


AQA GCSE Thematic Studies - Relationship and Families Revision PDF, Questions & Quotes







Religious Studies

AQA GCSE Thematic Studies - Relationship and Families

AQA GCSE Thematic Studies - Relationship and Families Revision PDF, Questions & Quotes

Relationships and Families in Religious Studies: Key Concepts and Perspectives

This document provides an overview of human sexuality, relationships, and family structures from Christian and Buddhist perspectives, covering topics relevant to AQA GCSE Thematic Studies on Relationships and Families.

Key points:

  • Explores concepts of human sexuality, heterosexuality, and homosexuality
  • Discusses religious views on sex before marriage, adultery, and contraception
  • Compares Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards various relationship issues
  • Examines legal and ethical considerations around sexuality and relationships



Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Sex Before Marriage and Adultery

This page delves into the topics of premarital sex and adultery, presenting both societal views and religious perspectives.

The text notes that sex before marriage is widely accepted in modern British society, though it acknowledges potential pressures on young people.

Christian views on premarital sex are outlined:

  • Many Christians believe sex should be reserved for marriage
  • Sexual purity before marriage is valued
  • Concerns about casual sex, STIs, and unplanned pregnancies are highlighted

Buddhist perspectives on premarital sex are contrasted:

  • Buddhism generally teaches that sex before marriage is acceptable
  • The focus is on not causing harm through sexual activity
  • Personal and cultural factors may influence individual choices

Quote: "Buddhism teaches that sex before marriage is acceptable, and no less moral than sex after marriage."

The topic of extra-marital sex (adultery) is then addressed:

  • Both religious and non-religious people often view adultery as wrong
  • Adultery's negative impacts on relationships and families are noted

Christian views on adultery are presented:

  • Adultery is seen as a betrayal of trust and wedding vows
  • It threatens family stability and children's security
  • Biblical commandments against adultery are cited

Buddhist perspectives on adultery emphasize:

  • Adultery is considered unskillful due to deceit and potential harm

This page provides valuable content for Theme A: relationships and families AQA revision, offering comparative religious views on key relationship issues.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Christian Attitudes to Contraception

This page focuses on Christian perspectives regarding contraception, highlighting the diversity of views within Christianity.

The text begins by stating that all Christian churches view children as God's greatest gift to married couples. It emphasizes the belief that children should ideally be born within marriage.

Highlight: Christian denominations have varying stances on contraception use.

The Roman Catholic Church's position is outlined:

  • Opposes artificial contraception
  • Believes contraception interferes with God's plan for procreation
  • Supports natural family planning methods

Protestant denominations' views are contrasted:

  • Generally accept the use of contraception within marriage
  • View responsible family planning as part of good stewardship

The Church of England's stance is specifically mentioned:

  • Accepts the use of artificial contraception since 1930
  • Believes family planning can be a part of Christian discipleship

Example: Some Christians argue that contraception use can support responsible parenting and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The page concludes by noting that many Christians make personal decisions about contraception based on their individual circumstances and beliefs.

This information is crucial for students preparing for Relationships and families RE GCSE BBC Bitesize assessments, providing a nuanced understanding of Christian beliefs about sexuality and family planning.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Buddhist Attitudes to Contraception

This page explores Buddhist perspectives on contraception, offering a contrast to the Christian views presented earlier.

The text begins by stating that Buddhism generally has a more accepting attitude towards contraception compared to some other religions.

Key points about Buddhist views on contraception include:

  • No official Buddhist teaching prohibits the use of contraception
  • The decision to use contraception is considered a personal choice
  • Many Buddhists view family planning as responsible and compassionate

Highlight: Buddhist ethics focus on the intention behind actions rather than specific rules about contraception.

The text explains that Buddhist teachings emphasize:

  • Avoiding harm to oneself and others
  • Making wise and compassionate choices

Example: A Buddhist couple might choose to use contraception to ensure they can provide adequately for their existing children.

The page also notes that cultural factors and local traditions may influence individual Buddhists' attitudes towards contraception.

Some Buddhist perspectives on abortion are briefly mentioned:

  • Generally viewed as taking a life, which goes against Buddhist principles
  • However, circumstances are considered, and a compassionate approach is emphasized

This information is valuable for students studying Buddhist marriage rules and ethics as part of their GCSE RE relationships and families revision.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Same-Sex Relationships and Marriage

This page discusses the topic of same-sex relationships and marriage, presenting both societal changes and religious perspectives.

The text begins by noting the increasing acceptance of same-sex relationships in many countries, including legal recognition of same-sex marriages.

Highlight: Same-sex marriage became legal in England and Wales in 2013, and in Scotland in 2014.

Christian views on same-sex relationships are explored:

  • Traditional Christian teaching has viewed homosexual acts as sinful
  • Many churches maintain that marriage should be between a man and a woman
  • Some denominations have become more accepting of same-sex relationships

Example: The Church of England allows clergy to be in same-sex civil partnerships but does not perform same-sex marriages.

Catholic views on same-sex relationships are specifically addressed:

  • The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual orientation is not sinful
  • However, it considers homosexual acts to be morally wrong
  • The Church calls for compassion and respect for LGBTQ+ individuals

Buddhist perspectives on same-sex relationships are presented:

  • Buddhism generally does not condemn same-sex relationships
  • The focus is on the quality of the relationship rather than the gender of the partners
  • Many Buddhist traditions are accepting of same-sex marriages

Quote: "Many Buddhists believe homosexual relationships are not morally different from heterosexual relationships."

This page provides essential information for students preparing for questions on Christian views on same-sex marriage BBC Bitesize and Muslim views on same-sex marriage BBC Bitesize, offering a comparative religious perspective on this contemporary issue.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Divorce and Remarriage

This page examines the topics of divorce and remarriage from various religious perspectives, focusing on Christian and Buddhist views.

The text begins by acknowledging that divorce rates have increased in many countries, including the UK, over recent decades.

Christian attitudes towards divorce are explored:

  • Traditional Christian teaching views marriage as a lifelong commitment
  • Jesus is quoted as speaking against divorce in the Gospels
  • Different Christian denominations have varying approaches to divorce

Example: The Roman Catholic Church does not recognize divorce, but may grant annulments in certain circumstances.

The Church of England's stance on divorce is specifically addressed:

  • Allows divorce in some circumstances
  • Permits remarriage in church, subject to the discretion of the priest

Buddhist perspectives on divorce are presented:

  • Buddhism generally accepts divorce as a reality of life
  • The focus is on minimizing suffering for all involved
  • There are no specific religious rules against divorce or remarriage

Highlight: Buddhist teachings emphasize compassion and understanding in dealing with relationship breakdowns.

The text also discusses attitudes towards remarriage:

  • Many Christian denominations now accept remarriage after divorce
  • Some churches may have specific requirements or waiting periods before remarrying divorcees
  • Buddhism generally accepts remarriage without religious restrictions

This information is crucial for students preparing for questions like "Religious believers should never divorce 12 marker" in their GCSE RE relationships and families revision.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Family Planning and Procreation

This page focuses on religious attitudes towards family planning and procreation, providing insights from Christian and Buddhist perspectives.

The text begins by noting the importance of family planning in modern society, both for individual families and global population concerns.

Christian views on family planning are explored:

  • Many Christians believe that having children is a blessing from God
  • Different denominations have varying stances on family planning methods
  • The concept of responsible parenthood is emphasized by some Christian traditions

Quote: "Be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28) is often cited in discussions of Christian attitudes towards procreation.

Catholic teachings on family planning are specifically addressed:

  • The Catholic Church opposes artificial contraception
  • Natural family planning methods are accepted
  • The Church emphasizes the unitive and procreative aspects of marriage

Protestant perspectives on family planning are contrasted:

  • Many Protestant denominations accept the use of contraception
  • Family planning is often viewed as part of responsible stewardship

Buddhist attitudes towards family planning are presented:

  • Buddhism generally accepts family planning as a personal choice
  • There are no specific religious rules against contraception
  • The focus is on making wise and compassionate decisions

Highlight: Buddhist ethics emphasize avoiding harm and acting with wisdom, which can apply to family planning decisions.

The text also touches on the topic of infertility and assisted reproduction:

  • Christian views on assisted reproduction vary widely
  • Many Buddhists accept assisted reproduction techniques, focusing on the intention to create life

This page provides valuable content for students studying Buddhist marriage rules and duties of husband and wife in Buddhism as part of their RE GCSE curriculum.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Gender Equality and Roles

This page examines religious perspectives on gender equality and roles within relationships and families, focusing on Christian and Buddhist views.

The text begins by acknowledging the ongoing global discussion about gender equality and changing societal norms.

Christian attitudes towards gender roles are explored:

  • Traditional interpretations have often emphasized distinct roles for men and women
  • Many modern Christians advocate for gender equality based on teachings of human dignity
  • Different denominations have varying stances on women's roles in religious leadership

Example: Some Christian denominations now ordain women as priests or ministers, while others maintain male-only clergy.

The text discusses biblical passages often cited in gender role debates:

  • Creation stories in Genesis
  • New Testament teachings on marriage and family

Buddhist perspectives on gender equality are presented:

  • Buddhism generally teaches that spiritual attainment is possible for all, regardless of gender
  • Historical Buddhist traditions have sometimes limited women's roles
  • Many modern Buddhist communities emphasize gender equality

Highlight: The Buddha is said to have affirmed women's ability to achieve enlightenment, though societal norms often restricted women's opportunities in practice.

The page also addresses contemporary issues related to gender roles:

  • Changing family structures and division of household responsibilities
  • Women's participation in religious leadership and decision-making
  • Efforts to promote gender equality within religious communities

This information is essential for students preparing for questions on gender roles and equality in their AQA GCSE Thematic Studies Relationship Families Revision PDF materials.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


Cohabitation and Marriage

This page explores religious attitudes towards cohabitation (living together before or instead of marriage) and the institution of marriage itself.

The text begins by noting the increasing prevalence of cohabitation in many societies, including the UK.

Christian views on cohabitation are examined:

  • Traditional Christian teaching emphasizes marriage as the proper context for sexual relationships
  • Many churches discourage cohabitation, viewing it as living in sin
  • Some Christian denominations have become more accepting of cohabitation as a step towards marriage

Quote: "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure" (Hebrews 13:4) is often cited in discussions of Christian attitudes towards cohabitation.

The text explores Christian perspectives on marriage:

  • Marriage is generally viewed as a sacred covenant before God
  • Many Christians believe marriage provides the best environment for raising children
  • Different denominations have varying practices and requirements for marriage ceremonies

Buddhist attitudes towards cohabitation and marriage are presented:

  • Buddhism generally does not have strict rules against cohabitation
  • The focus is on the quality of the relationship rather than its legal status
  • Marriage is viewed as a social rather than religious institution in many Buddhist traditions

Highlight: Buddhist marriage rituals vary widely depending on cultural context and local traditions.

The page also discusses some contemporary issues related to cohabitation and marriage:

  • Legal rights and protections for cohabiting couples
  • Changing societal attitudes towards marriage and family structures
  • The debate over the importance of marriage for child-rearing

This information is crucial for students studying modern Buddhist wedding ceremony practices and comparing them with other religious traditions as part of their RE GCSE curriculum.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is


End-of-Life Issues and Funeral Rites

This final page addresses religious perspectives on end-of-life issues and funeral rites, focusing on Christian and Buddhist traditions.

The text begins by acknowledging the sensitivity and importance of end-of-life discussions in various religious and cultural contexts.

Christian attitudes towards death and dying are explored:

  • Belief in an afterlife and resurrection
  • The importance of pastoral care for the dying and their families
  • Varying views on end-of-life medical decisions, such as euthanasia

Christian funeral rites are discussed:

  • The significance of burial or cremation
  • Common elements of Christian funeral services
  • Variations in practices among different denominations

Example: Some Christian traditions include a wake or vigil before the funeral, while others focus on a memorial service after burial or cremation.

Buddhist perspectives on death and dying are presented:

  • The concept of rebirth and the cycle of samsara
  • The importance of mindfulness and peaceful acceptance at the time of death
  • Varying beliefs about the intermediate state between death and rebirth

Buddhist funeral rites are examined:

  • The focus on supporting the deceased's transition and helping the living cope with loss
  • Variations in practices among different Buddhist traditions and cultures
  • The role of monks or nuns in performing funeral rites

Highlight: To describe Buddhist funeral rites, one must consider the diverse practices across different Buddhist cultures and traditions.

The page also touches on some contemporary issues related to end-of-life care and funerals:

  • The debate over assisted dying and euthanasia
  • Environmental concerns and "green" burial options
  • The impact of technology on mourning and remembrance practices

This information provides valuable context for students studying religious attitudes towards death and funeral practices as part of their GCSE RE relationships and families revision.

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AQA GCSE Thematic Studies - Relationship and Families Revision PDF, Questions & Quotes







Relationships and Families in Religious Studies: Key Concepts and Perspectives

This document provides an overview of human sexuality, relationships, and family structures from Christian and Buddhist perspectives, covering topics relevant to AQA GCSE Thematic Studies on Relationships and Families.

Key points:

  • Explores concepts of human sexuality, heterosexuality, and homosexuality
  • Discusses religious views on sex before marriage, adultery, and contraception
  • Compares Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards various relationship issues
  • Examines legal and ethical considerations around sexuality and relationships






Religious Studies


Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Sex Before Marriage and Adultery

This page delves into the topics of premarital sex and adultery, presenting both societal views and religious perspectives.

The text notes that sex before marriage is widely accepted in modern British society, though it acknowledges potential pressures on young people.

Christian views on premarital sex are outlined:

  • Many Christians believe sex should be reserved for marriage
  • Sexual purity before marriage is valued
  • Concerns about casual sex, STIs, and unplanned pregnancies are highlighted

Buddhist perspectives on premarital sex are contrasted:

  • Buddhism generally teaches that sex before marriage is acceptable
  • The focus is on not causing harm through sexual activity
  • Personal and cultural factors may influence individual choices

Quote: "Buddhism teaches that sex before marriage is acceptable, and no less moral than sex after marriage."

The topic of extra-marital sex (adultery) is then addressed:

  • Both religious and non-religious people often view adultery as wrong
  • Adultery's negative impacts on relationships and families are noted

Christian views on adultery are presented:

  • Adultery is seen as a betrayal of trust and wedding vows
  • It threatens family stability and children's security
  • Biblical commandments against adultery are cited

Buddhist perspectives on adultery emphasize:

  • Adultery is considered unskillful due to deceit and potential harm

This page provides valuable content for Theme A: relationships and families AQA revision, offering comparative religious views on key relationship issues.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Christian Attitudes to Contraception

This page focuses on Christian perspectives regarding contraception, highlighting the diversity of views within Christianity.

The text begins by stating that all Christian churches view children as God's greatest gift to married couples. It emphasizes the belief that children should ideally be born within marriage.

Highlight: Christian denominations have varying stances on contraception use.

The Roman Catholic Church's position is outlined:

  • Opposes artificial contraception
  • Believes contraception interferes with God's plan for procreation
  • Supports natural family planning methods

Protestant denominations' views are contrasted:

  • Generally accept the use of contraception within marriage
  • View responsible family planning as part of good stewardship

The Church of England's stance is specifically mentioned:

  • Accepts the use of artificial contraception since 1930
  • Believes family planning can be a part of Christian discipleship

Example: Some Christians argue that contraception use can support responsible parenting and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The page concludes by noting that many Christians make personal decisions about contraception based on their individual circumstances and beliefs.

This information is crucial for students preparing for Relationships and families RE GCSE BBC Bitesize assessments, providing a nuanced understanding of Christian beliefs about sexuality and family planning.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Buddhist Attitudes to Contraception

This page explores Buddhist perspectives on contraception, offering a contrast to the Christian views presented earlier.

The text begins by stating that Buddhism generally has a more accepting attitude towards contraception compared to some other religions.

Key points about Buddhist views on contraception include:

  • No official Buddhist teaching prohibits the use of contraception
  • The decision to use contraception is considered a personal choice
  • Many Buddhists view family planning as responsible and compassionate

Highlight: Buddhist ethics focus on the intention behind actions rather than specific rules about contraception.

The text explains that Buddhist teachings emphasize:

  • Avoiding harm to oneself and others
  • Making wise and compassionate choices

Example: A Buddhist couple might choose to use contraception to ensure they can provide adequately for their existing children.

The page also notes that cultural factors and local traditions may influence individual Buddhists' attitudes towards contraception.

Some Buddhist perspectives on abortion are briefly mentioned:

  • Generally viewed as taking a life, which goes against Buddhist principles
  • However, circumstances are considered, and a compassionate approach is emphasized

This information is valuable for students studying Buddhist marriage rules and ethics as part of their GCSE RE relationships and families revision.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Same-Sex Relationships and Marriage

This page discusses the topic of same-sex relationships and marriage, presenting both societal changes and religious perspectives.

The text begins by noting the increasing acceptance of same-sex relationships in many countries, including legal recognition of same-sex marriages.

Highlight: Same-sex marriage became legal in England and Wales in 2013, and in Scotland in 2014.

Christian views on same-sex relationships are explored:

  • Traditional Christian teaching has viewed homosexual acts as sinful
  • Many churches maintain that marriage should be between a man and a woman
  • Some denominations have become more accepting of same-sex relationships

Example: The Church of England allows clergy to be in same-sex civil partnerships but does not perform same-sex marriages.

Catholic views on same-sex relationships are specifically addressed:

  • The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual orientation is not sinful
  • However, it considers homosexual acts to be morally wrong
  • The Church calls for compassion and respect for LGBTQ+ individuals

Buddhist perspectives on same-sex relationships are presented:

  • Buddhism generally does not condemn same-sex relationships
  • The focus is on the quality of the relationship rather than the gender of the partners
  • Many Buddhist traditions are accepting of same-sex marriages

Quote: "Many Buddhists believe homosexual relationships are not morally different from heterosexual relationships."

This page provides essential information for students preparing for questions on Christian views on same-sex marriage BBC Bitesize and Muslim views on same-sex marriage BBC Bitesize, offering a comparative religious perspective on this contemporary issue.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Divorce and Remarriage

This page examines the topics of divorce and remarriage from various religious perspectives, focusing on Christian and Buddhist views.

The text begins by acknowledging that divorce rates have increased in many countries, including the UK, over recent decades.

Christian attitudes towards divorce are explored:

  • Traditional Christian teaching views marriage as a lifelong commitment
  • Jesus is quoted as speaking against divorce in the Gospels
  • Different Christian denominations have varying approaches to divorce

Example: The Roman Catholic Church does not recognize divorce, but may grant annulments in certain circumstances.

The Church of England's stance on divorce is specifically addressed:

  • Allows divorce in some circumstances
  • Permits remarriage in church, subject to the discretion of the priest

Buddhist perspectives on divorce are presented:

  • Buddhism generally accepts divorce as a reality of life
  • The focus is on minimizing suffering for all involved
  • There are no specific religious rules against divorce or remarriage

Highlight: Buddhist teachings emphasize compassion and understanding in dealing with relationship breakdowns.

The text also discusses attitudes towards remarriage:

  • Many Christian denominations now accept remarriage after divorce
  • Some churches may have specific requirements or waiting periods before remarrying divorcees
  • Buddhism generally accepts remarriage without religious restrictions

This information is crucial for students preparing for questions like "Religious believers should never divorce 12 marker" in their GCSE RE relationships and families revision.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Family Planning and Procreation

This page focuses on religious attitudes towards family planning and procreation, providing insights from Christian and Buddhist perspectives.

The text begins by noting the importance of family planning in modern society, both for individual families and global population concerns.

Christian views on family planning are explored:

  • Many Christians believe that having children is a blessing from God
  • Different denominations have varying stances on family planning methods
  • The concept of responsible parenthood is emphasized by some Christian traditions

Quote: "Be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28) is often cited in discussions of Christian attitudes towards procreation.

Catholic teachings on family planning are specifically addressed:

  • The Catholic Church opposes artificial contraception
  • Natural family planning methods are accepted
  • The Church emphasizes the unitive and procreative aspects of marriage

Protestant perspectives on family planning are contrasted:

  • Many Protestant denominations accept the use of contraception
  • Family planning is often viewed as part of responsible stewardship

Buddhist attitudes towards family planning are presented:

  • Buddhism generally accepts family planning as a personal choice
  • There are no specific religious rules against contraception
  • The focus is on making wise and compassionate decisions

Highlight: Buddhist ethics emphasize avoiding harm and acting with wisdom, which can apply to family planning decisions.

The text also touches on the topic of infertility and assisted reproduction:

  • Christian views on assisted reproduction vary widely
  • Many Buddhists accept assisted reproduction techniques, focusing on the intention to create life

This page provides valuable content for students studying Buddhist marriage rules and duties of husband and wife in Buddhism as part of their RE GCSE curriculum.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Gender Equality and Roles

This page examines religious perspectives on gender equality and roles within relationships and families, focusing on Christian and Buddhist views.

The text begins by acknowledging the ongoing global discussion about gender equality and changing societal norms.

Christian attitudes towards gender roles are explored:

  • Traditional interpretations have often emphasized distinct roles for men and women
  • Many modern Christians advocate for gender equality based on teachings of human dignity
  • Different denominations have varying stances on women's roles in religious leadership

Example: Some Christian denominations now ordain women as priests or ministers, while others maintain male-only clergy.

The text discusses biblical passages often cited in gender role debates:

  • Creation stories in Genesis
  • New Testament teachings on marriage and family

Buddhist perspectives on gender equality are presented:

  • Buddhism generally teaches that spiritual attainment is possible for all, regardless of gender
  • Historical Buddhist traditions have sometimes limited women's roles
  • Many modern Buddhist communities emphasize gender equality

Highlight: The Buddha is said to have affirmed women's ability to achieve enlightenment, though societal norms often restricted women's opportunities in practice.

The page also addresses contemporary issues related to gender roles:

  • Changing family structures and division of household responsibilities
  • Women's participation in religious leadership and decision-making
  • Efforts to promote gender equality within religious communities

This information is essential for students preparing for questions on gender roles and equality in their AQA GCSE Thematic Studies Relationship Families Revision PDF materials.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Cohabitation and Marriage

This page explores religious attitudes towards cohabitation (living together before or instead of marriage) and the institution of marriage itself.

The text begins by noting the increasing prevalence of cohabitation in many societies, including the UK.

Christian views on cohabitation are examined:

  • Traditional Christian teaching emphasizes marriage as the proper context for sexual relationships
  • Many churches discourage cohabitation, viewing it as living in sin
  • Some Christian denominations have become more accepting of cohabitation as a step towards marriage

Quote: "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure" (Hebrews 13:4) is often cited in discussions of Christian attitudes towards cohabitation.

The text explores Christian perspectives on marriage:

  • Marriage is generally viewed as a sacred covenant before God
  • Many Christians believe marriage provides the best environment for raising children
  • Different denominations have varying practices and requirements for marriage ceremonies

Buddhist attitudes towards cohabitation and marriage are presented:

  • Buddhism generally does not have strict rules against cohabitation
  • The focus is on the quality of the relationship rather than its legal status
  • Marriage is viewed as a social rather than religious institution in many Buddhist traditions

Highlight: Buddhist marriage rituals vary widely depending on cultural context and local traditions.

The page also discusses some contemporary issues related to cohabitation and marriage:

  • Legal rights and protections for cohabiting couples
  • Changing societal attitudes towards marriage and family structures
  • The debate over the importance of marriage for child-rearing

This information is crucial for students studying modern Buddhist wedding ceremony practices and comparing them with other religious traditions as part of their RE GCSE curriculum.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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End-of-Life Issues and Funeral Rites

This final page addresses religious perspectives on end-of-life issues and funeral rites, focusing on Christian and Buddhist traditions.

The text begins by acknowledging the sensitivity and importance of end-of-life discussions in various religious and cultural contexts.

Christian attitudes towards death and dying are explored:

  • Belief in an afterlife and resurrection
  • The importance of pastoral care for the dying and their families
  • Varying views on end-of-life medical decisions, such as euthanasia

Christian funeral rites are discussed:

  • The significance of burial or cremation
  • Common elements of Christian funeral services
  • Variations in practices among different denominations

Example: Some Christian traditions include a wake or vigil before the funeral, while others focus on a memorial service after burial or cremation.

Buddhist perspectives on death and dying are presented:

  • The concept of rebirth and the cycle of samsara
  • The importance of mindfulness and peaceful acceptance at the time of death
  • Varying beliefs about the intermediate state between death and rebirth

Buddhist funeral rites are examined:

  • The focus on supporting the deceased's transition and helping the living cope with loss
  • Variations in practices among different Buddhist traditions and cultures
  • The role of monks or nuns in performing funeral rites

Highlight: To describe Buddhist funeral rites, one must consider the diverse practices across different Buddhist cultures and traditions.

The page also touches on some contemporary issues related to end-of-life care and funerals:

  • The debate over assisted dying and euthanasia
  • Environmental concerns and "green" burial options
  • The impact of technology on mourning and remembrance practices

This information provides valuable context for students studying religious attitudes towards death and funeral practices as part of their GCSE RE relationships and families revision.

Human Sexuality:
Refers to the way people express themselves as sexual beings. People can begin to have sexual feelings at puberty. This is

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Human Sexuality and Relationships

This page introduces fundamental concepts related to human sexuality and relationships, providing key definitions and religious perspectives.

Human Sexuality refers to how people express themselves as sexual beings, with sexual feelings typically emerging during puberty. The text explains the biological basis for these feelings and their connection to reproduction.

Definition: Heterosexuality involves relationships between opposite sexes, while homosexuality involves same-sex relationships.

The UK age of consent is discussed, highlighting the legal protections for minors.

Christian attitudes towards sexuality are explored in depth:

  • Christians generally view heterosexual relationships as part of God's plan
  • Many oppose sex outside of marriage and homosexual relationships
  • There are diverse views within Christianity on homosexuality

Highlight: The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual orientation is not sinful, but homosexual acts are considered sinful.

Buddhist perspectives on sexuality are also presented:

  • Buddhism does not favor one form of sexuality over another
  • The key principle is to avoid harming others through sexual activity
  • Many Buddhists view homosexual and heterosexual relationships as morally equivalent

Example: Same-sex marriage is now legal in the UK, reflecting changing societal attitudes, though some religious institutions still do not perform such marriages.

This page provides a comprehensive overview of relationships and families RE GCSE AQA past papers topics, covering essential concepts for GCSE RE relationships and families revision.

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