


Biology paper 2 summary mindmap






The endocrine system works
From glands. They are
Longer lasting responses
The endocrine glands
secrete hormones - chemical
using ho


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The endocrine system works released From glands. They are Longer lasting responses The endocrine glands secrete hormones - chemical using hormones that are type 1 diabetes: slower and produces pancreas fails to puberty Covaries make produce enough insulin. They oestrogen and testes make have high blood glucose levels testosterone) type 2 diabetes: body cells no longer transmitters carried in the blood by the blood vessels respond to insulin Treated with a diet to the target organs. Ce g. the pituitary glanding. excersize the brain, pancreas, thyroid in the throat, adrenal insulin stimulates & insulin ~ Pancreas gluclose uptake from secreted. on the kidneys, an ovary and testes! Thyroid blood. ✓ produces thyroxine to regulate heart rate, rate blood levels fall. of metabolism and temperature. The plancreas makes insulin to decrease blood glucose levels pancrease is The adrenal gland for fight or flight. The pituitary giand. →FSH to mature an Paper 2 giuclose neg feedback stimulated ↑ blood levels rise egg LH to stimulate egg release on day 12-oestrogen to maintain uterus lining with internal and external changes. progesterone on day 28. The nervous system uses nerves that transfer electrical impulses rapidly for short term. reflex reactions are rapid and automatic to protect us from harm. They don't involve the Conscious part of the brain to stop injuries. water Levels: osmoregulation is the controlli of water levels. Important for red blood cells eise they could shrivel up/ burst. We gain water naturally from food and...

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Alternative transcript:

drink but we lose some when we exhale, sweat and excretion from kidneys to allow urea remor synapses are gaps between neurones: Wh' they reach the end of a neurone, chemical nervous system is made up of receptors (eg the neurotransmitters diffuse accross the gap reting cells in our eyes or skin) which pass info along neurones as electrical impulses to the central nervous system. The brain and spinal chord co-ordinates the response of effectors on muscles or glands. stimulus-receptor sensory → relay → motor effectors.. glucagon glucagon stimulates Stimulated secreted.ver to release glucios homeostatis is the regulation of internal conditions to remain optimum in response 1 → stimulate the next response. Preceptors-detect stimuli. > co-ordination centres send messages Ce-g the brain, spir chord and pancreas.) > effectors are glan or muscles Nerves or chemical responses sometimes both.