


Comprehensive Physics End of Year Revision Notes PDF for GCSE


Comprehensive Physics End of Year Revision Notes PDF for GCSE
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Rishi V





Comprehensive physics end of year revision notes covering waves, mechanics, and energy. This guide provides essential information for GCSE physics students, including key equations, diagrams, and examples.

Key topics:
• Transverse and longitudinal waves
• Electromagnetic spectrum
• Wave interactions and properties
• Newton's laws of motion
• Energy stores and transfers
• Important physics equations

This summary serves as an excellent resource for exam preparation, complementing materials from Physics and maths tutor and Save My Exams.



Wave Interactions with Mediums

This page explores how waves interact with different mediums, crucial for understanding phenomena in GCSE physics and beyond.

The page covers:

  1. Reflection: When a wave strikes a medium and bounces off with the same incident angle.
  2. Refraction: When a wave changes speed and direction as it passes from one medium to another.
  3. Color Filters: How specific wavelengths of light are absorbed or allowed to pass through.
  4. Colors: How objects appear colored based on the wavelengths they reflect or absorb.

The page also explains that white light is a combination of all visible light wavelengths, while black is the absence of visible light.

Example: A green color filter absorbs all wavelengths except green, yellow, and blue, allowing only these colors to pass through.

Highlight: Understanding how waves interact with different mediums is crucial for explaining everyday phenomena like why objects appear certain colors or how prisms work.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer

Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of transverse and longitudinal waves, providing examples of transverse waves and examples of longitudinal waves.

Transverse waves are defined as waves where oscillations occur perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. These can be both electromagnetic and mechanical, with visible light being a prime example.

Longitudinal waves, on the other hand, travel parallel to the direction of energy transfer and are always mechanical. Sound waves and seismic P-waves are notable examples.

The page also presents two crucial equations:

  1. Wave Speed (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x Wavelength (m)
  2. Frequency (Hz) = 1 / Time Period (s)

Definition: Transverse waves are waves where oscillations occur perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer, while longitudinal waves travel parallel to the direction of energy transfer.

Example: Visible light is an example of a transverse wave, while sound waves are examples of longitudinal waves.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Electromagnetic and Mechanical Waves

This page provides an in-depth look at electromagnetic and mechanical waves, essential knowledge for understanding transverse and longitudinal waves in physics.

Electromagnetic waves: • Can travel through a vacuum • Are always transverse • Follow the electromagnetic spectrum from lowest to highest frequency: Radio, Microwave, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, Gamma

Mechanical waves: • Cannot travel through a vacuum • Are transmitted via vibrations of particles • Include seismic waves, which travel throughout the Earth

The page also details P-waves (primary waves) and S-waves (secondary waves), explaining their characteristics and propagation through the Earth's layers.

Definition: Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that can travel through a vacuum, while mechanical waves require a medium for propagation.

Example: Seismic P-waves are longitudinal and are the first to reach the Earth's surface during an earthquake, while S-waves are transverse and cannot travel through the Earth's liquid outer core.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Energy Stores

This page provides a comprehensive overview of different energy stores, essential knowledge for GCSE physics and A level physics work, energy and power questions.

The energy stores discussed include:

  1. Thermal: Heat energy trapped in an object
  2. Electrostatic: Stored in electrical charges
  3. Magnetic: What holds magnets to other objects
  4. Kinetic: Energy of movement or motion
  5. Nuclear: Energy released from breaking atoms apart
  6. Gravitational Potential: Energy due to an object's position in a gravitational field
  7. Chemical: Energy stored in chemical bonds
  8. Elastic Potential: Energy in stretched or compressed objects

Definition: Gravitational Potential Energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field strength.

Example: A stretched rubber band has elastic potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy when released.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Quantities and Terminal Velocity

This page discusses vector and scalar quantities, as well as the concept of terminal velocity, crucial for understanding physics mechanics and energy equations.

Vector Quantities: • Have both magnitude and direction • Examples include force, velocity, and displacement

Scalar Quantities: • Have only magnitude • Examples include distance, speed, and mass

Terminal Velocity: • The maximum velocity an object can reach in free fall • Occurs when the resultant force is zero • Air resistance equals the object's weight

The page also presents key equations for acceleration, force, and velocity, essential for solving work, energy and power questions.

Definition: Terminal velocity is the constant speed achieved by a falling object when the air resistance equals the object's weight, resulting in zero acceleration.

Example: A skydiver reaches terminal velocity when the air resistance matches their weight, preventing further acceleration.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Traces

This page introduces the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO), a vital tool in physics mechanics and energy studies for graphically representing wave features.

The CRO trace provides visual information about: • Amplitude: Represented by the vertical position of the trace • Frequency: Shown by the number of complete cycles displayed • Time Period: Indicated by the time taken for one cycle

The page includes diagrams illustrating how CRO traces appear for different voltage inputs and settings, helping students interpret these graphical representations of waves.

Definition: A Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is an electronic instrument that graphically displays varying signal voltages as a function of time.

Highlight: Understanding CRO traces is essential for analyzing wave properties in practical physics applications and experiments.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Velocity-Time Graphs and Newton's Laws

This page combines velocity-time graphs with an introduction to Newton's Laws of Motion, essential topics in physics mechanics and energy equations explained for GCSE and A-level students.

The velocity-time graph shows: • Increasing High Acceleration • Constant Velocity • Slower Increasing Acceleration

The page also introduces Newton's First and Second Laws:

First Law: When forces on an object are equal (zero resultant force), the object will either remain stationary or maintain constant velocity.

Second Law: When forces on an object are unequal (non-zero resultant force), the object's velocity will change in direction, speed, or both.

Definition: Newton's First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

Highlight: The area underneath a velocity-time graph represents the distance traveled by the object.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Sankey Diagrams and Energy Equations

This page introduces Sankey diagrams and presents crucial energy equations, vital for solving work, energy and power questions and answers.

Sankey Diagram: • Visually represents energy flow and transfer • Arrow width indicates the amount of energy flow • Shows input energy, useful output energy, and wasted energy

The page also provides essential equations:

  1. Kinetic Energy = ½ × Mass × Velocity²
  2. Weight = Mass × Gravitational Field Strength
  3. Work Done = Force × Distance
  4. Gravitational Potential Energy = Mass × Gravitational Field Strength × Change in Height

Definition: A Sankey diagram is a graphical representation of energy flow, showing the input, useful output, and wasted energy in a system.

Highlight: Understanding these equations and how to apply them is crucial for success in physics exams and problem-solving.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Key Wave Terms and Concepts

This page delves into essential terminology related to waves, providing clear definitions for students studying physics mechanics and energy.

Key terms explained include: • Amplitude: The displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position • Volume: The amplitude of a sound wave • Pitch: The frequency of a sound wave • Frequency: The number of oscillations per second • Wavelength: The distance between a full oscillation of a wave • Time Period: The time taken for one complete oscillation • Wave Speed: The distance the wave travels per second

Highlight: The speed of electromagnetic waves is 3 x 10^8 m/s, which is crucial information for understanding wave propagation.

Vocabulary: Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position, directly related to the energy carried by the wave.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Distance-Time Graphs in Mechanics

This page focuses on distance-time graphs, a fundamental concept in physics mechanics and energy equations explained for GCSE students.

The page presents a detailed distance-time graph with various segments representing different types of motion: • Constant Velocity: Represented by a straight line • Stationary: Shown as a horizontal line • Higher Constant Velocity: A steeper straight line • Negative Constant Velocity: A downward-sloping line

These graphs provide a visual representation of an object's motion over time, allowing students to interpret speed, direction, and changes in motion.

Example: A horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicates that an object is stationary, as the distance remains constant over time.

Highlight: The ability to interpret distance-time graphs is crucial for understanding motion in physics and solving related problems in exams.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


Power, Efficiency, and Energy Transfer

This final page focuses on power and efficiency calculations, completing the overview of physics mechanics and energy equations explained for GCSE and A-level students.

Key equations presented:

  1. Power = Energy Transferred ÷ Time Taken
  2. Efficiency = (Useful Energy Output ÷ Total Energy Input) × 100%

These equations are essential for solving problems related to energy transfer, power output, and the efficiency of various systems and machines.

Definition: Efficiency is a measure of how much of the total input energy is converted into useful output energy, expressed as a percentage.

Example: When calculating the efficiency of a light bulb, you would divide the energy output as light by the total electrical energy input and multiply by 100 to get the percentage efficiency.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Comprehensive Physics End of Year Revision Notes PDF for GCSE

user profile picture

Rishi V





Comprehensive physics end of year revision notes covering waves, mechanics, and energy. This guide provides essential information for GCSE physics students, including key equations, diagrams, and examples.

Key topics:
• Transverse and longitudinal waves
• Electromagnetic spectrum
• Wave interactions and properties
• Newton's laws of motion
• Energy stores and transfers
• Important physics equations

This summary serves as an excellent resource for exam preparation, complementing materials from Physics and maths tutor and Save My Exams.








Wave Interactions with Mediums

This page explores how waves interact with different mediums, crucial for understanding phenomena in GCSE physics and beyond.

The page covers:

  1. Reflection: When a wave strikes a medium and bounces off with the same incident angle.
  2. Refraction: When a wave changes speed and direction as it passes from one medium to another.
  3. Color Filters: How specific wavelengths of light are absorbed or allowed to pass through.
  4. Colors: How objects appear colored based on the wavelengths they reflect or absorb.

The page also explains that white light is a combination of all visible light wavelengths, while black is the absence of visible light.

Example: A green color filter absorbs all wavelengths except green, yellow, and blue, allowing only these colors to pass through.

Highlight: Understanding how waves interact with different mediums is crucial for explaining everyday phenomena like why objects appear certain colors or how prisms work.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal

This page introduces the fundamental concepts of transverse and longitudinal waves, providing examples of transverse waves and examples of longitudinal waves.

Transverse waves are defined as waves where oscillations occur perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. These can be both electromagnetic and mechanical, with visible light being a prime example.

Longitudinal waves, on the other hand, travel parallel to the direction of energy transfer and are always mechanical. Sound waves and seismic P-waves are notable examples.

The page also presents two crucial equations:

  1. Wave Speed (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x Wavelength (m)
  2. Frequency (Hz) = 1 / Time Period (s)

Definition: Transverse waves are waves where oscillations occur perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer, while longitudinal waves travel parallel to the direction of energy transfer.

Example: Visible light is an example of a transverse wave, while sound waves are examples of longitudinal waves.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Electromagnetic and Mechanical Waves

This page provides an in-depth look at electromagnetic and mechanical waves, essential knowledge for understanding transverse and longitudinal waves in physics.

Electromagnetic waves: • Can travel through a vacuum • Are always transverse • Follow the electromagnetic spectrum from lowest to highest frequency: Radio, Microwave, Infrared, Visible, Ultraviolet, X-Ray, Gamma

Mechanical waves: • Cannot travel through a vacuum • Are transmitted via vibrations of particles • Include seismic waves, which travel throughout the Earth

The page also details P-waves (primary waves) and S-waves (secondary waves), explaining their characteristics and propagation through the Earth's layers.

Definition: Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that can travel through a vacuum, while mechanical waves require a medium for propagation.

Example: Seismic P-waves are longitudinal and are the first to reach the Earth's surface during an earthquake, while S-waves are transverse and cannot travel through the Earth's liquid outer core.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Energy Stores

This page provides a comprehensive overview of different energy stores, essential knowledge for GCSE physics and A level physics work, energy and power questions.

The energy stores discussed include:

  1. Thermal: Heat energy trapped in an object
  2. Electrostatic: Stored in electrical charges
  3. Magnetic: What holds magnets to other objects
  4. Kinetic: Energy of movement or motion
  5. Nuclear: Energy released from breaking atoms apart
  6. Gravitational Potential: Energy due to an object's position in a gravitational field
  7. Chemical: Energy stored in chemical bonds
  8. Elastic Potential: Energy in stretched or compressed objects

Definition: Gravitational Potential Energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field strength.

Example: A stretched rubber band has elastic potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy when released.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Quantities and Terminal Velocity

This page discusses vector and scalar quantities, as well as the concept of terminal velocity, crucial for understanding physics mechanics and energy equations.

Vector Quantities: • Have both magnitude and direction • Examples include force, velocity, and displacement

Scalar Quantities: • Have only magnitude • Examples include distance, speed, and mass

Terminal Velocity: • The maximum velocity an object can reach in free fall • Occurs when the resultant force is zero • Air resistance equals the object's weight

The page also presents key equations for acceleration, force, and velocity, essential for solving work, energy and power questions.

Definition: Terminal velocity is the constant speed achieved by a falling object when the air resistance equals the object's weight, resulting in zero acceleration.

Example: A skydiver reaches terminal velocity when the air resistance matches their weight, preventing further acceleration.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Traces

This page introduces the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO), a vital tool in physics mechanics and energy studies for graphically representing wave features.

The CRO trace provides visual information about: • Amplitude: Represented by the vertical position of the trace • Frequency: Shown by the number of complete cycles displayed • Time Period: Indicated by the time taken for one cycle

The page includes diagrams illustrating how CRO traces appear for different voltage inputs and settings, helping students interpret these graphical representations of waves.

Definition: A Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is an electronic instrument that graphically displays varying signal voltages as a function of time.

Highlight: Understanding CRO traces is essential for analyzing wave properties in practical physics applications and experiments.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Velocity-Time Graphs and Newton's Laws

This page combines velocity-time graphs with an introduction to Newton's Laws of Motion, essential topics in physics mechanics and energy equations explained for GCSE and A-level students.

The velocity-time graph shows: • Increasing High Acceleration • Constant Velocity • Slower Increasing Acceleration

The page also introduces Newton's First and Second Laws:

First Law: When forces on an object are equal (zero resultant force), the object will either remain stationary or maintain constant velocity.

Second Law: When forces on an object are unequal (non-zero resultant force), the object's velocity will change in direction, speed, or both.

Definition: Newton's First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

Highlight: The area underneath a velocity-time graph represents the distance traveled by the object.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Sankey Diagrams and Energy Equations

This page introduces Sankey diagrams and presents crucial energy equations, vital for solving work, energy and power questions and answers.

Sankey Diagram: • Visually represents energy flow and transfer • Arrow width indicates the amount of energy flow • Shows input energy, useful output energy, and wasted energy

The page also provides essential equations:

  1. Kinetic Energy = ½ × Mass × Velocity²
  2. Weight = Mass × Gravitational Field Strength
  3. Work Done = Force × Distance
  4. Gravitational Potential Energy = Mass × Gravitational Field Strength × Change in Height

Definition: A Sankey diagram is a graphical representation of energy flow, showing the input, useful output, and wasted energy in a system.

Highlight: Understanding these equations and how to apply them is crucial for success in physics exams and problem-solving.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Key Wave Terms and Concepts

This page delves into essential terminology related to waves, providing clear definitions for students studying physics mechanics and energy.

Key terms explained include: • Amplitude: The displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position • Volume: The amplitude of a sound wave • Pitch: The frequency of a sound wave • Frequency: The number of oscillations per second • Wavelength: The distance between a full oscillation of a wave • Time Period: The time taken for one complete oscillation • Wave Speed: The distance the wave travels per second

Highlight: The speed of electromagnetic waves is 3 x 10^8 m/s, which is crucial information for understanding wave propagation.

Vocabulary: Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position, directly related to the energy carried by the wave.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Distance-Time Graphs in Mechanics

This page focuses on distance-time graphs, a fundamental concept in physics mechanics and energy equations explained for GCSE students.

The page presents a detailed distance-time graph with various segments representing different types of motion: • Constant Velocity: Represented by a straight line • Stationary: Shown as a horizontal line • Higher Constant Velocity: A steeper straight line • Negative Constant Velocity: A downward-sloping line

These graphs provide a visual representation of an object's motion over time, allowing students to interpret speed, direction, and changes in motion.

Example: A horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicates that an object is stationary, as the distance remains constant over time.

Highlight: The ability to interpret distance-time graphs is crucial for understanding motion in physics and solving related problems in exams.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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Power, Efficiency, and Energy Transfer

This final page focuses on power and efficiency calculations, completing the overview of physics mechanics and energy equations explained for GCSE and A-level students.

Key equations presented:

  1. Power = Energy Transferred ÷ Time Taken
  2. Efficiency = (Useful Energy Output ÷ Total Energy Input) × 100%

These equations are essential for solving problems related to energy transfer, power output, and the efficiency of various systems and machines.

Definition: Efficiency is a measure of how much of the total input energy is converted into useful output energy, expressed as a percentage.

Example: When calculating the efficiency of a light bulb, you would divide the energy output as light by the total electrical energy input and multiply by 100 to get the percentage efficiency.

Waves where the oscillations are PERPENDICULAR to the direction of energy transfer


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