


Life for Jewish and other minorities in Nazi Germany






-many groups prevented to
reproduce eg people with
mental physical health
to keep aryan race pure
-Killing people


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-many groups prevented to
reproduce eg people with
mental physical health
to keep aryan race pure
-Killing people


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Sterilisation -many groups prevented to reproduce eg people with mental physical health to keep aryan race pure F Euthanasia -Killing people with mental physical disabilities 5200 children Secretly killed. Life for Jewish minorities Concentration Camp Many were sent to Concentration camps to be killed eg fews, beggers, homosexuals, prostitutes and gypsies Overview - Nazis believed Germans were the "Master" race 9 -"Untermench" -subhuman viewed as threat eg slav's Jews or gypsies 1-400,000 sterilised 70,000+ murdered impact persecution effected every aspect of life -education travel -marriage a political rights · employment to property 1939 harrassed humiliated daily -Jews must carry id Cards I stamped on passport Kristall nacht was turning Point business homes destroyed ·Synagogues burnt Nazi persecution 1938-SA boycott of Jewish Shops Jewish books burnt Jewish Civil servants, lawyers teachers Sached 1934 Jewish shops marked a had separate seats. 1935 -Nuremburg haw stripped Jews of Civil rights - not Life for jewish x Kristallnacht caused allowed to join army minorities division Hitler Globbels approved whilst Goring 1938 -Jews had to register wealth o propertiz • Himmler didn't -Parced to change names -kristall nacht 1939 -150000 Jews deported -mass arrests & 30.000 Jews sent to camp effectiveness of policies X public reacted badly to SA boycott & harrassment of Jews -Jews stateless by WW2 ✓ Eugenics & anti-semitism taught in schools ✓ 13 Jews fled ✓Censorship meant full extent of persecution ✓ fear of SS Gestapo meant people kept quiet

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