


Biology - Topic 7 - Ecololgy






Topic 7 Ecology
If one species was removed it effects
If all areas
Biotic and Abionic factors


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Topic 7 Ecology
If one species was removed it effects
If all areas
Biotic and Abionic factors


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Topic 7 Ecology
If one species was removed it effects
If all areas
Biotic and Abionic factors


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Topic 7 Ecology
If one species was removed it effects
If all areas
Biotic and Abionic factors


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Topic 7 Ecology
If one species was removed it effects
If all areas
Biotic and Abionic factors


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Topic 7 Ecology
If one species was removed it effects
If all areas
Biotic and Abionic factors


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Topic 7 Ecology ● ● Communities Ecosystems If one species was removed it effects ● interdependence If all areas ● Biotic and Abionic factors. -Abiorc = non living factors of the environment light intensity Water Wind (Intensity ▸ ▸ ▸ P CO₂ levels > ▶ P D = Communites interacting with non-living things the whow ecosystem Temperature Bioric - living factors of an environment • New predators ▸ ▶ of an ecosystem are balanaed, it is known as stable. O₂ levels (aquatic organisms) Ph + minerals in soil mares + direction) food availability New pathogens Competition between species Competition When organisms have to compete to secure nexcessory resources Takes place within and between speies Animals ▸ Food ▸ Territory - Plants • light. ▸ Space ▶ water D minerals could be fights ● Adaptations - - - - features for survival Structural - P . D Benaivowal D Things an animal DOES to survive Lizard sitting in the sun Birds migraring to a wormer country in the winter. Functional D Physical charcactvistes eg. polor bear for cactus spikes Р How an animal works. Some fisn have anti-freeze in cells Only giving birth in certain months Extremophiles ● food chains • live in extreme conditions high temp high pressure high sout O concentration. Simple way of snowing feeding relationships within a community. Always Stort with the producer Producers are plants - Primary consumers eat producer they carry our photosynthesis. Secondary consumers ear primary, they are predators tertiary consumers ears the secondary consumers they are the very top of a food chain usa aly ● ● - - 2= Prey Predator - prey feeding cycles • when prey increases, predators= predator have more food. - Transeats and quadrats • Sampling is done to find the abundance of an organism Quadrats: - ▸ ▸ ▶ ● ▸ So they increase all the prey then however they eat can no...

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Alternative transcript:

longer survive so pop. decreases which allows prey pop. to increase. is a repeating cycle. Transects A measuring tape with quadrats placed along it at even Water, decay and carbon cycles The water cycle: The decay cycle: Carbon D P Square frames used to count plants or slow- moving organisms must be random must take multiple samples this distances Allows to see the effect of Abion't factors on an ecosystem Decay cycle: Decomposers feed or dead things g CO₂ is released by decomposers lons is then released back into the Sail this allows new plants / animals to grow 60 organisms die feeding- takin in CO₂ and releasing 0₂ (photosynthesis) Death - fossising to oil, coal, gas Pop. Size broken down in the decay proces (releases (0₂) Combustion-releases energy and CO₂ Respiration-releases energy and CO₂ & time Quadrats: a 0.25m water cycle: a condensahon b 18 Preupitation Evaporation · Biodiversity land use Biodiversity is the variety of all the species of organisms on earth or in an ecosystem. Rainforest = nign biodiversity Desert - low biodiversity We NEED biodiversity. D Constant pop- Size • Species are dependent on eachother. Biodiversity reduced by: - - - ● - ● • Pollution and waste management. Population increasing Increased standard of living ● Land pollution ▶ P P • Builing quarrying landfill. Air pollution ▸ . landfill sites toxic chemicals • enter food chains water pollution. ▸ pesticides Smoke - particles Acidic gases - caux acid rain herbruiaes Sewage fertiliser get into wate systems. ● Deforestation & peat bog destruction Peat bogs - D - > ▸ D • used a D form over 1000's years. very acidic unique ecosystem peat used as fuel reases Co₂2 deforestation D compost → releases CO₂ ▶ Clearing lots of trees • Reduces biodiversity P destruction reduces biodiversity Happening in tropical areas. cleared for ● Agriculture → cattle - Rice fields Crops for biofues Increase CO₂ Global warming. Increase of the earths average temperature caused by increase. buning peat, trees, fuel increases CO₂ cattle release methane, rice releases methare. • less photosynthesis to absorb C0₂ burning releases CO₂ ● Causes greenhouse effect. climate change # global warming. Global warming is more severe weather patterns. Effects - - - - loss of habitat changes in organism distribution changes in migration patras reduced biodiversity of Carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH4) armespare Solar radiation is bounced back to earth ● maintaing biodiversits breeding programs for endangered speies protection and regeneration of protected characteristics - - - - field morgins and hedgerows. Reducing deforestation and CO₂ emissions. Recycling not landfill