


Henry VII - Economy






Henry VII - economy revisioni
3190 becode
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Si Increased annual income from €12,000 to
€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni
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€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni
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€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni
3190 becode
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Si Increased annual income from €12,000 to
€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni
3190 becode
Successes to buy mo013 000.00µ you
Si Increased annual income from €12,000 to
€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni
3190 becode
Successes to buy mo013 000.00µ you
Si Increased annual income from €12,000 to
€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni
3190 becode
Successes to buy mo013 000.00µ you
Si Increased annual income from €12,000 to
€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni
3190 becode
Successes to buy mo013 000.00µ you
Si Increased annual income from €12,000 to
€ 40,000 Crown lanas


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Henry VII - economy revisioni 3190 becode Successes to buy mo013 000.00µ you Si Increased annual income from €12,000 to € 40,000 Crown lanas + Custom revenues. Treaty of Etsipies 742,000 crown payable at 50,000 a year: 5? of annual income. SoHenry was actively involved in Crown finance. 1084149053 Henry had an income of €100,000. Henry believed to have a total of € 1.8 million on his death in 0809201990ad 0110 - 1989 - Treaty of Medina Delcampo. - Custom revenue increase from €34,000 to €38,000 per annum (2031) Successes to Henry managed to raise Over €400,000 from extra-orainary atasa that Henry left jelvers + plate with a vaïve of €300,000+ €10,000 in cash. od situ Whing There was improved profitability in sheep 20 farming, increase in demand for wool. Cloth trage accounted for 90% of England exports. C10th exports increased by 60%. to Mining & Coal were growing industries. Food prices remained stable in the reign. Navigation Acts 1485, 1489 - English trage transported in English ships. TP Patronage given to loyal supporter. eg. Jaspet Tudor became Duke of Bedford. Failures Failures ยากรณ์ Cained a reputation for being a miser king. €400,000 from extra-orainary faxation. 00helped provoke rebellion in 1487/1497 Trade embargo with Burgundy + Holy Roman Empire, 1493. 36 of 62 nobel families had bonos ad bonos pont aimposed upon them. CDN HASHE Qot Henry's income (113,000) moch less than King of France (800,000) + Holy Roman Emperor (er.1 million). f Henry...

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Alternative transcript:

spent large amount on decourating. decour his court tapestripe + gold m 1 Henry lent €138,000 to Philip of Burgundy (1505) mo7+ €226,000+ €342,000 to Emperor Maximillion between Isas-1509 Neither repaid.ta 40 9 4 Empson + Dudley : tax collectors that were hated + pearederical tox to papacy. pay 999 Strill bad to Locatherine of Aragon's dowry that was Torby not fully repaid after the death of Prince Arthunar they 29 Partrament dian't always give him Inpisi revenue requested. S welloneg. Only got €45,000 instead of € 90,000 in 1491907 900 atrogas: inprozne spopupts- Motoba 30 90 TOUT TRUept Henry VII - economy revision s h Henry financial aims. 1. Increase his own personal revenue. 2. Increase the efficiency of existing forms of revenue. 101 3. Reduce his dependence upon Parliament 4. Financial policy to keep the nobles in Check. 5. Increase the gap between him and the • nobles. cheu 99944 20 #21 701 Types of financial revenues span1)<= pingpi mon Extraordinary revenue. • Parliamentary grant. loans/benevolence 1 tony Ordinary revenue Crown lands. customs Duties o Feudal Dues.. al Clerical taxes 1 • bonas / recognisances. 2nd Busines Minser Fiscal - economically /mometary. Detriment - advantage. A horder of wealth. cię Traditionalist argument. Henry was a skilful + prudent Statement who operated piscal discipline and passed significant legistation. He chose ministers wisley. S.B.Chrimes. Revisionlist argument. Henry's fiscal success was overated, he was a miser to England's own detriment. pag my C. Carpenter. 1 to proning 943 52v-ral. I Traditionalist Revision ist 30 $1491- Henry invaded -S1) France - signed Treaty of Estaples which Henry gained e149,000. Changed his 19 signature from time to time to 400 avoid fraud, you Avoided wars that would drain. 2000 his treasury. Often portrayed as a miser. P cunning 42 secretive - kept a list of peope who were trustworthy or not. Collection of forced. loans 4 confiscated Yorkist Landou Achieve his. financial 6 tysmunque venings sind 3 6 pregna 7090334 +1942 REDIN Page - 0190000 shangr Overseas Trade egunean to Trade was significant in the development of the economy but not plannean, 19:00 Lo Henry built a new merchant fleet to rivial the rest of Europe. Da kuza+10 • Navigation Act (1485-86) promoted use of ships. Henry Supported the Merchant Adventure + tried to break the monopoly of the Hanseatic League + mis sinto Every Treaty signed, Henry inserted a trade clause to increase his revenue, Qua Stlenry believed wealth from trage would help secure his dynasty go gray sis woollen Cloth made up 90% of exports. Cloth export increased by 60% 18 a English cloth was exported to the continent, mainly from London to Antwerp. trasmissipa Cubot DRY • Henry vill - economy revision asis by popul: Cloth Trade 1 . J - Yorkshire, East Anglia + the west country. mage the most Clotha OOST 471487- Henry barned the export of LITH Urfinished Cloth and wool in order to encourage it finishing process in England. •Development of Industry asis There was tin mining in cornwall + lead was mined in the pennines amb no Scoal was mined in Durnam +ST SANCT Northumberland + It was shipped from Newcastle to London to meet demand. is industry in England remained quite small. in How gid •Main Trading Agreements. 41486- Henry negotiated a treaty with France that removed France England trage but only worked from 1497. 41489-Medina Del Campo, Spain + England agreed very favourable important dutie Ct 1490, treaty signed providing wool to be Imported into Pisa. 1490, Henry restricted the sale of wool to the venetians until shortly after venice lifited. Import duties on English goods. 1 pang to 1489, a treaty was signed with Denmark that gave English fishermen the right to fish in Icelandic water. the DSD Dy Role of the Low Countries will gigt to low countries were Flanger, Belgium, Burgundy. + Netherlands. quiserm on Burgundy was England enemy, yet trate with the low countries was crucial to Englana. Commercial development. plan S 4 in Burgundy hosted Warbeck, 1493 Henry. called a trade embargo through Burgunay. Trade with the low countrie improved when Margaret of Burgunay died. Exploration nah902 Toprajogut • Henry patronized adventures John't for Sebastian Cabot who claimed lands in North America for Englana auri play John Cabot located Newpoundland + reported extensive fishing ground. Exploration did not continue under Henry unwing tops apr TOINE hod-Henry Vil - economy revisionez away pami •The significance of Agriculture speses russ 1 • 90% & people lived off the land, England. was an agricultural country. muodo Main form of farming was arable - farming (crops) but pastoral farming Stan (raising animais) was becoming popular. • Engrossment and Enclosures 01 To Enclosure was the fencing heaging of Land for private use that had previously. • been common landsins yrúcang or Engrossment was when several farms were joined together to make one profitable. As its worst, enclosure porced tenant farmers. Off their land + remove land for peasans, which caused entire villages to disappear. Coin reality only 3 = of land was enclosed. •Nature of subsistence Farming Most farming was subsistence farm arming when farmers grew food crops to meet the need of themeselves + their families with little surplus. •Henry VII's Great Re-Coinage Henry created new coins like the `Sovereign' + the `shilling. Co Henry introduced the portrait of the king on the reverse side of the coin. The Nature of Cottage industries. People worked in their cottage + all of the family were involved. •The Hanseatic Leauge This was a collection of German merchant who had special trading privileges in Germany, Russia, Scandinavia. Up They had monopolies for the purchase + carriage of certain goods like wool, cloth, tin, coal Henry's Navigation Act upset the Hanseation League but he was never able to break them up.. Henry VII tried to break their monopoly Of trade as the Hanseatic League were the primary carriers of English goods abroad + Wir were responsible for the decline of English. merchant shipping Carlos jo juiz inos & pall enne wez avos fonus quae quer party me PECULUI DE VERŽLI SOISINDA IRONANOS SPASIT me crus paimnie DOMS- ved in 2002 Vapp010): 851-196-19 813 47THE 311 RENED WJECT 109 110 115 Sad Song EDI MINGH G spores e ai mosdoeke Aus cum HD