









Organisms need energy for: - chemical reaction to build langer molecules
- movement
Reaction of aerobic respiration :


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Organisms need energy for: - chemical reaction to build langer molecules
- movement
Reaction of aerobic respiration :


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Organisms need energy for: - chemical reaction to build langer molecules - movement Reaction of aerobic respiration : glucose + - oxygen ATP Respiration is an enzyme controlled reaction which takes place in mitochondria. rod shaped organelles Adenosine triphosphate • a cell can't get its energy directly from respiration releases the energy glucose from it instead to make ATP. keeping warm monomers HO-OH → carbon dioxide + condensation Condensation • Joins two molecules together with the formation of a chemical bond • Involves the elimination of a molecule of water. polymer HO-OH a H H water They have folded inner membranes that provide a large surface area for the enzymes involved in aerobic respiration. • Adenine and ribose with 3 phosphates. • Once mode, ATP diffuses to the part of the cell that needs energy • The energy in ATP is stored in high energy bonds between the phospate groups. Adenine + energy Hydrolysis •Breaks a chemical bond between 2 molecules H FOH • Involves the use of a water molecule • Hydro = water • Lysis polymer breaking down ← Ribose > --0-- H hydrolysis monomer 1-OH Phosphate groups monomer શબ્દ OH making and using ATP Adenine - Adenine ADP + H₂0 Ribose Tip: Adenosine diphosphate has two phosphates. Adenosine triphospate has three phosphates. Ribose + • This is a hydrolysis reaction. It can be 'coupled to other energy requiring reactions in the cell this means the energy released can be used directly to make the coupled reaction happen, rather then being lost as heat. • 30. 6 kJ mol-^ of energy is released when ATP is hydrolysed to ADP and phosphate. ADP + Pi ATP hydrolase ENERGY RELEASE Tip: In a cell...

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Alternative transcript:

there's a constanct - +(Pi) cycle between ADP and Pi, and ATP. This allows energy to be stored and released as it's needed. ATP synthase Tip: Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is just the fancy name for a single phosphate. ENERGY USED Adenine Tip: It's important to remember that ATP isn't energy it's a store of energy. Energy is used to make ATP, then it's released when ATP is hydrolysed to ADP and Pi. Ribose Adenine • This is a condensation reaction and happens during both respiration and photosynthesis • ATP may be called the universal energy currency in organisms because it's a common energy source used in all living organisms. Energy used ADP + Pi Ribose, ADP + Pi ATP Energy released +(Pi) ATP pho phate bond