


America: Opportunity & inequality mindmaps






American people & the 'boom' More jobs
Inner City Development
Hire Purchase
Henry Ford
America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
Inner City Development
Hire Purchase
Henry Ford
America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
Inner City Development
Hire Purchase
Henry Ford
America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
Inner City Development
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Henry Ford
America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
Inner City Development
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Henry Ford
America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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Henry Ford
America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
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American people & the 'boom' More jobs
Inner City Development
Hire Purchase
Henry Ford
America, 1920-73


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American people & the 'boom' More jobs Inner City Development Hire Purchase Henry Ford "Assembly Line" America, 1920-73 ↑ Employment 5 Demand for ✓ goods. Mass I production No imports ↑ Natural nequined resources 7 The boom Advertising: Radio, Newspapers surge of ↑ sales Confidence 4 Investments Economic 7 Stock Markets ↓ Massive prohts leader of the wond Reached an "all time high" 1929: >20m invested Corruption withir polis Neglect of ↑ Damage to families was caused by alcone responsibility 2 Violence Volstead Act 1 not cope with the Too few & Police could prohibition agents 18th Abuse. America, 1920-73 Temperance Alcohol could not be sold!. consumed "Armendment amount of speakeares (6 Religion regarded alcohol as ind " Prohibition period 1 ' curse of God, "almighty Too difficult to enforce Bootleggers and schugglers ↑ Lasted 13 years 1933: Prohibition ended movement 7 Factory awners supported as they ↓ Alcohol didn't cause all antsolid issues. saw alcohol to be affecting over profit margin Many made their own Imounshine' ↓ → Many broke There were lots of objections. Unpatriotic to have a drink during wwl (links with German beer) Speakeasies: Sold alcohol The new law. Gang related crime and murder rates increased RKK were very nowent: destrowing property, murder- and rape. Began a Wave of terror t America, 1920-73 intimidation. KKK ensured that AA's felt Threatened; AA's were theated poony. Ku Klux Klan ✓ and Jim Crow Laws. Į ККК was formed in 1865. ✓ Didn't accept AA's as their Segregation remained part of ute up until the 60s. equals. Many African Americans were banned from: ↳ voting L> owning property ↳ using familier (segregation) AA's were treat as 2nd class Citizens. They had to use seperate and pouner facilities. 6,000 'red suspects' arrested. [ America, 1920-73 Rounded up Suspicious (unamencan' indviduals. Palmer ✓ Some evidence was made up. (Mitchell 7 Raids Palmer) Many Americans 7 Russia became the Red Scare 1st communist country. a felt that the radical immigrants in ideas wavid spread in the US. catholics 7 Many used the fear of communism to attack others. America were 2 Jews nated and attacked. is poies į Germans Over 60 identified them as The Killers Over 100 gave an America, 1920-73 7 Trial took place during the height of the ✓ aliby for them e Much of the evidence was flimsy and Many claimed racism...

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Alternative transcript:

+ discnmmation in the outcome of the trial. Recl scane. 1 inaccurate Sacco and Vanzetti + Judge described as "mintelligent" and "full of prejudice." Worldwide media attention. Accussed of robbing payroll of a shoe factory. + murder of the Owner and ↓ Both were self-confessed anarchists. ↓ Wanted to destroy the Amencan system of givemment armed grard. Jury anly took I day (of the 45) to return a guilty verdict on all charges. 2 Sentenced to death by electric chair. Links with Red Scane Rural areas for women didn't change as it was more difficult office Work 1 Economic boom in 1920s gave women more leisure time and take an avenue of ↓ Light redustry employment. Some women outraged and embardased Within Bible Belt household whist husband working states. America, 1920-73 Expected to be polite and not wear makers. Nomen were expected to fufill traditional roles. ✓ Women had proved they could work the same roles as men Many changes were confined to Flappers during www. more northem states. Attendance tv jazz clubs. 7 Housewives Call for return Ankle length Musil encouraged Divorce rate to traditional values Women were dresses were expected to be wom change for women socially. increased. still ottenly Women who worked were low-paid. Paidless. Abandoned traditional A Higheter at valves ↓ Weaning makeup į Began smoking and drinking. Shorter cking Prejudice, lack of impartiality Voting sessments, America, 1920-73 Pour. Poorly paid education Jim Crow Laws Discrimination Share acopers KKK Lynching American people & the 'bust' Hoover $2bh loans America, 1920-73 K foreigin food Increased tax on 2 Hawley - Smoot Increase in Tarrit Act 2 Retaliation homelessness Long term effects brought to America Met with businesses to my and not commit wage cuts. Average wages ↓ 60%. Cur production fell 2 by 80%. X Factories Reconstruction created jobs Finance Coperation ACA Vo forced to Lassiez-faire attitude make rechindanis + lower wages. 'Hoovervilles' scattered across Amenica. Cut taxes by $130m. Farm income was oteamatel. 20 Kansas. chemployment! Colarado, hit lyn. Arkansaus Many blamed 7 Hoover for their misfortune. Wall Street Crash of 1929 The Depression Many penced and 2 Unable to 1929654 banks talled. 711352 by 1430. werfarming pay anam acara amny withdrew their savings. Many unwilling to spend money. Affected the economy. LS t The Dust Bowl → Poor weather ✓ Years of Infertile dust Thousands of Migrated to California. tamers bankrupt. No reckless Help the suffering. investments Inspected banks ↑ Emergency Banking Act Supported with 2 govemment loany Economic America, 1920-73 Get American ^ Relief, Recovery & Refor ✓ change. AAA Paid farmers to produce less. Industry back in its feet. Increased fam prices. The New Deal Landsh de Election victory; 3Rs. K Alphabet Gave many 1 Agencies Amencans optimism and habe. У "The Brains Trust" formed (experts). CCC Employed 2m men. worked on conversation projects. NRA Set fair wages and improved working conditions. пра Create jobs for builders, 7 teachers etc. 2nd New Deal Wagner Act Protected nights it employees. Social Security Act. Pensions & benefits for vulnerable people > for jobs that men typically did. Women filled in ✓ Disposable income ↳ However, still paid less. AA Women (Nurses)< could only treat black soldiers. оссирна America, 1920-73 1/3 of all jobs. ✓ Segregated AA Women were 7 Impact of WW2 2 Many African Amencan Amenia's economy boosted T Lend Lease paid less than thei white counterparts. Solders were discriminated agamst. I couldn't frain as othcers/pilots ✓ They could by the end of The war. Britain given $7bn worth of weapons. r Programme Bulding tanks, Unemployment Tractional vates tell as America began reaming. industries boosted planes, battleships econemy due to demand. Post-war in America Destroyed people's reputations led to people < being blacklisted Joseph McCarthy Never uncovered any real evidence. America, 1920-73 claimed he Lost popularity when accusing ~40 any officers with no endence. had a list of 205 communists > 'witch-hunts' In 1949, the USSR tested their McCarthyism 6 1949: China became communist. first nuclear weapon. 1945: Communism spread across Eastern Europe. Contamment polices wee as a deterrent to prevent communism reaching America. 50 s Assasinated: led to LBJ passing his bill. Montgomery Bus Boycott ✓ Buses desegregated in Montg. x Only impactful in Montgomery Civil Rights JFK America, 1920-73 Bus. B ✓ Schools should be desegregated. X No actual deadline given. Civil Rights ✓ Planned to make all discumination Illegal. LBJ Sit Ins ✓ Desegregating of restaurants, liyanes etc. ted by the SNCC. Voting Rights Act. Freedom 60s Birmingham media highlighted The violence AA's faced: hosepiped dos attacks. Riders Civil Rights Rode on buses Washington meant to be Act segregated; mixed. "I have a dream" Pressured government to pass bill. Very vident. speech.