



Nitrogen and Water Cycles: Easy Science Notes with Diagrams
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Nitrogen and Water Cycles: Easy Science Notes with Diagrams





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The document provides an overview of key ecological concepts, focusing on material cycling, ecosystem organization, and environmental factors. It covers the roles of microorganisms in nutrient cycles, the importance of water and carbon cycles, and the impact of abiotic and biotic factors on ecosystems.

  • Microorganisms play crucial roles in nitrogen and carbon cycles
  • Water cycle distributes fresh water and maintains habitats
  • Carbon cycle allows movement of carbon between atmosphere, biomass, oceans, and soil
  • Abiotic and biotic factors influence ecosystem dynamics
  • Ecosystem organization ranges from individual organisms to complex communities



Carbon Cycle Continued

This page expands on the carbon cycle, focusing on the role of fossil fuels and human impact. It includes a comprehensive diagram of the carbon cycle, illustrating various processes and carbon reservoirs.

Key points:

  • Fossil fuels form from dead organisms in anaerobic conditions over millions of years
  • Burning fossil fuels releases CO₂ into the atmosphere
  • Deforestation reduces CO₂ absorption through photosynthesis

The page emphasizes the importance of understanding each process represented in carbon cycle diagrams.

Highlight: Mass deforestation significantly impacts the carbon cycle by reducing the number of producers available to absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere.

Definition: Combustion is the process of burning, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are used.

Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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Microorganisms in Material Cycling

This page introduces the concept of material cycling and the vital roles microorganisms play in ecological processes. Material cycling involves the breakdown and reuse of biological molecules, preventing the accumulation of dead biomass. Microorganisms, primarily bacteria and fungi, are essential for decomposition and decay.

In the nitrogen cycle, microorganisms perform four key functions:

  1. Decomposition
  2. Nitrogen fixation
  3. Nitrification
  4. Denitrification

Similarly, in the carbon cycle, microorganisms contribute through:

  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Assisting animal metabolism
  3. Decomposition
  4. Decay

The page also outlines the levels of organization in an ecosystem, from individual organisms to entire ecosystems.

Definition: A habitat is a place where an organism lives.

Highlight: Interdependence in a community means that each species relies on others for various needs, such as food, shelter, pollination, and seed dispersal.

Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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The Water Cycle and Carbon Cycle

This page delves into the importance of the water cycle and provides an overview of the carbon cycle.

The water cycle is crucial for:

  • Distributing fresh water
  • Refreshing nutrient flow
  • Maintaining habitats

The page includes a detailed diagram of the water cycle, illustrating processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and transpiration.

The carbon cycle is explained as a necessary process for recycling nutrients like carbon and nitrogen. Key points include:

  • Plants absorb CO₂ for photosynthesis
  • Carbon passes through food chains
  • CO₂ returns to the atmosphere through respiration
  • Decomposition releases carbon in aerobic conditions
  • Anaerobic conditions can lead to fossil fuel formation

Vocabulary: Aerobic conditions refer to environments with oxygen present, while anaerobic conditions lack oxygen.

Example: In the carbon cycle, a plant absorbs CO₂ for photosynthesis, is eaten by an animal, which then releases CO₂ through respiration.

Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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Importance of the Carbon Cycle and Environmental Factors

This page discusses the significance of the carbon cycle and introduces abiotic and biotic factors in ecosystems.

Importance of the carbon cycle:

  • Carbon is a component of all organic molecules
  • It allows carbon movement between atmosphere, biomass, oceans, and soil
  • Balancing carbon in these reservoirs is crucial for sustaining life
  • Disruptions can lead to global issues like global warming

The page then introduces abiotic and biotic factors:

Biotic factors are living components that affect other organisms.

Abiotic factors are non-living components influencing organisms, including:

  • Light intensity
  • Temperature
  • Moisture levels
  • Soil pH and mineral content
  • Wind intensity and direction
  • Carbon dioxide levels (for plants)
  • Oxygen levels (for aquatic animals)

Example: Lichens are sensitive to air pollution, and their growth is inhibited when sulfur dioxide levels exceed certain thresholds.

Vocabulary: Pollutants are substances that contaminate the environment, potentially affecting the size and distribution of populations.

Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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Abiotic Factors and Their Effects

This page provides a detailed breakdown of various abiotic factors and their impacts on ecological communities.

Abiotic factors discussed include:

  1. Light intensity: Essential for plant photosynthesis
  2. Temperature: Affects metabolic rates and distribution of organisms
  3. Moisture levels: Influences water availability for organisms
  4. Soil pH and mineral content: Impacts plant growth and soil organism diversity
  5. Wind intensity and direction: Affects plant growth and seed dispersal
  6. Carbon dioxide levels: Critical for plant photosynthesis
  7. Oxygen levels: Vital for aquatic animals' respiration

The page emphasizes how each factor can significantly influence the composition and functioning of ecological communities.

Highlight: Understanding abiotic factors is crucial for predicting and managing ecosystem responses to environmental changes.

Example: Increased light intensity generally leads to higher rates of photosynthesis in plants, potentially altering community structure.

Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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Biology B4 - Ecology
4.1.1 The cycling of materials
Microorganisms in Material Cycling
Material cycling
Material Cycling - breakdown and re-


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