [production, attraction] Se Pal Protect the unopened flower bud Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another. There are 2 types : self pollination, and cross pollination, where wind and insects are the main pollinators. Insect Pollinated : Brightly coloured Strong scent. stamens found inside the flower. Process : male nucleus ovary wind Not brightly coloured. no scent stamens found outside the flower. Pollen grain stigma Pollinated: male nucleus travels down pollen tube to the female nucleus inside the ovule. ovate containing female nudeus. D!