


Biology practical- investigation of effect of pH on rate of reaction of amylase







Effect of pH on rate of reaction of amylase.
Control variables.
O Sampling technique.
volume of enzyme
volume of starc


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Effect of pH on rate of reaction of amylase.
Control variables.
O Sampling technique.
volume of enzyme
volume of starc


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Practical Effect of pH on rate of reaction of amylase. Control variables. temperature O Sampling technique. volume of enzyme volume of starch. Dependant variables Time taken to break down starch (seconds), O 0 Independant variables. PH of different solutions. Method: 0 Heat water bath to 35°C. Put 2cm ³ of each buffered solution into separate, labelled test tubes. Label anothe 5 test tubes 'starch' and add 4 cm ³ of starch solution in each tube.. Ⓒ (control) put a thermometer in a starch test tube and leave it throughout the experiment. Add 10cm³ of amylase solution in another tube.. "label it. Ⓒ Put all the test tubes into the water bath. + allow them to reach 35°C. Put one drop of lodine solution into each depression on a spotting tile. Take a starch tube and add a the first buffer Solution. Stir with a glass rod. Use a pipette to add 2cm³ of amylase solution to the mixture. Start the stopclock as soon as you do so. 01/02/23 After 30 seconds, remove one drop of the mixture and put it on a depression the rinse the rod. 0 Repeat with each buff until the lodine stays. orange/brown. (every 30 seconds) (13) Repeat with other pts. Role of amylase in body: Break down starch into glucose. Chemical reagant: lodine. Positive result for starch: Blue/black To tell that starch is completely digested: Samples stop turning blue/black Cremain brown). How to identify optimum pt for amylase activity: Record time taken for...

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Alternative transcript:

solution to stop turning blue black at different phi's. Optimum pH= starch digested at shortest time.