


Biology B9 - Respiration






Respiration is the process of transferring energy from the breakdown of glucose. Which
goes on in every cell.
Respiration is exothermic - it


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Respiration is the process of transferring energy from the breakdown of glucose. Which
goes on in every cell.
Respiration is exothermic - it


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Respiration is the process of transferring energy from the breakdown of glucose. Which goes on in every cell. Respiration is exothermic - it transfers energy to the environment. Aerobic respiration GLUCOSE Aerobic respiration: is respiration using oxygen. It happens all the time in plants and animals. It happens in the mitochondria. 4 Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + water + (energy relesed) CHO * 60 → 6C0, + 6HO Reasons for respiration: Metabolism-energy is needed for metabolism (Chemical reactions). This includes: Synthesis (building molecules) and breaking down larger molecules into smaller ones. MUSCLE Contraction - not just skeletal muscles, there is contraction in the digestive System (e.g. Stomach and intestines), diaphragm and your heart. Maintain body temperature - mammals and birds need to maintain a constant body temperature. Transporting mineral ions (Plants) - Plants require energy to transport mineral ions from the soil into root hair cells. Responses to exercise: Breathing rate increases and lungs breathe more deeply -> increases rate at Which 02 diffuses into the blood and CO2 is exhaled. GLYCOgen Stored in muscles and liver is converted back to glucose -> used by the muscles for respirtion. Heart rate increases and arteries dilate (Widen) increases FLOW Of blood to muscles increasing SUPPLY OF 02 and glucose to respiring muscles by and removal of CO2 PUMPing it back to the lungs. Physically fit: Lung capacity can be increased through...

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Alternative transcript:

regular exercise and training so fitter People also I have a lower breathing rate. Anaerobic respiration: Anaerobic respiration means Without Oxygen. It is the incomplete breakdown of 9LUCOSE. making lactic acid. Anaerobic respiration is only used in emergencies e.g. during exercise Wen it allows you to use your muscles for longer. in muscle cells: glucose -> lactic acid Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast: Plants and yeast cells can respire Without oxygen too. Anaerobic respiratio in yeast cells is called fermentation. In bread-making, it is the carbon dioxide from fermentation that makes bread rise. In Plants and yeast : glucose -> ethanol + carbon dioxide Aerobic respiration - reactants ->GLUCOSE + Oxygen. Products - carbon dioxide + water. Amount of energy released -› more. When -> everday muscle movements. Anaerobic respiration - reactants - glucose. Products -> lactic acid. Amount of energy released -> Less. When -> Vigorous exercise. MUSCLE Fatigue: This is when muscles contract less efficiently due to being fatigued. One cause of this is the build UP Of lactic acid in muscle cells. This build UP also creates oxygen debt. Oxygen debt - When you have finished exercising you are tired because you need oxygen in order to break down the lactic acid that has built UP. Lactic acid Oxygen -> carbon dioxide + Water + The amount of oxygen you require for this reaction is known as oxygen debt. To getthis Oxygen to your muscle cells your heart rate and breathing rate will remain high. This is So air can be taken into the lungs and then the oxygen can be pumped to muscle cells Via the blood as well as removing CO2. Metabolism all the reactions that take place in cells. ROLE OF the liver: YOUr Liver is responsible for breaking down lactic acid. Enzymes in the liver first convert the lactic acid into glucose. This can then be used for aerobic respiration so producing carbon dioxide and water or stored as glycogen.