


b10 The nervous system






maintain optimal conditions
to survive we need to maintain :
water Levels, temperature, blood glucose lev


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maintain optimal conditions
to survive we need to maintain :
water Levels, temperature, blood glucose lev


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B10 THE NERVOUS SYSTEM HOMEOSTATIS maintain optimal conditions to survive we need to maintain : water Levels, temperature, blood glucose levels, salt (ion) Levels NEGATIVE FEEDBACK control systems - we use both nervous and chemical responses. - made up of 3 parts: •effectors - carry out responses to Stimuli that help restore optimum levels. co ordination centres - recieve and process info arriving from receptor cells. detect changes in environment • receptor cells. all the processes that happen in a cell or organism to negative feedback loop positive feedback Level increase receptors detect Level decrease Soo the environment. THE BRAIN change NORMAL LEVELS - opposite of negative feedback. 4makes receptors detect change a small change even bigger co ordinates response of effectors SPINAL CORD co ordinaces response of effectors NEURONES carry electrical impulses corrective mechanisms activatesi correceive mechanism activated THE NERVOUS SYSTEM the nervous system protects organisms from harm by responding to changes in response lowers levels SYNAPSES Igaps between neurones electrical impulse reaches end of neurone chemicals released and diffuse accross synapse chemicals bind to receptors at next neurone. this causes an electrical impulse in the next neurone. response increases Levels brain -spinal cord ·nerves - central nervous symstem peripheral nervous system REFLEXES (conscious actio -reflex actions allow us to respond to dangerous situations automatically -reflex actions. do not involve conscious thoughts (EXAMPLES ctions) sneezing blinking , dropping hot objects. stimulus - can be any change in the environment receptor - detects the change and initiates a signalling process within the body neurones - SENSORY NEURONES carry signal from receptors to CNS, RELAY NEURONE Link motor neurone to...

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Alternative transcript:

sensory neurone, MOTOR NEURONE carry impulse to effectors. effectors -muscle or gland that brings about an action RESPONSE any action that helps the organisms to avoid harmful situations INVESTIGATING REACTIONS THE RULER DROP TEST - factors that can affect human reaction time include caffene and exercise. - if the reaction time is reduced it means it takes less time to react. VARIABLES : INDEPENDENT: whether or not the person has had caffeine or exercised DEPENDENT: the persons reaction