


CCEA GCSE biology - Reproduction






humans carry out sexual reproduction, which involves the joining together of
two gametes-the sperm and the egg (ovum).


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Reproduction humans carry out sexual reproduction, which involves the joining together of two gametes-the sperm and the egg (ovum). PROSTATE GLAND URETHRA PENIS SCROTUM CERVIX SPERM TUBE -TESTIS FLAGELLUM The female reproductive system is the part of the body that makes and releases eggs (ova) and where the foetus will develop if pregnancy results. -OVIDUCT OVARY UTERUS MITOCHONDRIA (PRODUCES ENERGY HAPLOID NUCLEUS VAGINA If a sperm and an ovum meet and fuse in an oviduct, fertilisation will result. Fertilisation involves the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum fusing and restoring the diploid condition. The fertilised egg is the first cell of the new individual. The zygote divides by mitosis and grows into a ball of cells, (embryo), that develops further as it travels down the oviduct to the uterus. Testosterone - produced by testes in males. Secondary sexual characteristics include: Mechanical Male condom (Physical) Female condom Chemical In the uterus, the embryo sinks into the thick uterine lining and becomes attached (implantation). At the point where the embryo begins to develop in the uterus lining, the placenta and umbilical cord form. the amnion, (protective membrane) develops around the embryo. It contains a fluid, (amniotic fluid), within where the growing embryo develops. It cushions the embryo, which increasingly differentiates into tissues and organs. The embryo is referred to as a foetus after a few wecks, when it begins to become more recognisable as a baby. Surgical Sperm-haploid male...

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Alternative transcript:

gametes formed by meiosis. Ova- haploid female gametes formed by meiosis. Adaptions: larger than sperm cell Pill Implant Adaptions: They have a flagellum that allows the sperm to Swim to meet the egg. Sperm are also adapted to their function in being haploid. Sperm also contain many mitochondria for energy production. During pregnancy, useful materials, including oxygen and dissolved nutrients (e.g. amino acids and glucose), pass from the mother to the foetus through the placenta and umbilical cord. Waste excretory materials including carbon dioxide and urea pass from the foetus back to the mother. I giving females fertility drugs to increase egg production 2 collecting eggs from ovaries and adding to sperm in a test tube (in vitro fertilisation, or IVF) 3 placing embryos back into the uterus TYPE EXAMPLE METHOD Menstruation is the breakdown and removal of the blood-rich uterine lining at the end of each cycle, Oestrogen- this stimulates ovulation and starts the build-up and repair of the uterine wall after menstruation progesterone - this continues the build-up of the uterine lining after ovulation. Menstruation occurs when levels of both hormones drop at the end of a cycle. there are many causes, including females unable to produce eggs or blockages preventing movement of eggs down the oviducts, and males having low sperm count or impotence. Treatments involve: sexual organs enlarge o body and pubic hair grows, voice deepens and sexual organs and breasts enlarge body becomes more muscular pubic hair grows pelvis and hips widen menstruation begins sexual awareness and drive increase. sexual awareness and drive increase. The menstrual cycle lasts (approximately) 28 days The ovum is released (ovulation) on day 14 (approximately) - by this time the uterine lining has built up in preparation for pregnancy, Sex can result in pregnancy if it occurs in a short window on either side of ovulation. Vasectomy Prevents sperm entering penis Female sterilisation Prevents egg moving through oviduct UMBILICAL CORD PLACENTA Barrier-prevents sperm entering vagina Barrier-prevents sperm passing up reproductive system Prevents ovulation by changing hormone concentration Slowly releases hormones to prevent ovulation AMNION AMNIOTIC FLUID Oestrogen - produced by ovaries in females. Secondary sexual characteristics include: OVIDUCT FOETUS ADVANTAGES Easily obtained, protects against STIS Very reliable Very reliable- lasts up to 3 years Virtually 100% reliable UTERUS WALL CERVIX VAQWA In vitro fertilisation - fertilisation outside the body. Fertility treatments can faise ethical issues, as IVF treatment can be used 10 screen for abnormalities or for particular characteristics, c.g selecting the sex of the embryo. DISADVANTAGES Unreliable if not used properly Side effects, remember to take it, no protection against STIs Difficult/Impossible to reverse no protection against STIs