


higher history ireland and britain essay plan issue 1






Issue / Growth of tension before 1914.
• In 180% the
Irish parliament dissolved so Ireland
United Kingdom.


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Issue / Growth of tension before 1914.
• In 180% the
Irish parliament dissolved so Ireland
United Kingdom.


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HEELLLLLLLIL DAM Issue / Growth of tension before 1914. Background • In 180% the 0 Irish parliament dissolved so Ireland United Kingdom. Ireland surrounding Irish became part of Tensions grew in Home Rule. A- 10- Irish cultural K- The GAA set up in 1901 to promote Irish sport. A- Helpea push people to be proud of Ireland political or violent A wasn't K- GL set up to preserve gaelic language + heritage A Made idea of independance more popular A Dublin businessmen had British deals so diant join.. E- Dian't involve Brition in any form. Re-emergence of Irish. republicanism. A- 1 K- Sinn Fein was biggest republican party. Wasn't afraid to use force + violence.. Dian't support home rule, nationalists didn't like IRB founded by Thomas Clarke rebellion Support from other countries, helped group stability A Planned boycotts so britain won & compramise E- Too many opinions within groups to agree. A- 1 revival L Economic Religous features in North. 1- North Industrial work - South services. A. Great divide in wages and economic stability. A No law keeping North away from service jobs 10- North were protestants, Unionists, South catholic, republicon_ A. Divide in political view " north had opt out. NA E- Brought tension Ireland as made two parts of arastically different Jonn Reamond and Nationalist Party K Jonn Reamona supported the Home Rule Bill A- One step closer independ ance not what republicans A- Britain most likely not give home rule ^ wanted. wanted to find balance K INP A Reamond failed to find this...

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Alternative transcript:

blanance, angered many. A. Was too ambigous with no €. Party wasn strong or organised enough for plans to happen. timeline. Responses of Unionists and Nationalists to Home Rute Bill. 1 K Anti home vale campaign led by Sir Edward Carson, 600.000 signed. A-lea to John Redmond needing to find balance of HRB - British status. A - Home Rule was given as thanks to war efforts. Soco died at samme. K- IVF Set up 1913 with 1500 rifles A- Haa weapons to fight defend A Police took all weapons, not strong compared T E. Group wasn't big enough to E- Y bigger threat. make impact paice. E Hull