


summary notes of USA History a level edexcel






USA summary notes:
Civil War and Slavery (context)
Northerners opposed the extension of slavery in new states
Republican party opposed slave


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USA summary notes:
Civil War and Slavery (context)
Northerners opposed the extension of slavery in new states
Republican party opposed slave


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USA summary notes:
Civil War and Slavery (context)
Northerners opposed the extension of slavery in new states
Republican party opposed slave


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USA summary notes: Civil War and Slavery (context) Northerners opposed the extension of slavery in new states Republican party opposed slavery (extension), southerners feared for the future of slavery when Abraham Licoln was elected, promted southern states to to form a new nation (confederate states of america) Licoln was willing to accept the continuation of Slavery, convinced of black inferioirty Emancipation Proclaim: Slaves in confederate states conquered by union forces in the future would be free Radical Republicans, believed slavery was immoral and made a mockery of declaration of independence, Free at Last: 1865-77 Senate passed 13th amendment ending slavery April 1864 Reasons: end of slavery a moral issue, black fought agaisnt confederancy Although 13th amendment freed slaves, still not equal. Free slaves had freedom of movemnt but lacked land and money, illiterate Worked as sharecroppers (slavery) white landowners provide food, land seeed and tools, crop (supposed to divide equally between landowner and sharecropper) Freedmen's Bureau: designed to help freed slaves through the privision of food, clothes, fuel and medical care, also helped white southereners, can be seen as inefficient and corrupt stoped in june 1872. Black codes: Laws passed by southernern states in 1865-6 to control the freed slaves, impossible for black americans to purchase land and obtain an education, vote etc. Radical Reconstruction: 14th amendment- struck down black codes and guaranteed all citizens equality before...

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Alternative transcript:

the law Confirmed that the federal gov could intervene if a state tried to deny citizenship rights to any citizen Banned most of the old confederate elite from holding office. Military Reconstruction Act: 1867 divided southern states into five districts governed by previous union generals to be admitted back into the union state must pass the 13th and 14th Amendments and hold new elections. The 15th amendment: Ulysses S. Grant, the right to vote should not be denied on account of race, colour or previous conditions of servitude, did not guarantee men's right to vote, forbid states from introducing literacy tets for would be voters. The Civil Rights Act 1875: aimed to prevent discrimination in public places like railroads not in school. Civil Rights Cases: Plessy V Ferguson: argued that jim crow allowed segregation and it was against the Civil rights act 1875, court ruled it was not and it was seperate but equal and did not break the 14th amendment, in reality in the south public places were separate but not equal Cumming V Board Of education: Georgia county had continued to fund a white high school but stopped a black one, the county argued that it was better to use the limited funds for black education on primary schools, supreme court approved segregated but unequal schools. Williams Vs Mississippi: Mississippi unconstitutionally excluded black Americans from grand juries. Supreme court ruled that it was not discriminatory for mississippi to have voters to pass literacy test and pass poll taxes Riots: Chicago Riots: around 500.000 black americans moved to chicago, 1910-20 White americans disliked black Americans moving into their areas. 1917-21 58 homemade bombs were thrown at homes of black americans. In 1919 a 15 year old black boy accidently crossed the dividing line on a segregated beach, whites stone boy, protest broke out 15 whites killed,25 blacks killed,500 people injured. Tulsa Race Riot 1912: oklahoma offered cheap land, attracted black and whites, becomes state in 1907, introduced jim crow, by 1910 25 black towns, after WW1 black people who fought in war looking for other jobs (underlying) in 1921 young black male accused of assaulting a young white woman created mobs, riots began, 10,000 black left homeless, 300 died,800 white injured Harlem: New Deal Acts Aim- get america out of economic depression AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration) aim: stop overproduction by giving farmers money, most of money used for machinery to replace black farmers. Affect: 200,000 black Americans evicted. TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) aim: revamp the economy through provision of flood control electricity and employment, black americans got jobs but discriminated against CCC (civilian conservation crops) established in march 1933 create jobs for unemployed males to work, doubled black recruitment 200,000 worked for them - treated badly food scare and poor forced to give up hot meals National Recovery Administration (NRA): to help business and manufacturing excluded agricultural workers Jim crow: