


Gas exchange in mammals, fish and insects






Spiracles- like stomata
along thorax and abdomen.
Sentry/exit of gases
→ can open and close.
largest tubes → air into body


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Spiracles- like stomata
along thorax and abdomen.
Sentry/exit of gases
→ can open and close.
largest tubes → air into body


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Insects Spiracles- like stomata along thorax and abdomen. Sentry/exit of gases → can open and close. Trachae largest tubes → air into body Spivals of CHITIN →little gas exchange. Tracheoles like cappillaries small tubes out trachare SINGLL ELONGATed Ctrl Moving wings →vol of thorax decreases puts air in respiritory system under pressure pressure greater inside than out air moves with gradient So outside the system sphincters cells that control spirades stimulated by CO₂ and lactic acid build up Mammals -dependant on efficent lungs (can't use outer surface) Efficent gas exchange compensate for ratio thin layers shorter diffusion distance less movement time large S.A small S.A vol nch bolood supply → maintain steep conc. gradient moist/permeable surfaces diffusion of gases in solution → free passage of gases why do we breath through nose not mouth? nasal cavity larger than mouth good blood supply mucas and hairs "air is 'filtered' >pathogens/dust remove of Inhalation ✓ intercostal muscles. contract ✓ посаде uplout ↓ diaphragm down and flat ✓ thorax vol. increases exhalation x intercostal muscles. relax ribcage down diaphragm up/dome thorax vol. decreases Structure of gills one one arch Fish quicker gas exchange Ventilation -water moves into open mouth mouth closes and water moves out over the gills. 20 10 20 40 -large surface Counter current Exchange in Lamellae blood at start is collecting 02 area - ↑efficency lamellae on top and bottom of each filament. -rich blood supply. - gas exchange happens in each lamellae - counter current mechanism water flows over gills - 40 60 80 100 %0 to yo mang oil fillaments I two sels attached to each arch blood flow in cappillary surface folded for large S.A gill filaments thin endothelial cell gains 0₂ Alveoli O₂ in as goes over water In parralle flow → water and blood each have 50% 0₂ CO ₂ OMA high O₂ conc. Cilia & Mucas Din airway opposite direction to blood Jone cell...

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Alternative transcript:

thick! →short diffusion pathway → Tefficency operculum blood surfactant flow flap protects gills operculum closed → buccal cavity volume increase operculum open Svolume decreases -buccal cavity phospholipid that coats. alveoli epithelial cell of alveoli ·low conc. 02 macrophage opposite direction water always higher conc. than blood diffusion happens over ENTIRE lamellae 80% 0₂ from water is absorbed Oxygenated Decxygenated > makes breathing easier prevents alveoli collapsing engull bacteria in alveoli phagocytic white blood cells. pressure decreases thin for quick diffusion Blood flow mucas traps particles / pathogens. > clia moves mucas up airway to throat to be digested → steep concentration gradient blood continuously flowing through cappillary → air in alved in constant supply decreased pressure our into lungs to equalise pressure higher pressure air ont of lungs The lungs air can enter but isn't cleaned filled with a layer of lubricating Fluid mouth right lung, right bronchus alveolus pleural cavity membrane slides easily for breaming larynx. intercostal nasal cavity pleural membrane Shine Chest cavity Surround lungs main route for air flap of fissue that closes over ·epiglottis larynx after food is swallowed → stops food entering lungs diaphragm trachea Sheet of hissue floor of chest cavity vinged with cartilage left lung left bronchus rib lined with mucas and cilia to protect lungs -bronchioles. heart -protection · small tubes throughout lungs.